Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 608 Continents and Owners

Chapter 608 Continents and Owners

Although Delia sounded a little manic as she said this, the logic in her words was quite apparent, that even her rival Alina found no way to discredit her.

As for Alex, he went silent for a while with his eyes closed, as he seemed to be contemplating what Delia said.

It was only when Delia began to pester him that Alex talked, and what he said was enough to make the other woman happy.

[Alex]: With those two Returners dead, we can indeed raid their continents. In fact, that’s the best thing that we can do now.

[Delia]: Heh, of course it’s the best thing! So what are we waiting for? Let’s-

[Alex]: But even if it’s the best thing to do now, we sadly cannot do the raid today. You know why, right?

[Delia]: Hah? What do you mean?

[Alex]: ....

Alex looked like he was pained by Delia’s innocent expression, something that made the nearby Alina snicker. Nonetheless, Alex managed to compose himself as he continued the conversation.

[Alex] Delia, with the killer making its rounds on the Traveler’s World, no Returner will be foolish to just come out of their continents. Do you think the Returners will just let the killer kill them on the open? Of course not!

[Delia]: !!!

This convoluted, but also logical answer by Alex was able to befuddle Delia, who was previously giddy from the prospect of raiding another continent.

Earlier, Delia was raring to set out in order to take over another area. But now, Alex’s words have poured a cold bucket of water over her head, forcing her to stay still.

[Delia]: B-but-

[Alex]: Remember, the killer was able to kill the Crimson God and Grandmaster easily. With that kind of power, the only way that the other Returners can survive is through using their own continents as their defensive shields....

Alex tried to make himself sound calm as he talked sense to Delia, whose eyes have turned empty from disappointment.

[Alex]: With the power hidden within each continent, I am sure that the shields might be able to hold back at least one attack from the killer. That might seem little, but at the level of the Returners, holding back one attack is enough to change their situation!

[Delia]: ....

[Alex]: So don’t expect the Returners to come out of their continents, at least for today. The death of the Crimson God and the Grandmaster has already spooked them, so nobody from them will be courageous enough to go out.

[Delia]: ...

With the fire in her eyes gone and her aura visibly down, Delia sure looked like she had lost the drive to perform a raid. Even the spear that she conjured earlier was now recalled, leaving her disappointed body hovering above the floor.

Such kind of look made the nearby Alina sigh, as if she was also infected by Delia’s negative emotions.

[Alina]: That’s... actually disappointing, Alex. I excepted to face some difficult situations here, but the fact that all of us were forced to hide because of that killer makes me feel weird.

[Delia]: Yes, it is weird.

[Alex]: Weird? Heh, you’re absolutely right! If you two can remember, the main purpose of this world was to gather all the powerful Returners and make them fight each other. We’re only supposed to be fighting in this kind of scenario, but now, something else is actually killing the Returners! Tsk, no matter which way you look at it, something weird is going on here! I just don’t have the idea on what it is...

When Alex said these words, the tone and aura emitted by his body suddenly changed, as it turned from a calm disposition into an agitated and tense persona.

This made Alex look more like a devil that is eager to hurt someone, something that made the two women bristle.

[Alex]: Argh! This makes me mad!

This chaotic attitude of his became more prominent as he talked more, reaching the point that he sounded much more unhinged than Delia.

[Alex]: Tsk, those pesky Returners and that damned Custodian! There’s something else that they are not telling to me! That must be the reason why I feel like I am still left out here. Tsk, I should really rush and make those people talk!

[Alina]: ...

[Delia]: ...

[Alex]: Tsk, but with the current situation now, there is no way that I can make them talk. Tsk, I am really hating the setting in this world already! Why can’t it just go our way!

Judging by the way that Alex spewed his tantrum, it seemed as if he can continue it for much longer.

Such kind of tantrum was already normal for Alina, who had heard much worse from Asteria and Delia. Because of this, Alina has no problem on making Alex curse out for longer.

But right now, Alex’s mind needs to be in the right state, given that they need him to be clear-headed.

Hence, during Alex’s current ’word service’, Alina forced herself in, making Alex stop and cool down.

[Alina]: Alex, I know that you are mad, but this is not the time to be driven by your emotions. Remember, we still have enemies to be wary about. Becoming this mad over these matters will just make things worse...

Alina made her voice sound as gentle as she could, with all the traces of her tension fully hidden beneath her tongue. She also made sure that her fragrant breath was caressing Alex’s ears as she talked, something that she had known to be effective on distracting him.

[Alex]: Yes, you’re right, Alina. You’re right. I indeed should not be angry...

Fortunately for Alina, her attempt to calm Alex down has worked, with her gentle words perfectly defusing Alex.

Gone were Alex’s reddened face and gloomy aura, which made the whole room feel comfortable again.

