Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 622 The Power of the Shards!

Chapter 622 The Power of the Shards!

Alex sounded confident as he gave all these advices to his allies, but deep inside his mind, Alex was not any bit confident about their situation.

"Tsk. I am sure that the Rainbow Dude has already setneverything regarding his plan to lead this world into chaos. That means that whatever solution I do, it will always be countered by him..." Alex thought sourly. "So even if I pull out a power-up out of nowhere, that won’t help me out...."

"Ugh! F**king hell! Because the Rainbow Dude’s Chaos Power allows him to see through fate and karma itself, each of my moves will be easily seen through! Even my strongest moves can be undone with just a little use of his power...."

At this point, Alex had already realized that their situation was actually hopeless.

They were fighting an opponent who had already set the stage many years ago, whose machinations and back-up plans were set on countering any desperate moves from Alex and his allies.

Such grand planning was not something that Alex can easily overcome with a few moves.

Add the extreme power that their opponent had, and Alex came to the realization that they will have a close to zero chance of winning.

"F**k! If this Rainbow Dude was not here in this world, then the events going on here should have proceeded as planned! Maybe I could have easily raided other continents too. But because of him, all of it is now ruined!"


No matter what kind of solutions Alex tried to think of, all of these seemed to hold no power against the domineering Rainbow Dude.

Even if Alex knew that the Rainbow Dude could not personally attack them , this knowledge was of no use to him.

After all, even if the Rainbow Dude could not attack them, there is no way for Alex to attack too, since his powers along with his allies were still messed up!

"Hah... and here I thought thinking about a way to win will let me win... How conscientious of me..." With his heart now slowing down from dread, Alex could only lament to himself as he slowly realized his fate.

"So is this how we lose? Just from a little brat who was gifted with power from an extra-dimensional area? What a joke...."

Alex could not help but look at his allies at this point, all who just looked at him with their waiting eyes.


Thinking about their impending failure already made Alex feel bad, but seeing his allies’ trust in him made him feel even more down.

"Ugh, my allies still do not realize that all of us are f**ked. They thought that we have a chance of winning, when we actually don’t.... Hahaha, what kind of s***y allies do I have? Can’t they even realize our problem?"

Even though Alex sounded like he was complaining about his allies, he was actually feeling much saddened compared to earlier.

After all, Alex’s realization that he and his allies are bound to lose their life was something that cannot be trumped by any other emotions, including irritation.


At this point, Alex was close to accepting his fate, but upon remembering anxiety present on his allies’ faces, all the negative emotions inside Alex came to a halt.

Why would Alex give up now, when his allies still had not surrendered yet? If they themselves trust that they have a way to survive, then Alex should trust himself too!

"No, there msut be something else that I can do! I cannot just give up here! I already had a lot of adventures in other worlds, and it will just end here? Of course not!"

With his determination refueled by his allies’ support, Alex gritted his teeth as he forced his mind to think more.

"Think think think, Alex! Think of a way to defeat the rainbow Dude! If you don’t, then you will be f***ed up!"

Even if his whole body was hurting like hell right now, Alex continued to deduce everything in his mind!

Large bursts of blood frantically came out of Alex’s orifices because of what he was doing, which just made him feel weaker and weaker. But Alex just ignored this as he focused his mind on his deductions.

"Tsk, is there really no other way for me to win? With the Rainbow Dude’s power, only those who has transcended beyond the laws can win against him. After all, once someone has transcended the laws, they cannot be easily affected by the abilities of a Child of Chaos...."

At this point, Alex felt that his allies were all looking at him worriedly, while the Rainbow Dude was laughing like he had already won.

"Hahaha! Yes, yes, yes. Alex! Just continue what you are doing, and you will reach death faster than what I expected!" The Rainbow Dude said in between his snickers. He appeared to be particularly pleased with Alex’s situation, which of course pissed Alex more. "That’s a lot of blood coming out from you, Alex. You sure you don’t want to keep them in?"


The sight of a laughing Rainbow Dude was enough Alex to the brink of mental breakdown, which had almost happened to him.

But through his will and sheer anger, Alex has managed to pull himself back before his mind could fully break.

This allowed Alex some breathing room, although it did not improve his situation at all.

"At this point, the only thing that I can use to defeat Rainbow Dude are objects or people related to Transcendence...." Alex thought as he imagined the Rainbow Dude’s power. "Only these objects or people can be greatly immune from the powers of the Rainbow Dude, since they are already beyond the laws...."

"So... as long as I use these objects or people properly, I can easily beat up Rainbow Dude!"

As if he had gotten a clue to himself, Alex’s expression slightly brightened after his last idea.

An object related to Transcendence has a high chance of defeating the Rainbow Dude, as its effect on the laws will make it a great deterrence against the Rainbow Dude’s fate altering abilities.

No matter what a Child of Chaos, much less someone like the Rainbow Dude do with their powers, it will be impossible for them to induce chaos on an object related Transcencdce!

Attempting it will just be detrimental to the Rainbow Dude, and it might even damage his foundation...

"Yes, yes, yes. I can use an object related to Transcendence to fight Rainbow Dude. I can use this object to attack him, since he cannot do anything to stop it! Yes! I can do that!"

