Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 624 The Might of the Transcendence Shards! 2 of 3

Chapter 624 The Might of the Transcendence Shards! 2 of 3

While the Rainbow Dude was feeling the greatest fear of his life, Alex was feeling the contrary.

Alex was extremely happy, especially now that he gets to make his opponent receive all the beatings that he had deserved!

"Hmph, my body still hurts like s**t now, so be assured that I will have a fun time on making you suffer." Alex muttered as he maintained his control over his Transcendence Shards. "Hehehe, and don’t think that I am going to let you off with few injuries, Rainbow Dude. I will kill you for real, and I will not leave any corpse behind!"

With the treacherous techniques used by the Rainbow Dude earlier, it is not hard for Alex to be mad at him, especially since Alex already had some bad experience with a Child of Chaos before.

In fact, if it were not for the existence of his allies, Alex could have used his own life just to kill the Rainbow Dude....

Alex was fortunate that he had the Transcendence Shards, which is his best weapon right now.

However, even if he already held the Transcendence Shards and was now using them to reverse the situation, Alex did not feel fully satisfied from what was happening.

"As of now, the auras released by my Transcendence Shards are only enough to make the Rainbow Dude suffer pain. If I really want to kill him, then I must use my Transcendence Shards personally..." Alex let out a small tsk as this point, as he found the idea of using the Transcendence Shards personally as a difficult task.

"The problem is, Transcendence Shards are usually used only for rituals or study purposes. They are not used for fighting, since they are more suitable the comprehensive side...." Alex muttered with a frown. "So using them to attack the Rainbow Dude personally will be a hard task..."

This is the dilemma that Alex discovered once he had released all of his 4 Transcendence Shards.

The Transcendence Shards may be filled with power, but this power is too much to control for someone who was not yet a Transcendent. At best, they can use this power for the growth of their abilities, or for some archaic rituals.

But as for offense, it will be pretty hard to forcefully use the shards to attack someone....

"With my current power level, I have no way to use these Shards to attack the Rainbow Dude. My power is not just enough...." This dilemma has managed to reduce Alex’s satisfaction from his near victory, as he now found himself unable to deal with the finishing blow.

"Tsk! If I want to win, then I must find a way to use the shards!"

At this point, Alex could only let out a sigh as he realized that he had reached the endpoint.

His victory lies on the prerequisite that he can activate the full power of the shards.

If he does not succeed on this, there is a chance that the Rainbow Dude could actually escape, which will just plunge Alex in more danger in the future.

So no matter what happens today, Alex must use the shards in their full potential!


With this problem pestering him, Alex had decided to get back on his brainstorming mode.

He went on to become silent for a full minute, with countless derivations and methodologies flashing inside his brain at the speed of light.

These thoughts were all categorized quickly by Alex, and he only accepted the ones that he had wanted to see.

He ignored the whining sounds released by the captured Rainbow Dude, and he also ignored the invasive stares given to him by his allies.

Alex only forced himself to think, and only think.




Without the distractions given by the Rainbow Dude, Alex had expected himself to think up of a method in just a few minutes.

This was what exactly happened, as after 3 minutes of intense thinking, Alex actually found what he was looking for.

Alex has managed to find a method that can allow him to harness the power of the shards, and he knew that this method is the only one that he can use now.

This method was something that Alex had thought of trying before, but because there are no dangers to him for the 3 months that he stayed in this world, he had discarded this method at the back of his mind.

It was only now that he became serious again that he remembered this method.

However, instead of being happy from this discovery, Alex appeared to be actually worried, and he even looked like he was hesitating to make a move now.

He even let out a small curse from his mouth as he outlined the method that he discovered, with his eyes widening a little from tension.

It was as if the method that he discovered was something that he was not keen on doing, and the only reason that he is attempting it now was because he was forced to...

"So is this the only thing that I can do to use the power of the Shards? What the hell, if this is the only method, then I could be f**ked...." This was Alex’s mental reaction right now, with his anger from earlier slowly coming back up again. "Tsk, why does it have to be this method out of all things? S**t, I really hate this!"

