Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 607 Return and Counsel

Chapter 607 Return and Counsel




A portal, similar to the one that whisked away Alex earlier, re-materialized itself inside Teacher Kuro’s room. From this portal, Alex, Queen Mother, and Professor Frances all came out, with their bodies brimming with tension and wariness.

Such reaction was not surprising to Teacher Kuro, who just stared at the newcomers with a smile.

"So, how was your 30-minute rest? Were you able to calm down?" Teacher Kuro teased to the trio. "You look like you’re running for your life earlier. Tsk, if I just had a camera, I would have taken a photo of your scared faces..."

"Ugh, like teacher, like student. Why the heck did I even agree to meet with this fairy?" Alex complained inwardly as he ignored Teacher Kuro. Instead, he just stared at his two companions, both who looked like they wanted to pounce on Teacher Kuro.

"Professor Frances and Queen Mother, I cannot detect the presence of the killer in this place. That means that it must have moved away already. As to where, I am not really sure..." Alex said. "But even if we don’t know where it went, at least we know that we’re already safe."

"So can we go back to our base now?"

"Yes we can. As we’re speaking, I already sent a message towards Alina. Any moment now, we will be brought back to our base." Alex replied to the professor.

"Oh thank goodness. I can’t take any more of this tension!"

"You can say that again." Alex replied. He then frowned as he stared at the floor of the room. "Speaking of tension, where are the corpses of the Crimson God and Grandmaster? Shouldn’t they still be here? And the blood! Why was it gone too!"

"Hah? Of course I cleaned up the room. Do you really expect me to store corpses here?" As if affronted by Alex’s question, Teacher Kuro’s tone changed into a higher pitch as she answered him. "Oh, and do you think that I will just let those blood stain my room? Hmph, of course I wouldn’t want that dirt!"

"Wait, so you cleaned up them already?" Alex of course knew that what Teacher Kuro did was right, but something did not sit right with what she did. "And here I thought you’re interested no preserving the evidences..."

"Evidence my ass! Those corpses and blood just made my room dirtier, so of course I will clean them up. Do you have any complaints about that?" Teacher Kuro may have said these words in a suspicious manner, but the tone of her voice leaves no way for Alex to disagree with her.

"Um... I have no complaints." Alex muttered as he realized that probing more clues from Teacher Kuro will be futile now. "Just make sure that the corpses will be safe for the following days. You can do that much, right?"

"Tsk, of course I can do that. Do you think I am incompetent?"

"Um, I did not really say that you’re incompetent, Teacher Kur-"

"In that case, go out from my room already! Shoo shoo!"

"Ugh, what a horrid woman."

With Teacher Kuro making it obvious that she won’t entertain them for any longer, Alex and his allies did not extend their stay anymore.


Once the power of Alina’s Esper Ability had grabbed them, Alex, Queen Mother, and Professor Frances did not resist it. They allowed Alina’s power to bring them away, which instantly emptied Teacher Kuro’s room.


With this, only Teacher Kuro was left inside her own room, one which still sparked clean from her own magic.

"Hoo... that was a close call. Good thing I was able to cleanse and preserve the two corpses before Alex arrived. If they saw me doing it in real-time, I doubt that they will be happy with me..." Teacher Kuro loudly mumbled to herself. She could have thought of these words to herself but since there’s no one else inside the room, the black fairy found no worries to speak out loud.

""Oh, but I don’t think that that professor Frances will be unhappy with what I did. Maybe she will even become excited..." Teacher Kuro added as she licked her lips. Her eyes then glowed eeriely, with swathes of firefly-like particles emitted from them.

Such look made Teacher Kuro appear ethereal and mysterious, although this look only lasted for a second, as she began shaking her head with worry dominating her face.

"Wait, I should not be thinking about this now. There’s still that issue about the killer, and it seemed like it’s targeting a new Returner. Should I monitor it closely?" Teacher Kuro thought once she stopped shaking her head. "After all, it has already killed two Returners. Any more killings might be bad for the Traveler’s World...."

The steely look on Teacher Kuro’s eyes made it appear as if she was serious on what she’s thinking, but that seriousness was quickly contradicted by her next words.

