Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 610 Breaking News!!!

Chapter 610 Breaking News!!!

"Sylvia and Eric. What is the status of our residents?" With her mouth still closed from savoring the wine, the Great TimeMaster turned around as she stared at her two most trustworthy servants. "How did they react to the news of the Returners’ deaths?"

"There are some initial panic, but that unrest had already calmed down after I made my appearance, my liege." A young, stocky man replied. His eyes then gleamed lightly as he gave the Great TimeMaster a bow, a gesture which the Great TimeMaster accepted. "There are some who almost wanted to rebel, but using my powers, I managed to subdue them too..."

"Good work Eric. I hope that you can maintain the calmness among the residents in acceptable levels." The Great TimeMaster calmly replied while giving the young man a nod. "Oh, do you need any help regarding your work? I can provide you with any aid that you need."

"There’s no need for your aid, my liege. Your presence is enough to inspire me." The young man, whose name was revealed as Eric, quickly replied. "But if you really want to aid me, then maybe you can give me a chance to babysit your daughter-"

"My daughter’s busy, so she can’t meet you."

"Oh. That’s too bad."



"So how about you Sylvia? How is the production of the Eternal Lotus going? Is it still above the daily demand?" After giving Eric a light rebuke, the Great TimeMaster now focused her attention on her other attendant, who was slender woman with black hair and a picturesque face. "I hope it’s still above my expected values, because if it is not, well...."

"There’s no need for you to worry, Great TimeMaster. I can assure you that the production of the Eternal Lotus is still going well. I-I can even bet my life on it!" Sylvia did not hide the worshipping expression on her face as she conversed with the Great TimeMaster, which made the latter roll her eyes in exasperation.

"No, there’s no need for you to bet your life in it. I can feel that you’re telling the truth, so don’t go overboard." The Great TimeMaster could only pat Sylvia’s head in an attempt to calm her down, an action that made the slender woman almost pass out in happiness.

"Hah... the Great TImeMaster patted my head! Hah... this is bliss!"



"....Eric and Sylvia. Now that you’re done with the initial reports, give me the usual reports about the logistics. Please make it quick."



Once her two attendants were finished on their reports, the Great TimeMaster let out a sigh as she shook her head.

She seemed to have been slightly fed-up with all that she heard, although she did not entirely voice out her unhappiness.

She just stared at the two with a slightly dark look, something that she quickly replaced with a steely glare.

""E-ehem, is there anything else that you want to tell to me? Because if you don’t, then it is time for us to talk about other matters." The Great TimeMaster uttered as she slowly licked the edge of her wineglass. "Other matters, which is in my opinion, of great importance today."

"Other matters, my liege? What do you-"

"You have something that you want us to do, Great TimeMaster? Hah, what could it be-

Before her two attendants could barrage her with their worshipping attitudes, the Great TimeMaster hastened her talking pace, allowing her to mask their sounds.

"Eric, starting today, I want you to bring around 2 million of our residents towards the Imperial Edict Continent. Make them reside on the capital, and don’t let others stop you." The Great TimeMaster did not show any sign of hesitation as she said these words to Eric." Oh, and I don’t care if the original residents of the Imperial Edict Continent does not want what you’re doing. Just ignore them and establish the residences."

"My liege? 2 million? Isn’t that too mu-"

"2 million is not too much Eric. Especially since you’re bringing them to the Imperial Edict Continent." The Great TimeMaster shushed Eric with a glare, as if she does not want to hear any of his excuses anymore. "You know that the Imperial Edict Continent can only produce the Imperial Arms if it has enough residents in it. Since that’s the case, then we should increase the amount of that continent’s residents."


"No buts, Eric. You will bring 2 million residents to the Imperial Edict Continent, and you will do it today. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes, my liege."

"Good. Now do that quickly. I can’t afford any delays, as the whole Traveler’s World is undergoing a major upheaval."

"Noted, my liege..."

With these ’reminders’ from the Great TimeMaster, the proud and muscular Eric began slinking away as he began performing his task.

Once he was gone, the only ones left in the room aside from the Great TimeMaster was her attendant Sylvia, who still gave the former a worshipping stare.


Such stare made the Great TImeMaster uncomfortable, and it made her wary of what Sylvia will say next.

