Epic of Caterpillar

Chapter 312: Chaotic Magic

312 Chaotic Magic

[Day 193]

When I obtained the [Chaos Attribute Magic] Skill yesterday, I didn't have any time to try it as I was in the middle of a dinner with my family, but I was intrigued by how I managed to obtain it.

First of all, when I reached Rank 4 Soul, my Soul mutated and became [Bloody Chimera Soul of Scarlet Chaos], which ended up giving me the ability to infuse Chaos Attribute into my Aura, however, I was not able to generate magic spells with Chaos Attribute, at least not without having to fuse many attributes into a single spell thanks to my Library Skill and throwing away the spell, creating a destructive attack.

But now, thanks to this skill, I'm able to mold Chaos itself without having to use any other Attributes to reach the Chaos.

I presume that I obtained this Skill not only due to my soul but because, after conquering the Forsaken Labyrinth and merging it with my dungeon, it gained my primary attributes, which included Chaos due to my soul. And when Chaos Attribute Monsters began to spawn and several bosses gained this attribute, I was able to nourish this attribute inside of my body by eating their flesh, perhaps [Devour] also helped out into this.

Well, I would like to try out this new magic, but my wives were currently cuddling with me and giving me all of their warmness. It's not like I can't move, it's just that this warmness is very comforting, and I just want to stay like this for the rest of the day.


Sigh… My child, can't you let me rest for a bit?


My belly began to roar like a beast, asking for food, my child, who was peacefully resting inside of my womb, was asking for more nutrition and calories to develop.

As if almost instinctively, Nesiphae and Nixephine woke up, immediately calling the maids and going to hunt for more food.

"Wait here Master, we will go hunt for a tad bit~"

"Please, eat a lot so it can grow strong"

The two grabbed their weapons and armor and swiftly moved towards the dungeon.

Oga then princess-carried me towards my chair…

"Wait… I can move on my own, Oga!"

"But Master Kireina, you are carrying a child! So, you need to be treated with care~ Also, I can tell that you like to be carried"

"I-I don't like to be carried…! It's not true…! Sigh…"

Well… Maybe I do a little bit. It feels quite nice to be taken care of by others…

Anyways, after having a fulfilling breakfast and a comforting bath, I was finally free to try out my Chaos Magic… Although I need a special place to do so, I'm afraid that just using my castle or the training grounds would end up destroying it all.

So, I went to the outside, accompanied by Zehe and Rimuru, Zehe was very interested in this new magic, while Rimuru was just tailing around with me like she always does when she's free.

"Master… This Magic is it truly related to the strange Attribute inside of your Soul…? The Chaos Attribute… I've only read small details about it in the most ancient of magic books… It is one of the "lost attributes" alongside the Order, Life, and Death Attribute… To think that I would be able to see it with my own two eyes, it fills me with excitement!" Said Zehe with an excited and expecting expression in her face.

Just like Charlotte was obsessed with Alchemy and Magic Technology, Zehe was obsessed with the study of magic and all of its mysterious Attributes. She called herself a researcher.

"Ooh! I remember Masta conjuring Chaos Attribute when she summoned those devastating spells filled with many elements, guu!" Said Rimuru, remember the numerous times that I conjured my magic.

"Indeed, but in those times, I was only able to conjure it momentarily by merging many spells into one, and the results were usually too uncontrollable… Now that I possess Chaos Attribute Magic as a Skill, I should be able to conjure it isolated from other elements"

As I said this, I conjured the Chaos Attribute Spell [Chaos Sphere], by chanting its name on my mind. Thanks to the various Skills I obtained after eating countless human mages in previous wars, I can chant magic inside of my mind.


As if space itself ruptured, a small, pebble-sized sphere of pure darkness appeared, however, as one glanced in the darkness of the sphere, countless of other colors would appear, constantly merging and becoming darker, rotating in an endless void of chaotic madness.

I instantly knew that looking over the Chaotic Sphere for too long could cause [Madness], [Confusion], and even [Insanity] status effects on weak-minded individuals. However, my wives seemed to not be affected by it at all and inspected the small sphere over the palm of my hand.

Zehe glanced at the sphere with shining eyes.

"T-This is really Chaos Attribute! Each time I glance at the sphere, I can feel a strange void call upon my mind, to descend to madness and chaotic thoughts…! Incredible, this Attribute not only has amazing destructive powers, but it can also alter and affect the mind?" She said while beginning to write what she said over a small notebook.

