Epic of Caterpillar

Chapter 313: The Sexy Aura Teacher, Kireina!

313 The Sexy Aura Teacher, Kireina!

[Day 194]

I ended up spending most of the day yesterday investigating the Chaos Attribute Magic, and after repeatedly using it for the entire day, it leveled up and granted me a new mental attack spell, its effects were similar to the innate ability of Chaos Attribute, which can set other people's minds into a frenzy of chaos, but amplified and specifically made for that. Chaos Attribute seems very versatile, I wondered if it could do some more things, but for that, I needed to level it up.

I usually don't really care about leveling skills as I can fuse them and directly upgrade them that way, but skills that cannot be fused like the [Chaos Attribute Magic] or my Sin of Lust Skills should be leveled as fast as possible, so I can be ready to any challenge in the future.

Today in the morning I spent a few hours using some of these Lust Skills while doing intercourse with my wives, due to the versatility of these skills they can also have positive effects on sex and increase the pleasure that I and my wives receive if used moderately. And because I have many, even if I can only use it moderately, I can still use it a lot of time for each one.

After a fulfilling breakfast and a nice bath where my children came to be washed as well by their mothers, I decided to purchase some Skills with my Skill Points that I've gathered since I changed classes.

I currently had 215 Skill Points, and the available Skills were as follows;

[Savage Love (20 SP)], [Charming Tower (40 SP)]

[Lovely Instance (20 SP)], [A Change of Heart (40 SP)]

[Sexy Provocation (20 SP)], [Alluring Martial Arts (40 SP)]

[Love Extraction (30 SP)], [Brainwash Master (60 SP)]

[Corrupt Love (40 SP)], [Lovely Love Beam! (60 SP)]

Each Skill had its own uses, but most of them seemed to be about brainwashing, provoking the user, or buff/heal people that love me.

It seems that Lust it's not only about intercourse and sex but about love and emotions. I selected the ones that I thought would be most useful. Lust Skills seemed to affect even on very strong Dungeon Bosses, they were rather useful to distract Athos when we first fought. And it can also help me make my enemies lower their guards over my presence as Ashura did.

[Kireina] acquired the following Skills from [Class Skills Shop]

[Brainwash Master; Level 1]

[Alluring Martial Arts; Level 1]

[Charming Tower; Level 1]

[Love Extraction; Level 1]

[Sexy Provocation; Level 1]

[Savage Love; Level 1]

I used 210 Skill Points, leaving me with a measly 5 points, but it was fine, as all of these skills would come in useful in several situations.

For example, [Brainwash Master] increases the potency of my brainwashing and hypnosis, it also affects my Slime Clones and it even let me edit memories of brainwashed uses more easily if leveled up.

[Charming Tower] summons a giant, twenty meters tall tower made out of purple-colored solidified Illusion Attribute Magic. It increases the stats of those that feel love for me in a certain radius, while also being able to automatically shoot powerful "Love" beams, which can damage based on my Charisma Stat. I can only summon one tower, but as the Skill levels up, I can summon more at the same time.

[Love Extraction] is very useful, as it lets me extract energy from those who love me, being MP, HP, and even Stamina. It may be very dangerous if used carelessly, but as long as I use it in the right times while being surrounded by my wives, I can recover MP faster, although I don't think that I would use the HP or Stamina drain function, it may come in hand someday. [MP Connection] could be used as well, but [Love Extraction] not only provides the MP of those who love me but it also increases their stats as I do this, to "compensate".

[Sexy Provocation] is a skill has an effect that I wasn't able to do so easily, that is of provoking others with my beauty, making enemies go berserk and lower their guards against me, it could be considered a provocation skill that some beasts or armor knights use to take the attention from enemies and tank their attacks. It's pretty much the same effect but it also lowers the affected foe's sanity and thoughts.

Last but not least, [Savage Love] is something similar to [Sexy Provocation] but for my allies, it increases all of their capabilities in exchange for some of their sanity, becoming berserks, it can be used in some instances where I want them to receive a significant boost to slay something by themselves.

With all of these mischievous skills, I resemble a succubus even more, to the point that it worries me a bit…

I decided to use some of these skills in the training group, who were doing their best to obtain [Superhuman Strength] or level it up for the ones who had it.

By setting up a [Charming Tower] in the middle of the training ground, everyone's stats were increased massively, and by using [Savage Love], their stats increased, even more, it seems that the Centaur Girls already had feelings for me, so they were fully affected by these Skills. With all of these increased stats, they managed to break their limits and train even harder and faster, and just in a whim, Ismena and Nanako obtained [Superhuman Strength].

Finally, after such a long training session, each member of the training team possesses this powerful skill.

Ismena and Nanako were incredibly exhausted after the acquisition of the Skill, so I helped the girls calm down.

Ismena in specific was in the ground completely stiff.

"Gueeh… My wife… Kireina! I've done it… Ufuh… My muscles are so stiff…" She lamented, while celebrating at the same time, her golden eyes were rather lifeless, she was very tired.

Nanako's crimson eyes were also extremely tired, the eyes on her forehead were closed, the same for the ones in her arms and hands.

"Ugueh… I got it! Oh, gods… I never thought I would be able to exercise so much in my life, meeting Master has really been a surprise after a surprise… I should tell my parents about this good news~ Fueh… Ugh, my muscles…"

The two young ladies seemed rather tired, so I felt obliged to give them some nice massages. I released a small futon from my Item Box and put both of them over there, and then, by using my Aura and Ethereal Transformation, coupled with a plethora of other Skills like Muscle-Relaxing Slime secretion, I gave them massages while observing their bodies with [Mystic Eyes], targeting the areas with most fatigue and pain.

