Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 623 The Might of the Transcendence Shards! 1 of 3

Chapter 623 The Might of the Transcendence Shards! 1 of 3

Transcendence Shards.

Considered by many as unfathomable treasures, the Transcendence Shards are treated by all power system practitioners with great respect.

This treatment is apt, since all Transcendence Shards come from Transcendent Beings!

Not much was known on how Transcendence Shards were created, but those who had touched one can verify one thing.

As long as the Transcendence Shard that you are holding is related to your Power System, that shard will bring immense benefits to you!

Whether it was for a small-time enhancement of your power, or an actual upgrade on your abilities, a Transcendence Shard will be of great help.

So if an Esper were to get hold of an Esper Transcendence Shard, his/her power will receive massive benefits just because of the shard alone.

Aside from the obvious power upgrade, some say that a Transcendence Shard can also allow a person to see his/her way to Transcendence.

Such thing is impossible for other treasures, but since it is a Transcendence Shard that is being talked about, this could be possible.

After all, Transcendence Shards were made up of materials that were already above the Laws. Aside from this, many ideas and enlightenments were also stored inside the Transcendence Shards, which makes it a repository of many clues.

With this kind of contents, a person only has to meditate and observe the Transcendence Shard’s insides, and they will have a chance to use it to forge their path to Transcendence!

This is how important Transcendence Shards were, and given their rarity, it is almost impossible for anyone to just own it by themselves.

Any aspiring holders of a Transcendence Shard will have to be lucky to get one, and even if they get one, they have a high chance of dying since others will covet them for this treasure.

There are records of wars between planets and even galaxies that happened because of the existence of Transcendence Shards, which had been participated by powerful and greedy individuals.

Each of these wars were extremely bloody, and those who managed to obtain the Transcendence Shards were usually unhappy, since most of them had to pay bitter price just to win.

These stories made the Transcendence Shards an important and intriguing topic in the Multiverse, something that almost all Sixth-Stage Beings knew.

Even the Rainbow Dude, who was usually disdainful about the rumors inside the Multiverse, was also interested about the matter of the Transcendence Shards.

But the source of the Rainbow Dude’s interest on the Transcendence Shards does not lie on the story of the shards.

Instead, the Rainbow Dude was more focused on the properties Transcendence Shards themselves...


With his current power level, the Rainbow Dude knew that only Transcendent Beings or objects that are above the Laws can hurt him.

Transcendence Shards are included in this category, since their bodies and contents are already that of Transcendence.

With these properties, the Rainbow Dude did not dare to ignore anything about the Transcendence Shards, since he knew that just one shard has the potential to damage him...


The Rainbow Dude has always maintained a network of spies that worked under his wing, which occasionally gives him information related to the existence of Transcendence Shards.

As long as a rumor or a news about a Transcendence Shard starts to float around, the Rainbow Dude will immediately use his power to see if his life will be in danger because of the rumor.

If it does not, then the Rainbow Dude will not do anything against this rumor.

But if this rumor about the shard were to affect him, then the Rainbow Dude will perform some countermeasures that can make him safe.

He could try changing his identity, or he could attempt leave the current place that he was in. As long as these countermeasures can make the Rainbow Dude far from a Transcendence Shard, then he will gladly do these methods.


From the day that he was born until today, the Rainbow Dude has heard 79 news about the Transcendence Shards in total, with 71 of them being unrelated to him.

As for the 8 remaining news that he found to be dangerous to his well-being, the Rainbow Dude has done all that he can to avoid them.

Fortunately for the Rainbow Dude, his attempts to evade the bad effects of these 8 news were all successful, which left him alive up to this day.


With the success of his surveillance methods, the Rainbow Dude started to feel confident for himself.

After all, even if the Rainbow Dude can’t detect or affect a Transcendence Shard with his power, his spies alone were enough to inform him about the danger!

Or so that Rainbow Dude had thought.

Because today, the Rainbow Dude’s opponent, who was no other than Alex, has shown something that made the Rainbow Dude stricken with fear.

"No! You can’t be holding those shards with you! My spies said nothing about that!"

4 Transcendence Shards, all which floated behind Alex’s body, filled the whole area with their sinister, multi-colored light.

Their auras, which the Rainbow Dude could feel pressing down on his body, did not let him feel any comfort at all.

Instead, these auras made the Rainbow Dude feel fear, as he realized that these objects can easily make him meet his doom!

"Ah! Why do you even have 4 Transcendence Shards with you? One is already extremely hard to get, and you have 4? Why is this happening?" Although the voice inside his head was urging him to move quickly, the Rainbow Dude found himself frozen from fear. "This-this is unfair!"