"Guu… It feels weird, a little bit dizzy… Gugugu…" Said Rimuru, as her eyes spiraled in confusion.

"W-Wait Rimuru, don't look at it anymore!"

"Gueh… I'm fine…! I think one of my skills negated the confusion" She said, completely recovering almost instantly.

"Ah… Well, what do you say, Zehe?" I said, looking at Zehe, who was writing even more of her analysis in her notebook.

"It seems that the power that the Chaos Attribute has to confuse the minds of intelligent beings is related to its innate ability, which can make things that are in order, become disorder, where there is order, there is always chaos… or so it said in those books… "Sane" people would never be able to wield Chaos Attribute Magic as they would descend into madness and die by their own powers… But somehow, we are unaffected by it, perhaps because we are monsters?"

"Or insane?" Said Rimuru.

"Well, that's a possibility, we all have a tad bit of insanity in us… And Honey, who can use it so skillfully, must have a very insane and grotesque mind!" Said Zehe, admiring me for a reason that shouldn't be.

"I don't know if I should feel honored or not about your compliment, but I will take it like that, a compliment…"

"Hmm, maybe Masta special insanity as affected us? So, we are seemingly immune or highly resistant to the Chaos Attribute side effect"

"Ooh! Indeed, Honey's ability to influence others, boost their growth and strength may be tied to sharing her insanity with us?"

"P-Please stop calling me insane…"

After the small inspection, it was time to try its offensive power, I commanded the Chaotic Sphere as it obeyed my orders without any issue, however, I noticed that each time I moved it around, it seemed as if it created small ripples in the air…

"Could it be that the Chaos Attribute is so unstable that each time it moves, its constantly ripping apart the space that makes this realm? So even Space, Time, and Wind Attribute that surrounds us are being affected… How fascinating!" Analyzed Zehe.

"Guuu…! But isn't it dangerous? What if Space rips apart and we are sucked into the Astral Road, guu?" Asked Rimuru, she had a point there.

"That's true… However, don't you see? Each time Honey moves the Chaotic Sphere, space rips apart, but quickly recovers as if nothing! It seems that the components that made this space and the realm are strong enough to support the pressure of Chaos Attribute and recover quickly not so long after… However, it could be different if a stronger, Chaos Attribute Spell is used… Even the destruction of the whole realm into a chaotic spiral could be possible… Indeed, Chaos Attribute is a very dangerous Magic Element" Analyzed Zehe, as she wrote down everything she said.

I summoned a Giant Chimera Beast with the head of a shark and different limbs, those of a cat, foxes, and lizards, it had around fifty meters of height, it was our dummy for today.

"Now, stay still"

The Chimera stood on its place, it barely possessed intelligence, and my command was obeyed without delay.


I threw the Chaotic Sphere towards the Chimera as it gently touched it… Then, a strange sight happened.

As if the Chimera's body wasn't much more of a mess, it began to mutate endlessly, new limbs appeared and others disappeared as it screamed in pain, inside of its body all of its organs were being mixed into a bloody mess, and pieces of its flesh flew around, bathing the ground of scarlet red. When the Chimera was dead, only a pile of mush and shattered bones remained, the Chaotic Sphere had disappeared.



"Incredible, Honey~! Chaos Attribute Magic not only can make others minds enter into complete chaos, but also their physical bodies, even if that chimera was a mix and mash of various monsters, it was still in a certain "order", and when the Chaotic Sphere entered the monster, it began to mutate and destroy itself, losing all of the order that it had… Truly a terrifying and frightening power! Now I can comprehend why this Attribute was lost in time, perhaps because it was too dangerous to wield, to the point that it could easily backfire against its user…!" Said Zehe, as she wrote everything down, while obsessively looking at the pile of flesh that was once a chimera.

Rimuru then extended one of her tentacles and cleaned the mess by eating everything in a few seconds.

"Thanks for the meal, guu"

"Rimuru, that was precious evidence! You shouldn't have eaten it… Wait, do you feel unwell? Are you feeling any symptoms?" Asked Zehe, bewildered at first but then worried about Rimuru.

"No, I'm fine, guu"

"Rimuru, you shouldn't eat anything in front of you…" I said I had to reprimand her a little bit so she could learn not to do that.