[Everyone in the room]: ....

Now, the situation was back to square one once more, with the trio busy on talking about their current dilemma again.

[Delia]: Are you calm now, Alex? Good. Now, tell us your plans.

[Alina]: Yes, please tell it to us, Alex.

[Alex]: ....

With Alex shooting down the proposal for raiding the continents today, the two women found no clues on what they should do next. Because of that, they asked the now-calm Alex for his advice.

[Delia]: Alex, since we can’t raid the continents today, what do you think is the best that we should do?

[Alina]: Should we set up an ambush on a Returner, or should we just fortify our forces?

[Delia]: Or maybe we have to steal the followers of the Crimson God and the Grandmaster? Hey, that might work!

[Alina]: Or we can make the other Returners fight one another! With the tension today, that could happen!

[Delia]: That’s good, but you know what’s better? Maybe we can talk to the killer! If we do that, we could manipulate it to kill others!

[Alina]: Hey, that’s a good plan! Why did I not think of that? But there’s something that is much better than that.

[Delia]: Ho? You have a plan better than mine? Then please do tell it to me.

[Alina]: Hmph, we can just use your power and Alex’s power to call down the Abyss Realm and the Holy Order Realm! With those two on our sides, we can-

[Alex]: Hey! What the f***k are you planning! Those are all ridiculous!

Alina and Delia’s ability to escalate everything that they do was enough to amaze Alex, although at this point, what they were doing was also enough to make him worry.

After all, these two women were talking about ridiculous plans that all have high chances of failing!

With Alex’s persona, there is no way that he can allow these two women to proceed with what they’re discussing!

[Alex]: MY goodness Alina and Delia! How could you think of those plans! Che, have you already thrown caution away from the wind?

[Alina]: ....

[Delia]: Hah? You’re scolding us for our plans? But what about you? Where’s your plan? Do you have any suggestion for us? Because if you don’t, then my plan on kidnapping the followers could be usable-

[Alex]: F**k! What I am planning was just simple! We will just have to raid the continents tomorrow instead of today! There, that’s my advice! Are you two now satisfied?

[Delia]: Wait what?

[Alina]: ???


Each continent present in the Traveler’s World can be described through their own unique characteristics.

The Celestial Carp Continent, which is Alex’s current continent, is home to one of the rarest gourmet dishes in the multiverse, the Celestial Carp.

Said to be made out of the clouds from the Celestial Realm, each Celestial Carp are extremely delicious and delectable, and those who ate it all experienced euphoria and cultivation breakthroughs.

With these enticing qualities, each Celestial Carp are said to be as valuable as high-class treasures, making them one of the most expensive gourmet ingredients in the Multiverse.

The Celestial Carp can only be found in the Celestial Carp Continent, which makes the whole continent an extremely good source of income. In fact, all those who had ruled the Celestial Carp Continent before all did these for resources, including the Immortal Empress.


While the Celestial Carp Continent was known for its high-class carps, the Heavenly Bull Continent was famed for its flocks of Heavenly Bulls.

Heavenly Bulls are creatures with powerful wings and sturdy physiques, and their practically unstoppable speed and smooth evasive skills makes them extremely useful mounts for rich young lords.


Aside from animal resources, some of the valuable resources are non-living too, such as the Astral Ores that came from the Astral Soul Continent, which is under the control of the Old Man.

The Astral Soul Continent is essentially a mining site that produces Astral Ores, a kind of mineral that is needed badly by those who practice Soul Magic and Astral Arts.

Without Astral Ores, it is almost impossible for most Soul and Astral Magicians to perform their magic. As such, a lot of money were being traded just to obtain these ores.




The other continents also contain the same valuable resource as the aforementioned continents, although they exist in different forms.

These resources were one of the reasons for the Returners’ extreme interest on conquering these continents. After all, trading these resources are of great help to Returners, no matter how strong they were.

The same case can be applied to the Great TimeMaster too, whose continent is the source of the plants used in refining life-prolonging elixirs.

The Great TimeMaster’s continent is the Eternal Realm Continent, and she spends most of her time staying here.

Aside from casual businesses and important matters, the Great TimeMaster does not leave the Eternal Realm Continent at all.

Today however, the Great TimeMaster appeared to be on the verge of breaking this behavior.

"After killing the Crimson God and the Grandmaster, the killer is now looking for its new victim? How bold." The Great TimeMaster muttered to herself as she slowly drank her red wine. "It seems like this killer will be on a roll today, even with our preparations."

The contents of her wine glass passed itself cleanly through her parched throat, giving her a feeling of relief that she had been craving for since earlier.

This feeling was enough to make her moan in delight, but with her assistants and servants watching behind her, she was forced to hold it in.

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