How could the Rainbow Dude not feel fear?

Out of all the times that he had fought before, this was the only time that he felt that he might actually die!

"No, no, no. I can’t die here! I am a Child of Chaos, and I cannot be defeated just by these petty tricks!" As if he was trying to convince a miracle to happen, the frightened Rainbow Dude muttered these words to himself in a bedraggled fashion. "Yes, this is just an illusion! An illusion! Those are not Transcendence Shards at all!"

But no matter how much the Rainbow Dude convinced himself that everything that he just saw were fake, the power emitted by the shards were enough to falsify his delusions.


Even if they were not used by Alex yet, just the mere appearance of the Transcendence Shards alone was enough to make the Rainbow Dude feel pain and agony in his body.


The first of the shards, which was the large white jade, could be seen emitting a pure and clear Immortal Qi everywhere.

This Qi had a nourishing effect on all the living beings that it touched, but when it touched the Rainbow Dude’s skin, the poor man began howling in pain as his skin suddenly sizzled.


The black stone floating behind the white jade was also releasing its own energy, but what came out of it was the exact opposite of the Immortal Qi.

A dark, extremely contaminated Abyss Energy leaked out of the black stone, which quickly corrupted everything that it touched.

The Rainbow Dude was naturally affected too, with the sensation of his skin twisting into grotesque mutations enough to make him shout again.


These two shards alone were already enough to make the Rainbow Dude feel extreme agony, but this is not yet the end for him.


The third shard, which was a blue diamond, has begun imposing its own aura at this point too.

The blue diamond released countless distortions on its surroundings, with the concepts of gravity, force, and even energy seemingly warped by the presence of this diamond alone.

Nothing escaped this effect, especially the objects that are near the blue diamond.

Even the Rainbow Dude’s sking was not spared, as he was on the vicinity of this shard.

"Ah!!!" This brought the Rainbow Dude the pain comparable to that of a man being flayed alive, something that almost made him faint.

But before he could even faint, the effects of the 4th and final shard has suddenly manifested itself.


Large and small vibrations in space were released by the scaly stone, whose majority had passed through the Rainbow Dude.

Since these waves were only caused by the aura released by the scaly stone, a Half-Step Transcendent Being could have easily fended these waves off.

But the Rainbow Dude did not have this luxury.

Instead of his body and power being able to fend off these ’weak’ waves, the insides of the Rainbow Dude’s body were easily ravaged by the waves.


Although his body has been toughened beyond recognition, there was just something about the waves that made the Rainbow Dude feel extreme agony.

Even if the waves were unable to fully injure him, the pain that they brought made the Rainbow Dude wish that he was just injured.



The sufferings brought by the 4 Transcendence Shards did not really kill the Rainbow Dude, since it was only their auras that hit him yet.

They only affected him at the surface level, something that it not fatal for him.

But even they’re not deadly, the suffering that these shards gave to the Rainbow Dude was pure hell to him!



If he was only undergoing some pain, then the Rainbow Dude could actually have the willpower to endure this all.

But he hasn’t, since there is a fact about his current situation that made him feel extremely hopeless.

And this fact is:

[[[If the auras of the Transcendence Shards were already enough to make the Rainbow Dude feel pain, then what would happen if his opponent decides to use it seriously?]]]

The Rainbow Dude does not dare to even think of it anymore, as the answer was already obvious.

Once Alex decides to use the Transcendence Shards in a serious fashion, the Rainbow Dude will most definitely die!

As for how his death will go, the Rainbow Dude of course did not dare to imagine it.

All that he could think now is on how he should flee, as he knew that staying will just mean his end!

But with the pain wracking his body and the fear paralyzing his veins, the Rainbow Dude’s mind found no way for him to escape.

"Oh no. I might really die here..."


With his mind short-circuited and his body frozen, the Rainbow Dude realized that it will be incredibly hard for him to run away. No matter what he tries to do, Alex can do something about it.

Even the Rainbow Dude’s own power has confirmed it too.

"Oh s**t, oh s**t, oh s**t. Will I really die here? Or maybe I won’t die? No, I will really die! But I could still survive... No, I will really die!" With the realization of his impending death looming over him, the Rainbow Dude naturally began to panic, as this was the only thing that he can do right now.

His ecstasy from ’torturing’ his opponents from earlier were now all gone, and all that’s left in the Rainbow Dude were his fear and desperation.

"No... I can’t die here! Please, I can’t die!!!!"

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