"But hey, with the deaths of Crimson God and Grandmaster, the chain of events in the Traveler’s World will escalate. Maybe, just maybe, one more death will make things even more interesting..." After uttering this line, Teacher Kuro began to salivate, with lines of her drool pouring out her mouth like a waterfall. All these drool fell to the floor like rain, immediately drenching the already dry area below Teacher Kuro.

"Yes... yes... yes. Just one more death will be good for the Traveler’s World. Just one more death..." Teacher Kuro seemed to have become crazy as she just uttered these lines for the following minutes, with her drool still continuing to flow. "Yes, just one more death..."




[Alina]: So that was what happened, Alex? If you did not say it personally, I would not have believed it.

[Alex]: Well, with your eyes, you can see that I am telling the truth. But will you really not believe the story if I did not say it?

[Alina]: It was just a figure of speech Alex, get over it already.

[Alex]: Oh okay...

[Alina]: ....

After Alex, Queen Mother, and Professor Frances were all brought back toward the Celestial Carp Continent, they were immediately besieged by questions from Alina and Delia.

Both women seemed to be starving for information as they continually asked the trio non-stop, without any care for their welfare. The two women even used they Divine Sensory Organs on full blast, leaving Alex with no choice but to tell the truth.

It was only through Alex’s experience with talking and his patience that he was able to tell everything to Alina and Delia.

All these talking took 30 minutes to finish, as each detail that Alex gave was scrutinized directly by Alina and Delia.

[Alina]: So in summary, you’re saying that the Crimson God and Grandmaster was killed by a near-invisible creature who has the power to kill those two. Not only that, but this creature can only be detected by your Conqueror’s Aura and the Divine Sensory Organs, but even they cannot detect the creature fully...

[Alex]: Yes, that’s the gist of it. Oh, and this creature seems to be interested on killing the Returners. I just don’t know why.

[Alina]: For now, there is no way for us to know the motive of this creature for killing the Returners. Well, even if we want to, the motive should not be our focus. I think we should focus more on-

[Alex]: On what the creature really is. Only when we know the true form of this creature that we can deduce its motives.

[Alina]: Exactly. But there’s where our problem lies. Even if we want to know the creature’s true form, we can’t do it since even your Conqueror’s aura or our Divine Sensory Organs can’t fully see it. If those cannot reveal the creature’s real form, then what can?

Both Alex and Alina looked visibly worried about the creature that they were talking about, something which is expected in their situation. After all, with the power and the incredible stealth that this creature has, it is basically a nightmare for anyone to fight it, even for Alex who had his Conqueror’s Aura.

Even Alina had the feeling that it will be incredibly difficult for her to survive an encounter from this creature, and she doubts even allying with Delia would make matters easier.

[Alex]: ....

[Alina]: ....

But while Alina and Alex looked like they were facing a struggle, the nearby Delia did not have any speck of worries at all.

Instead, a look of intense excitement could be seen on Delia’s face, as if she had seen something that roused her emotions. This kind of emotion was rare for Delia, as she was usually grumpy and frowning from all the stress that she had to fix.

[Delia]: Hmph, why are you even wondering about it? Instead of worrying about that s***y creature, we should focus on a different thing right now!

The words uttered by Delia made it obvious that she had thought of a bright idea, one that was enough to make her happy.

As for what this bright idea is, Delia’s next words had practically shown it.

[Delia]: Alex, now that the Crimson God and the Grandmaster are dead, isn’t it the best time for us to raid their Continents? I mean, without those two Returners, their continents are now up for grabs!

[Alina]: !!!!

Once she had said these words, an intense killing intent burst out of the Delia’s body, one that she did not hesitate to hide. Instead, she allowed it to bloom, as if she was proud on displaying it.

[Delia]: Alex, didn’t you tell me before that when a Traveler manages to conquer more than 1 Continent, they are bound to receive some benefits on their power? If that’s true, then we can use this to strengthen ourselves!

[Alex]: ...

[Delia]: Alex, let’s conquer the continents left by the Crimson God and Grandmaster! If we succeed, then we might get the right power to defend ourselves from the killer! Heh, isn’t that what you really want?

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