Some of their nerves were atrophied due to the overbearing exercise, so I felt responsible for them, as I was the one who forced them to work out in the first place.

By using Ethereal Transformation and Shapeshifting, I was able to change the structure of my hands into thin slime tentacles that entered their bodies and slowly repaired their stiffened muscles, supplying them with my own Stamina and Magic Energy.

"Oh gods~ Yes, right… there…! Ufuuh… Uuh~" (Ismena)

"Aah~ Oooh~ My ancestors~! Please forgive me for releasing such shameful moans~! Aauuh~!" (Nanako)

When the massages were done, the two girls felt as if they were in heaven. With relaxed expressions in their faces, it was as if they had found true peace of mind, reaching a state similar to Buddhism…

"Aah~ Everything is so beautiful…"

"Indeed~ Life is truly full of wonders…"

After seeing the effects of my massages, the other girls in the training group asked me for them, including Oga who was here as well. In the end, I had to massage everyone, but it made me happy, and I was even able to mix my massages with my Sin of Lust Skills.

When everything was done, we had a nice lunch where my children joined in, and then we went to farm Experience Points in the Dungeon, sweeping Bosses with ease and cleaning the lower floors in very few hours. I used this opportunity to level up my skills as well.

[Calculating EXP gained…]

[Kireina] gained 17.124.554.000 EXP!]

[LEVEL 061/250?EXP 18.901.948.933/23.700.000.000]

We had started doing things very early, so there were some more hours before night, which I used to teach my family, all of my wives and children, about Aura and its usage. All of my wives without exception were interested, Oga was also included, and the Centaur Twins as well.

The Centaur Twins felt a little bit awkward about being considered my family, although I could tell that their hearts were racing with excitement by the thought of being my wives.

Because most of my wives had a very basic use of their Aura, I had suddenly become the teacher of my entire family and decided to wear the typical tight clothes that teachers in Earth would wear, perhaps to appease one of my fantasies, although the very tight skirt wasn't as pleasant as I thought, my breasts were too large so I needed to open the shirt a lot.

Most wives certainly couldn't concentrate on my appearance, but after some time they became more attentive to what I was teaching them.

"Aura is a powerful energy that flows in almost every living organism… Although it is named in other ways, like Pressure or Intimidation Force, it's something that most monsters and animals that reach a certain strength can exceed to intimidate others…"

"Oh, like the Crimson Wolves who are born with that small Intimidation Skill?" Asked Ailine, who had some young Crimson Wolves as friends, they showcased this ability since they're born.

"Ding-ding! Exactly, the beautiful princess over there~! One extra point for Ailine!" I said, rewarding my little girl.

"Hehe" Chuckled Ailine, feeling praised.

"However, that function is not but the surface of the uses of this energy. Aura is the representation of one's Life Energy and Magic Energy, and grants us the ability to enhance our capabilities beyond race or species limits, as one's Soul and Strength becomes greater, Aura evolves and becomes thicker, more physical and also easier to manipulate"

"Mommy, does that mean that if I increase the Rank of my Soul, will my Aura become more visible?" Asked Vudia.

"That is correct~! The adorable little princess over there gains an extra point as well~! Now, now… This is why it's so important for all of you to increase the rank of your souls, so you can become stronger through your Auras… For example, Amiphossia and I are the only ones with a Rank 5 Soul currently, and our Aura can be molded almost as if they extensions of our limbs, they can easily grab things and attack and deal physical damage. Auras become incredibly useful as you can infuse Attributes in them and even use Skills in ways that you never thought possible, covering several areas that you perhaps considered yourself lacking on…"

"So it means that I can use long-distance physical attacks?" Asked Ryo, excited about this application.

"That handsome young man over there~! That's right, if you train diligently and eat your Souls as mommy tells you, you will be able to use your weapon techniques and infuse them into your Aura, creating long-ranged attacks"

"I'm still pretty novice into this Aura thing, but is there a nice way to detect it? It's rather hard…" Asked Nixephine, who was troubled over Aura manipulation.

"I see. Well, you see my dear, you need to canalize your senses inside of your own body, preferably in a state of peace… If you can level up your sense skills enough, this process should become way easier, so it would be better to do some meditation sessions and steadily level up those skills"

"Aah! So that's how it is… It's all about senses then? That explains why I can't detect it even when I've told that I have it, my [Augmented Five Senses] Skill is still at level 2, so I should level it up~" (Nixephine)

"How could I mold my Aura?" Asked Altani.

"That's a very good question, dear. You see…"

And so, I continued with the classes until night fell, where we decided to rest and go to have a comforting dinner. Afterward, my wives asked me to wear the Sexy Teacher Outfit again, and due to this, we had a very active night…

[The Levels of the [Chaos Attribute Magic; Level 2], [Love Connection; Level 2], [Lustful Ecstasy Nectar; Level 3], [Pleasure Mind Attack; Level 4], [Greater Sexual Resiliency; Level 3], [Brainwash Master; Level 1], [Alluring Martial Arts; Level 1], [Charming Tower; Level 1], [Love Extraction; Level 1], [Sexy Provocation; Level 1] and [Savage Love; Level 1] Skills have increased!]

[New Chaos Attribute Magic Spell Learned; [Order Reversal]!]

[Order Reversal; Slightly Changes the "Order" in a selected Area or Target. Reverses certain effects of skills, and can even change how something is weak against can become something immune against and vice versa. Example; Can change how something weak to fire now resists it, or how something immune to light is now slightly weak to it. Cannot be used in the user of this spell.]




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