This time, Alex’s expression became much brighter as he realized that he has managed to form a plan that might work! Of course it was just a plan at this point, but Alex knew that since he had already made this plan, his victory was already guaranteed!

"Hehehe, I got you now, Rainbow Dude." As if he was already confident of winning, Alex said these words proudly towards the still-laughing Rainbow Dude. Alex did not even hide the gloating in his voice, as if he was really sure of what he was saying.

"Rainbow, Dude, you thought you have already won? If it was earlier, then your victory should have been assured. But now that you allowed me to think more? Heh, you should prepare your grave already!"


Alex’s injury-ridden body did not make his claims sound true. Instead, it made him look like a madman who was just spouting nonsense.

But for whatever reason there is, the Rainbow Dude actually felt slight fear after hearing Alex.

"Wait, why am I fearing this lowly being? There is no way... that he can use something to beat me!" The Rainbow Dude thought to himself as he began looking at Alex warily.

The Rainbow Dude observed Alex’s smug smile and his upturned eyes, all which indicate that the latter was really confident about something.

Such expression made the Rainbow Dude more confused, but he did not let this cloud his mind.

"No, there is no way that Alex can do something. I had already set things in this world for a chaotic end, so nothing should prevent it from happening!" The Rainbow Dude added as reassured himself. "If there is something that Alex tries to do, my chaos power will detect it, and I can easily stop it.

The Rainbow Dude fervently nodded to himself as he thought of these words, as if he was trying his best to calm himself down.

"Since that has always been the case, then that means that whatever Alex is planning to do now will fail! After all, I am a Child of Chaos! Everything that my opponents do can and will be used against them!"

With this final assurance, the Rainbow Dude was finally able to normalize his emotions.

Gone was the Rainbow Dude’s fear towards Alex’s threat.

Instead, the Rainbow Dude began to feel pity of Alex, as the former thought that this is the proper reaction to Alex’s mad ramblings.


However, this ’pity’ given out by the Rainbow Dude did not last that long, as Alex did something that caught even the Rainbow Dude off-guard.

"Oi Rainbow Dude, are you thinking that what I said was just nothing but nonsense? Hehehe, you could be right. But in this situation, you are terribly wrong!" Like a man who had just received the best gift in his life, Alex began laughing with sheer glee.

Alex laughed and laughed, even when blood continued to come out from his mouth.

This made Alex look much more scarier compared to before, and it made the Rainbow Dude feel unsettled again.

"Rainbow Dude. You may be a Child of Chaos, but that does not equate that you are invincible in this world. You may be strong, but that does not make you undefeatable!" Alex continued to say between his laughs, with his blood already covering his whole face. "You can still be hurt by some kind of things, right? What if I told you that I have those objects with me here? Are you still confident of winning?"

"What are you-"

"I’m sorry, Rainbow Dude, but your end has already come." It was now Alex’s turn to give the Rainbow Dude a pitying look, which seemed to be even more genuine than the Rainbow Dude’s look earlier. "So prepare to accept it with dignity ok?"

"Hah? Alex, stop this nonsense and-"

Before the Rainbow Dude could voice out his concerns, Alex performed a move which quickly silenced the Child of Chaos.


Without waiting for the Rainbow Dude to finish his words, Alex appeared to have used the remains of his power to summon something inside his storage.

This attempt should have failed, since Alex’s Maximum Misfortune should have made the summoning backfire.

But instead of seeing a failed summoning, what the Rainbow Dude saw instead were 4 objects that are now floating nonchalantly behind Alex.

"Hong hong hong~"

A small white jade that was as brilliant as a sun.

"Thum thum hum!"

A piece of black crystal that thrummed with the malice of a monster.

"Bzzt bzzt bzzt!"

A blue diamond that fizzled with the powers of the electricity.

"Shula shula shula~"

And a scaly, bulky pebble that vibrated on the spot.

These were the objects summoned by Alex from his storage, all which share the same size.

With one look, one can say that these objects were special, since they all release powerful auras from their bodies. These objects however appear to do nothing but release these auras, which made them look safe.

Treating these objects as safe should have been the reaction that the Rainbow Dude had, but upon seeing these 4 objects, what appeared on the Rainbow Dude’s face was panic and fear instead.

Yes, pure panic and fear.

This pure fear was unlike the Rainbow Dude’s small fear earlier, which only lasted for a second.

This time, the Rainbow Dude’s fear was practically genuine, and there are no one that can deny it.

"No! How could you have those objects! T-t-they should not have been in your hands!" As if he was possessed by a devil, the Rainbow Dude began sputtering at this point as he stared at the 4 objects with fearful eyes.

The Rainbow Dude also almost tripped as he scooted backwards, with his eyes still staring at the objects with terror. "You are not even a Half-Step Transcendent Being, and you already have those things? This... this is not possible!"

"Everything is possible, Rainbow Dude. You just did not expect it." Alex replied nonchalantly, as if he had expected the Rainbow Dude to react like this.


"So how does it feel seeing Four Transcendence Shards floating in front of you? It makes you feel so much fear, right?" Alex said as he seemed to savor the Rainbow Dude’s reaction. "Are you so afraid now that you’re about to wet yourself?"


"Well, I can’t deny your fear, since these Transcendence Shards were objects that you can’t detect or even affect! Hehehe, I wonder what will happen if I use these on you now..."

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