Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 611 Chaos and Decision

Chapter 611 Chaos and Decision



"What the hell?" That was all that Alex could say after hearing the news spouted by Teacher Kuro. His eyes were also slightly wide from surprise, and his body was tense as if the news was enough to make him feel wary again.

"The Great TimeMaster said to me before that she is not the kind of person who takes risk, but what the hell is this? She actually decided to fight the Overlord and the Old Man at the same time? Why the hell did she do that?"


That was Alex’s main emotion right now, as he could not just fathom why the Great TImeMaster did something like this.

Specifically, there are three things that the Great TimeMaster did that seemed illogical to Alex.

First of all, yesterday was the day that the killer was looking for its next victim. Since that’s the case, then the Great TimeMaster shouldn’t have left the continent if she wanted to preserve her life.

But instead of hiding, she actually went out? There’s something wrong with that!

The second illogical action was the fact that the Great TImeMaster actually had the gall to raid the Old Man’s continent. If the Old Man were a different person, then Alex could have understood it.

But the Old Man is the Great TimeMaster’s ally, so why did she attack him? Did the Old Man do something that offended her?

The third action that confused Alex was the very notion of the Great TimeMaster actually doing a raid against two Returners.

Why did she even think of raiding, and against two Returners to boot! Such action is something that Alex will never do....

"Argh, I really hate what the Great TImeMaster is doing now! Is she in her right mind yesterday? Because if she is crazy, then I can understand why she did these reckless things...." With his mind unable to find a proper reason regarding the Great TimeMaster’s actions, all that Alex can do now was to just sigh.


Beside Alex, the hungry-looking Alina also wore a surprised look, which was coupled by an expression of realization on her face.

"So that’s the source of all the noises and powerful fluctuations that appeared on the planet last night. No wonder those fluctuations were so life-threatening. They actually came from 3 Returners fighting each other..." Alina murmured in a low tone while tilting her head. She was nibbling on a small piece of bread as she gave this statement, making her words sound muffled from all the chewing that she made.

"Alex, what do you think is the condition of the Great TimeMaster and the Old Man right now? Do you think they are okay?"

"Alina... As of now, I do not have any worries about the Great TimeMaster’s condition. If she’s dead, then Teacher Kuro should have announced it. But since there’s no announcement like that, then the Great TImeMaster is still alive." Alex looked like he was fed up with everything already as he gave this answer. "There are also no announcements about the Old Man and the Overlord, so just assume that they are alive too."

"I see, Alex. So the three Returners are still alive. That’s slight a good news for us, since two of them are our allies-"

"Hmph, the Old Man and the Great TImeMaster might be our allies before, but do you think that after the events that happened here, they will still be allied with us? Tsk, I don’t think so!" Alex surely sounded angry from the way he spoke, and he did not even suppress his temper while talking to Alina.

"Think about it, Alina. In the first place, why would the Great TImeMaster and the Old Man even fight each other? They’re allies, so they should be cooperating! But instead of holding hands like normal people, the Great TimeMaster still attacked the Old Man! If that is not a declaration of breaking the alliance, then I don’t know what else can that attack mean!"

"But Alex, even if what the Great TimeMaster did was weird, we can’t just say that she’s now our enemy. Who knows, maybe this action of hers was a ploy to make the situation more chaotic?" In face of Alex’s now boiling rage, Alina appeared to try her best to douse it with her words.

Unfortunately for her, her latest sentence did not reduce Alex’s rage. Instead, it seemed to have even bolstered it.

"Alina, if the goal of the Great TImeMaster was to make the situation more chaotic, then she f**king succeeded! But if that’s the truth, then I am now more pissed at her!" Alex roared out, with all of his irritation and rage at the Great TimeMaster made evident with his loud voice.

"Alina, think of this. Why would the Great TImeMaster even make the situation more chaotic, when our plans are already working properly? Tsk, what she did now just overturned our plans!"


" Argh, if you just know how pissed I am Alina, you might feel more anger too!"

"Alex, with your brains and planning, you surely can benefit from the current situation, right? Since that’s the case, maybe you should cool off a little-"

"Cool off my ass, Alina! Do you know the damages that the Great TimeMaster has done? Let me explain it to you thoroughly." As if he was possessed by a devil, Alex grabbed Alina’s hand tightly, which prevented the latter from finishing her food.

"Alex, I don’t-"

"Alina, out of all the Returners present in this world, how many do you think are still in commission, huh? Tell it to me."