"Ah, Great TImeMaster, what tasks do you have for me, exactly? Is it related to serving you personally? I have no problem with that!" Just like what the Great TimeMaster expected, Sylvia was still as masochistic as ever, and it seemed to have even worsened at this point. "You can step on me every time you want it, Great TimeMaster! Just please, b-be gentle to me-"

"Hey, there are no sadist stuff that will be going on here! Where did you even get the idea that I like abusing you, huh? Tsk, I will not step on you or torture you, so don’t give me that look!" The Great TImeMaster hurriedly replied, with her face now blackened from irritation. "Oh, and my slap before does not count! That was a part of a ritual, so don’t expect me to give you more!"

"Aw...." Sylvia sure looked disappointed, although the Great TimeMaster did not exactly pay attention to that.

"Sylvia, I will be going out of this continent today and visit the Old Man. Since I don’t want meeting him by myself, I have decided to make you join me." The Great TimeMaster said gruffly, with her intentions now fully revealed on her female attendant. "Do you have any problems with that?"

"Great TimeMaster, even if the Old Man is a stinky beggar who clearly does not deserve the privilege of meeting you, I have no qualms with you meeting him." Sylvia answered.

"Oh, is that so...."

Although her words were stating her agreement, there was a frown present on Sylvia’s face at this point, an expression which shows that she’s worried about something. "But Great TimeMaster, even if I am fine with the Old Man himself, that does not mean that I am okay with this meeting!"

"You’re not okay with the meeting itself, Sylvia? What do you mean by that?" With her sharp mind, the Great TimeMaster already knew the reason for Sylvia’s current worries. But while she already knew this, the Great TimeMaster still implored Sylvia to speak up, since it is better for her to hear everything from Sylvia’s own mouth.

"Great TimeMaster, isn’t there a killer that has already killed two Returners today? With that kind of creature now roaming around, will it be really safe for us to go out?" Sylvia sounded pretty composed while stating her worries, but the slight tremble in her voice and her own moistened eyes betrayed her own emotions. "You said that the killer could be looking for its next victim already! If that’s true, then if we go out, that killer might-"

"Yeah, that killer might attack me. But don’t worry about me, Sylvia. Out of all the Returners present in this world, the least likely to get attacked by that monster will be me." With a face as flat as a disk, the Great TimeMaster calmly answered Sylvia’s worries. "I won’t explain to you why I am confident of being safe, but believe me. I will be really safe."

"I-If that’s what you say, Great TimeMaster, then I will believe you..." Although there was still some sliver of doubt present on her eyes, in the end, Sylvia could only meekly agree with the Great TimeMaster’s claims.

"Good. Now, prepare your things already. We might stay a little long inside the Old Man’s place, so you should bring everything with you..." With Sylvia now convinced by hers truly, the Great TimeMaster felt confident telling more to her. "Bring all the perfumes, soaps, and hygiene-related objects that you can. You will be needing it once we’re inside the Old Man’s place..."

"Gulp. Great TImeMaster, you’re making it sound like we’re about to face a battle of our lives here. Is the Old Man’s place really that bad?" Sylvia muttered as she looked like she had eaten a bitter candy. "I mean, I heard that the Old Man is a dirty person, but is it really necessary to be this prepared?"

"You don’t fully know the Old Man, Sylvia. So you don’t know how bad his place could be." Instead of explaining more details to her, the Great TImeMaster just gave Sylvia a small glare, which fortunately shut the latter up. "Trust me. By the end of the day, you will be using up much more soap that you can imagine...."


"Oh, and also bring some life-saving devices with you. I am about to have a fight with the Old Man later, and some people could die." As if what she said was not enough, the Great TimeMaster suddenly dropped this bombshell on Sylvia. "Oh, and don’t ask me why I am going to fight the Old Man. It is something that is between us, so don’t interfere."

"W-w-what are you saying, Great TimeMaster! You said that you’re fighting the Old Man? But aren’t you allies? Why would you then-"

"Time’s up, Sylvia. It’s time for us to now leave."

"W-wait, you haven’t answered my question yet!"

"If you want to ask questions, then do it later. For now, we have a trip to embark on."

"No! Please explain everything to me first!"




The death of the Grandmaster was the news that dominated the whole Traveler’s World for a while, which was to be expected given the nature of his death.

This powerful Returner actually died inside the Roaming Inn, under the watch of the Custodian!

With that kind of death, there’s nobody that can just ignore it.

The Returners were after all, the main leading personalities of the whole Traveler’s World.

Each of their actions were monitored by many, and once something happens, it is bound to be talked upon by them.

As such, news of the Returners’ deaths were something that the whole world cannot just forget.

But exactly one day after the Grandmaster died, another piece of news came out, which surprisingly, made everyone almost forget about the Grandmaster already!

Even the matter about the Crimson God was also forgotten because of this news, making it seem like it happened a long time ago!


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