For Alex to be pissed off with the method that he discovered was just proper, since the method itself was something that only madmen or idiots would do.

Heck, Alex knew that if it was not for his current situation, he would not even entertain the mere mention of this method!

"Do I really have to fuse my powers with the Transcendence Shards just to harness their power? Sure, I MIGHT have a chance to harness their power, but there is also a 90% chance that I will explode and die from the fusion with the shards! This is how f**king dangerous this method is!"

Alex swore these words loudly inside his mind, making it obvious that he was in no way satisfied with his discovery. He certainly did not sound happy at all, as most of his emotions now are centered on worry and tension.

"Tsk, what should I do..."


Alex did not hear of any rumors about it, but he was sure that given a chance, someone can fuse their powers with a Transcendence Shard.

As long as that person’s power is similar to the Transcendence Shard’s power, he can easily fuse with the shard.

This means that an Esper could possibly fuse his Esper Power with the Esper Transcendence Shard, and that might allow that Esper to wield all the mysteries inside the shard.

This might sound like a good thing, but Alex knew that once someone does something that involves fusion, a lot of problems can happen.

Alex was not sure about what will happen after the fusion, although he has an idea that most of it will be bad.

"Ugh... Even if someone manages to fuse their power with a Transcendence Shard, there is a chance that this person will die from the fusion alone. After all, even if the shard has a similar power, its quality was beyond anything below Transcendence. Heck, I think that someone has to be extremely talented or lucky just to survive the fusion itself!"

This was the first problem that Alex had thought of once he had discovered the fusion method, and it was not the last one.

There are still more dilemmas that Alex suspects can happen after the fusion, and all of it was just as bad as the first problem.

"Even if a person survives a fusion, there is a chance that once the fusion ends, his body could mutate or his powers will even regress. Heck, the power might even disappear because of the pressure given to it!"

"Or much worse, the person becomes crazy after fusion, with his rationality all gone!"

Each of these dilemmas were enoguh to make Alex hesitate about performing the fusion method, but he found himself unable to just reject the method quickly.

Even if there is a lot of danger related to the fusion method, Alex could not just discard it.

After all, this method is Alex’s only chance to kill the Rainbow Dude!

"Tsk, if I fuse my Transcendence Shards with my powers right now, there are many dangerous side-effects that could happen. Dying is the least of these side effects, so I should not be really doing this..." Alex thought gloomily to himself as he stared at the still writhing Rainbow Dude. "But I really need to kill the Rainbow Dude now, and I cannot let this chance pass...."

The temptation of killing the Rainbow Dude vs. the danger of his chosen method was enough to make Alex hesitate, as he knew that right now, his very own life was at stake.

If he chooses the wrong choice, then a lot of people will also be affected!

"Argh! So is this the point in time where I have to be a gambler and decide on my bet? Tsk, I really hate doing things like this..." With his mind now stuck between two choices, Alex could only laugh sourly as he felt that life was being unfair to him.

"I was saddened because I thought that I will lose, but then I was happy since I discovered that the Transcendence Shards can kill the Rainbow Dude. But now, I am in dilemma again, as the price of killing the Rainbow Dude could be high! Argh! Why does things have to be like this!"

To fuse or not to fuse?

These are Alex’s only choices right now, which he had to choose as fast as possible. After all, if Alex dares to delay his decision by some more minutes, the Rainbow Dude might be able to run away...


Alex knew that his time is only limited, so even with all the uncertainties covering his situation, Alex forced himself to make his decision.

It took him only a second to compose himself, and he only spent less than that time to make the decision.

"Tsk, fine. Since things have already gone like this, there is only one thing left for me to do." Alex thought as he began gritting his teeth. He felt pain from the sensation of his teeth grinding each other, but he had duly ignored it.

"Since the Rainbow Dude is my opponent, and since he’s also a deplorable Child of Chaos, his existence is something that I cannot allow to tolerate. Because of that, I will have to kill him now, even at the risk of my own life!"

Even if he did not fully say the words, it was already obvious what Alex had decided to do.

Alex chose to use the fusion method, even with all of its possible risks!

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