Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 337: Adultery And Intelligence

Chapter 337: Adultery And Intelligence

The night was dark and it rained. The rain wasn't heavy, and the fine hairs of rain gently visited Sur City, giving the pedestrians a layer of water vapor. Belmond found an adventurer cloak and put it on his body. He pushed open the door of the bar with the rain powder.

The wind bell on the door was blown by the night wind and a pleasant bell rang. Hearing the bell ring, Old Rock raised his head and said from afar, "Good evening. Welcome."

Belmond nodded and sat down in a remote corner, hiding himself in the shadows of the light.

Old Rock was in a good mood. Recently, the bar's business had been good. The people of Sur City benefited greatly from the new City Lord's series of decisions. Especially the recent renovation project, many men have made some small money. If they had some money in their hands, they would come to the bar to spend it, so the endless stream of copper and silver coins flowed into Old Roark's pocket.

But when he saw all kinds of adventurers in the bar, Old Roark's heart sank.

There are a lot of these guys.

They sat in twos and threes in every corner, leaving the tables and chairs in the middle empty, creating a heavy pressure. Almost all the guests in the city turned around and left when they wanted to come in to spend money. Adventurers meant trouble. No one wanted to cause trouble, but such a fellow was increasing day by day. Old Roarke was even wondering if he needed to talk to Matto.

Sur City wasn't a big place, so it would always be unsettling for so many strangers to suddenly appear. Old Rock was no exception. He only wanted to earn a little money peacefully, and he didn't want these strangers to smash his bar into pieces if they didn't agree.

Old Rock occasionally heard of such an example.

"What are these guys doing here?" Old Rock whispered.

This question was also a puzzle for Belmond. However, this man was much calmer than Old Rock. He ordered a bottle of wine and two plates of local snacks as if he had nothing else to do. He drank alone aimlessly.

Drinking his wine, Belmond secretly observed the adventurers. Most of them were male, and most of them were warriors with their own characteristics. Most of these people used sabers and sword axes as their main weapons, while others were carrying fire/spears. However, it was not a gunpowder rifle used by the city guards, but a long-barreled revolver decorated with patterns. In this era, automatic pistols had yet to appear, and the style of firearms was still relatively simple.

For adventurers, such weapons weren't as practical as swords and blades, so for them, decoration was more important than practicality.

Among these people, there were some deep fellows. They stood tall and covered half of their faces with brims, and Belmore knew they were magicians. According to the world's classification of them, magicians' abilities were mostly reflected in the light, fire, electricity, and wind. According to this classification, Alan could actually be classified into the category of magicians.

The guy who played with fire. Belmond smiled. His lowered eyes were suddenly filled with a pair of thighs that were wrapped in black stockings. He raised his head, and a woman pulled out her chair with a hint of drunkenness, her hands resting on the table, so that Belmore could clearly see the deep ravine beneath her thin breastplate. It was clearly a female knight, protected by a light armor stomach on her chest, shoulders and waist. Her long years of exercise made her beautiful, but her skin was rough, especially with a shallow scar on her cheek.

The knight's linen hair was tied into a ponytail, and a smile appeared on her pretty face. "Hi, handsome man. Would you like to buy me a drink?"

Without waiting for Belmond to agree, she sat down on a chair, took the wine bottle and directly handed it to her mouth without a glass. After taking a big sip, she wiped her mouth and said, "Look at Yan Sheng, where did you come from?"

Belmond shrugged and smiled, "Wherever you come from, I come from. Aren't we all from that place?"

"Impossible." The knight belched and spat a mouthful of alcohol on Belmond's face. She shook her head and said, "There are no handsome guys in Storm City that I don't know, especially at your level."

"I just passed by Storm City and heard about it. That's why I stopped by to see if I could make a fortune," Belmond said calmly.

Knight Kira laughed and said, "You're alone? That's impossible. It's hard for a lone wolf to do this. Otherwise, how about you join us? When it's done, the bounty will be split."

"Thank you for inviting me, but I'm confident in myself. No matter what kind of task it is, I'm used to dealing with it alone."

Kira's eyes became even more drunk and she said, "Is that so? Then I have another invitation. Will you accept it?"

"That depends on the nature of the invitation." Belmond's lips curled into a smile.

"This is just a private invitation. Come on, I've booked a room on it."

Kira boldly pulled Belmond up, and Belmond was not surprised by her openness. People like this who dealt with Reaper every day would not have too much so-called restraint. They were more accustomed to playing tricks and having fun in a timely manner. After all, no one knew if they would survive tomorrow.

As the knight pulled Belmore up the stairs of the tavern, a man around a table whistled at her, presumably Kira's companion. She gave these people a rough middle finger, which drew a burst of laughter from her companions. Belmond noticed that not only did one of them not laugh, but his gaze was not on Kira. Instead, he looked at the door as if he was waiting for something.

There were rooms on top of the tavern, but this was not a hotel. It was just to make it easier for drunk guests to sleep, and to make it easier for temporary men and women like Kira and Belmond to have fun.

As soon as she entered the room, Qila untied her armor and stomach

Qila's eyes lit up. After another fierce battle, the woman finally had no strength left. '"Do you know why I came for you? Besides you're handsome, it's because I don't like Ollie. He's a thief. If it weren't for the fact that he's in the City Lord's Mansion, I wouldn't have had to work with him." She said as she pillowed on Belmond's arm.

"But I have a new plan. It's safer. Well, consider joining us and I'll kick Ollie out."

Belmond nodded and said, "I'll think about it."

The next day, in the City Lord's Mansion. Edward raised his head and asked in surprise, "In other words, these fellows are from Storm City for something in the City Lord's Mansion?"

"As far as I know, that's the case. But it's strange what attracts so many adventurers' attention," said Belmond.

"I'm even more curious about who issued the bounty. Since they're from Storm City, I'm afraid they have something to do with Sir Mord." Edward muttered.

"Anyway, I've brought the information. Nothing, I want to go back to sleep."

Edward looked at him and said, "Looks like you had a hard time getting this information last night."

"Indeed." Belmond smiled.

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, Belmore returned to the mansion and fell asleep. It was not until noon that Lucy got up with her head held in her hands and came to the hall, where Lucy put together several tables to form a workbench. The stage was filled with tools. Some of them were brought from Earth, while others, who could not be named, were painted by the blacksmiths in the city. These tools were ordinary and exquisite, and Lucy used them to play with a box that looked very ordinary.

She had studied the box for many days and even drew some pictures. Of course, Belmond could not see what the graffiti and Adahua Planet's words were saying.

On the other side of the hall, Vera was drawing. Belmond walked over with nothing to do. Normally, when he didn't have a mission, he liked to explore the surface of the earth. Especially the ruins of the deserted cities in the past. Occasionally, they would find some good paintings. Over time, the assassin also had a certain appreciation of paintings. He looked at the drawing board in Vera's hand. On the drawing paper was an ordinary sketch.

The white drawing paper and the black brush strokes formed an exceptionally clear contrast, so it was only a simple stroke, but it was filled with rich texture, carving a ghostly man into a lifelike figure. The man seemed to be crawling out of a workshop with a pile of parts under his feet. The parts looked familiar, and Belmond frowned. Suddenly, the image of the Crosses textile machine flashed in his mind.

He yelled and looked at the man carefully. He seemed to have seen him somewhere before. Lightning seemed to flash through his mind. Belmore remembered last night in the tavern, when he and Kira passed by her companions, there was a man who kept looking at the door.

That man's appearance was currently appearing under Vera's brush!

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