Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 145: Ugh, we ran into each other too soon…

Ch 145: Ugh, we ran into each other too soon…

*Omniscient POV*

"Representative! There is something very important for you to hear...!"

A man ran up to the representative of the second-in-command and, in doing so, quickly narrated what had happened. No one knows exactly what he said to him, but the representative showed an incredibly irritated expression with deep hatred.

"Who would be so cruel and merciless to break Leandro's limbs! Do you know who did it? Did he say anything?!"

The man shook his head and said, "No... He just spoke gibberish, like he would give up magic steroids or that he would no longer leave his mother's house... Gibberish."

"I see, I understand." The representative nodded.

It's unthinkable that Leandro, being an extremely strong and muscular man, would say that he used magic steroids or that he would go back to living with his mother. Therefore, it must be just the incoherencies due to the shock of seeing his limbs in strange positions.

Yep, that must be it.

"For now, don't say anything about what happened and transfer him to the nearest priest to treat his wounds. Currently, we don't have enough time to find the culprit..." The representative sighed and then said, "Besides, it doesn't take a genius to understand that the criminal must be rotten to the core. No one in their right mind could do SOMETHING LIKE THAT!"

Because it is so early in the morning, there are no people around him. Because of that, the representative wanted to let off steam by shouting in the last part of his words. Only then can he release some injustice!

It cost too much money to hire Leandro, after all. His wallet hurts from the loss!

"A- A- Achu!!!" A young man sneezed noisily.

Representative: "!!!!"

'- Was anyone around? How much of our conversation did he overhear?'

If it gets out that they suffered an attack right under their noses, the Golden Lion Guild will lose a lot of face! That's why they should shut up the possible informant and take this information to the grave.

Both the man and the representative put their hands on their weapons and approached where the sneeze came from. When they did so, they were both surprised.

On the spot stood a young man with a blanket covering his body. Under his eyes were deep, dark circles, as if he had been awake all night. And his skin looked noticeably white, hinting that the blanket had not been enough to protect him from the cold.

They both looked at each other and then sighed. Taking their hands off their weapons, they approached the young man.

"What are you doing here, young man? The nights are too cold in this place. You should have taken shelter in a warm place and not just covered yourself with a blanket."

Hearing the representative's words, the young man raised his head and looked at him.

Representative: "!!!!"

'- Those eyes... Despite being in this state, his eyes show great determination! What made his will not waver despite the odds?'

Both men waited patiently for the young man's words. And, upon hearing them, they were surprised.

"I want to participate in the guild war. If any of the participants back out due to fear, I want to be the first to take their place!" said the young man in a determined manner.

As he spoke, part of his blanket fell off, exposing his face.

'- This young man... I remember that he was one of the people who came to ask for a position in the war. I never thought that among those leeches there would appear a diamond in the rough, ready and willing to be polished...'

The representative closed his eyes for a second and then opened them again, but with a big smile on his face.

"You're in luck, young man."

"What do you mean?" said the young man, with a big question mark above his head.

"I'm saying go, get ready. From today, you are part of the guild war!"

Young man: "!!!!"

Seeing the surprised look on the young man's face, the representative smiled. In his mind, that young man will be someone very important in the Golden Lion guild soon.


'It was too easy.'

After the representative accepted me, he verified my class with a magic item and added me to the list. To add more realism to this identity of the Emir that you can find anywhere, I modified my status, resulting in [Emir] [Swordsman Lvl 1].

I will never use such a class since I already have its upgraded version. So, after I was added to the list, I returned my status to normal.

In the following hours, breakfast was held. Dozens of people sat in the makeshift dining room and ate breakfast while sharing with those who would be their companions in the coming war.

So as not to draw attention to myself, I did the same. But the group that sat at my table was one filled with young people, with smiles and expressions that clearly reflected their ambitions for greatness. While eating, they talked about their dreams and the merits they wanted to obtain after the war between guilds.

Talking to them gave me chills. These guys have a lot of death banners.

"Emir, Swordsman Level 1!"


Since the guild, along with the extra personnel, is not a proper army, there was no need for formations. So, taking attendance was as casual as raising your hand, just to corroborate the members' class.

Or at least... it seemed so.

"Level 1 swordsman at such a young age? But that young man must only be between 20 and 23 years old!"

"Haa, at his age, I was still a level 16 Warrior" Someone shook his head.

"It must be a genius. The Swordsman class requires a person to train with the sword from a young age. Even though it is a relatively common class, very few can achieve it at such a young age!"

Such comments were heard after corroborating my identity. If such reactions occurred only because of the Swordsman class, I don't even want to think about the chaos that would occur if I said that [Sword King] was my real class. Besides...

'I'm 15 years old, damn it! Don't make me feel older!!!'

Even though dozens of people in a battle class looked at me, I kept walking calmly without any expression on my face.

'I'm here with a clear objective. I can't have any feelings for them.'

I was about to walk completely away from that group when... I felt a gaze dig deep into my back.

As I turn around, I see an extremely ordinary man looking at me from a distance.

[Fabio] [Knight Lvl 31]

[Guild: Golden Lion]

The second after our gazes met...


'At last, my suspicions were true! I knew that this guy somehow recognized my identity as the Golden Archer! But... Ugh, we ran into each other too soon.'

Even with a smile on his face, he slightly waved his hand, and then one of his assistants approached.

"Emir, was it?"

"That's right, guild master."

"Good. Good. This is going to be a great day!"

Once this is all over, I'll be sure to learn how to read lips.

Because I didn't understand a damn thing he or his assistant said!


About an hour has passed.

Quickly, the carriages full of cargo were emptied by the adventurers except for a few goods, most likely due to the adventurers' Inventory being filled to the max.

It is to be expected that the rest of them will be gathered into a single carriage to be taken directly through.

I was looking at this when the supply manager called me.

"Emir, you will be in charge of carrying four of these crates. Be very careful, as each one holds extremely valuable potions. If you drop one, you will have to pay for everything!"

Emir: "..."

A casual glance was enough to see the deteriorated state of each of those boxes. They'll practically break to pieces once I take them into my arms!

'Couldn't you be more direct? Why don't you just ask me to throw them on the ground and pay for them? Why all this beating around the bush? Besides... how do you know my name?! Ahh…. The same supply manager who kindly advised me to talk to the division captain about being part of the extra personnel in the war completely changed his attitude towards me. But, now that I remember, he wasn't really that nice… That's why I shouldn't have any feelings for them. Because, just like him, they'll all turn their backs on me with just one order from Fabio!'

"All right! Don't worry!"

Raising my chest high and beating it hard with my hand, I implied that I'm willing to face the wind and rain if it's for the sake of the Golden Lion guild. So, with all that determination, I bravely raised my hand and very proudly flashed the ring on my finger and...

I put the boxes away in my storage ring.

"Ready! Anything else?"

Supply manager: "..."

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