"Um, I think there are-"

"2, Alina! 2! Out of the 9 Returners, the only ones who are in commission are only 2! Can you believe how ridiculous is that?" Alex’s throat sounded more like a rubbed sandpaper at this point, something which made Alina worry for him.

"Alex, you-"

"The Immortal Empress: Still a child!"

"The Arcane Sorceress: Still a child too!"

"The Crimson God: Dead!"

"The Grandmaster: Dead!"

"The Great TimeMaster: Injured!"

"The Old Man: Injured!"

"The Overlord: Injured!"

"Alina, these 7 Travelers that I just mentioned have no way of making any moves today. What does that leave us? It leaves us with that Rainbow Quasar, Soul Exacaliber, Magnificent Dude and that Returner made up of Laws! Those 2 were the ones that we have to compete with today!"

At this point, Alex’s voice already sounded extremely hoarse, and it stayed that way as Alex did nothing to heal it. He just let it stay that way, which was a testament on how angry he really is now.

"Alina, if there are many Returners that are standing today, then each one of them can make the others hesitate to move. But now that only 2 Returners remain standing, those 2 will be more free to make their actions! Do you realize the problem with that?"

"!!!" At this point, Alina, who did not comprehend why Alex was so angry, had slowly realized what Alex was getting into.

"Alex, do you mean-"

"Alina... Yesterday, we were planning to make a raid on either the Blood Coven Continent of the Crimson God, or the Heaven and Earth Continent of the Grandmaster. We have already prepared countless countermeasures in case something happens, and I have taken into account the situation yesterday."


Alex’s voice sounded full of pain, as if he was suffering just from recalling things. He was even squinting as if he was blinded, an action that made Alina feel more concerned for him.

"Alina, I knew that as long as 5 Returners were standing today, we have a fair chance of raiding one continent, since those 5 Returners will be hesitating for long. They were just too many of them that it creates a barrier of suspicion and wariness. That’s the reason why I am confident of raiding a continent."

"But Alina, with what the Great TimeMaster did yesterday, all that plan is now in ruins! Ar-"

At this point, Alina has decided to be the one talking, as she noticed that Alex was really close to losing his voice entirely.

"I know what you are thinking now, Alex. Since there are only 2 Returners remaining, those two can easily choose a continent to raid." Alina soothingly said while she patted Alex on the back. "After all, there are a lot of continents that they can raid now, and they have nobody else that can really stop them...."

Alex’s mood seemed to slowly settle down after he received Alina’s patting, but his face was still contorted in rage.

"Y-yes, that’s the main problem here, Alina." Alex answered, with his voice now slowly returning to normal. "With nobody stopping those 2, they will have the courage to raid the continents today, which is a bad news to us."

"That’s the problem that you are talking about Alex, and I think that it’s really serious." Alina did not do anything to reject Alex’s claim, as she herself had thought of it. "But do you know what’s worse? What’s worse is the fact that those 2 Returners are still not making a move. They could have made a move after the news, but those 2 Returners still did not take an action!"


"Alex, no matter which way you look at it, there is something fishy that is about to go up..."


"....I hate to say this Alex, but I think that the Rainbow Quasar, Soul Exacaliber, Magnificent Dude and the Returner made up of Laws had allied together." Even though Alex looked like he was about to blow up a lot of rocks, Alina did not stop herself from giving her assumptions. "Maybe they are waiting for us to take an action, and it will only be after we move that those 2 will start their plans."

"..." At this point, Alex’s silence was so painfully poignant, that Alina has begun worrying for him in a different way.

This also made her much more careful of her words, as she was not sure on how Alex’s temper will react to her now.

"Alex, as long as we start moving, those 2 Returners can do whatever the f**k they want! They can choose to stop our raid by themselves, or they can steal many more continents before we do!" Alina said, with her hands now gripping on Alex’s shoulder’s tightly. "With those options, the 2 Returners are in a much larger advantage over us!"



With all the discoveries that she and Alex had made, Alina immediately realized one thing; And that is that the prospect of her and Alex having a raid today will be fraught with danger!

After all, once they had decided to make a raid, the alliance of the 2 remaining Returners will surely make a move against them.

Such thing is not good for Alina, as she knew that even with the current state of their group, they will still be no match against the alliance of 2 Returners!

"Alex, I know that your mood is bad now, but I need you to say something to me. Please, tell me if we should continue our raiding mission today." In face of Alex’s downcast face, Alina gave this extremely important query. "Please, I need to know if the raid will still happen. Our lives... and the lives of our followers are at stake here!"

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