"Gueeh… Sorry…" Apologized Rimuru.

Afterward, I summoned more Chimeras and practiced the control of the Chaotic Spheres, thanks to the Magic Talent-related Skills included in my bloodline and lineage, I was able to summon several at the same time, which I controlled skillfully as if they were part of my body.

Each Chimera hit by them would twist around and then explode into pieces, however, whenever the spheres did this once, they disappeared. So only one sphere was enough per chimera, but a single one couldn't beat an army, it was a centered attack and it didn't affect the chimeras surrounding the affected ones. Most of the time, it was a one-hit-KO, however, there were two exceptions, large chimeras that had very twisted bodies and mutated limbs, who seemed to survive, barely.

It seems that the least order you have in your own body, the more chances you have to survive Chaos Attribute… I wondered if I could survive it, but due to all of my recovery skills, I should.

And so, I threw a Chaotic Sphere over my body. But what happened was different, instead of twisting around and falling into pieces as I expected, my body seemed to be mostly unaffected, some parts of my body convulsed, but that was it. My wives wanted me to try it in them, but it was too dangerous, they don't possess the same self-regeneration abilities that I do, so I didn't want to risk their lives.

Afterward, I tried the spheres against different elemental walls made out of magic, the results were as I expected, weaker shields were destroyed by a single chaotic sphere, while stronger ones that possessed several elements in harmony like the one Rimuru creates, resisted more but ultimately were holed by the spheres.

It seems that Chaos Attribute can negate most elements, however, if the shield is strong enough and made by someone with outstanding Magic Stat, it may take more time to destroy it or rip its way through, so I had to infuse more MP.

This tells that although the Chaos Attribute is very strong, it has its limits and it needs the conjurer's Magic and MP Stat to show its full potential, if I were to just use it with low MP and Magic, it wouldn't be as powerful as it is showcased, probably if conjured by a human, it wouldn't be able to destroy the giant Chimera, maybe damaging it, it would probably need several spheres to finally kill it.

Due to my high Magic Stat, I was able to kill these Chimeras easily, but the damage it causes it's still affected by the system, meaning that someone with high Resistance and Health Points can survive my Chaos Attribute spells, just like any other Attribute. Also, the amount of MP that it needs is absurd, a single bullet cost 500 MP, if it wasn't for my fast MP regeneration, I wouldn't be able to conjure so many at the same time.

There was another Spell, named [Chaotic Surge of Strength], which was a buffing spell that increased Strength, Defense, and Speed by infusing Chaos Attribute Mana into the body of a target, however, if the target is weak-minded and has a frail body, it will backfire and cause negative ailments and internal damage.

Of course, it worked just fine in me, and after trying it by only a bit on Zehe and Rimuru, they seemed to be fine as well. The principles on how this spell uses Chaos Attribute Mana is different than the Chaotic Sphere, so its primary function is not to "damage" but to "increase capabilities". Yes, it can damage someone without enough strength, but it can also be an amazing buff to someone strong enough to withstand the pressure of the Chaos Attribute.

Zehe and Rimuru became incredibly strong, resistant, and quick with this buff, Zehe in specific isn't a physical fighter at all but was able to easily kill Giant Chimeras with her bare hand's thanks to this buff, without even possessing a single Unarmed Fighting Technique Skill.

Rimuru was the same, while also gaining amazing physical resistance capable of resisting my attacks from short distances and also the speed to compare to my [Illogical Propulsion Speed] Skill.

All in all, both Spells were outstanding, and straight upgrades from my previously used Magic and Buffing Skills, and the best part is that I was able to stack the buffs with [Chaotic Surge of Strength].

[The Levels of the [Chaos-Attribute Magic; Level 1], [Demonic Overpowering Mana Authority: Creation, Manipulation and Usage; Level 7], [Extra MP; Level 4] and [Geomancy; Level 5] Skills has increased!]

[New Chaos Attribute Spell Learned; [Chaotic Mind Attack]!]

[Chaotic Mind Attack; Directly attacks the foe's mind with a powerful shock of Chaos Attribute Mana. Disorder all of the thoughts of the foe, causing several mental-related negative status effects. Ineffective against Insane or Chaotic individuals. Its effects may be decreased against those who have highly leveled Mental Protection Skills or possess Order Attribute Magic]




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