Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1860 Primordial

Chapter 1860 Primordial

The darkness that covered the sky was not a simple one. Just its presence alone was enough to send despair through Alex as he understood whatever was happening was not normal.

He looked down from the sky and into the darkened land. It took him a moment to understand that not all of it had darkened. There were places far far away that were still in sunlight.

The sun hadn't vanished as his instinct had first told him. Still, a complete lack of light to be in this place, scared Alex a lot.

'What is going on?' Alex wondered for a moment. Was something come their direction? Was someone using a strong technique to devour light in their direction? Or was it some sort of phenomenon?

Could it be a Birth Omen even?

Just as Alex wondered he saw the sunlight slowly get brighter in the north, and it seemed to move in his direction.

Alex watched as the sunlight followed all the way to where he was and crossed him, filling the world with light again.

There was still a massive spot of darkness in the south that continued south, and Alex stared up to see just what it was that caused the shadow.

He looked to the sky and his heartbeat stopped for a minute as shock filled him in totality.

In the sky was a silhouette of a beast far above the atmosphere where he had no chance of flying. Alex could only tell it was a beast because of the limbs that came out of its sides and a long tail.

Aside from that, he couldn't tell exactly what sort of beast it was.

But for a beast to roam the sky above, to fully swallow all light and leave them in total darkness, Alex could only wonder what it was.

He didn't wonder for long.

He left the Sundering Sanctum immediately, flying back toward the palace on his Immortal ship that flew fast enough that he reached the palace in just 2 hours.

He quickly flew in and went to find Scarlet.

Even as he went there, he could already hear the conversation about the darkness and what it was. It wasn't just him that had seen it. The entire continent was in shambles right now.

Scarlet was in the throne room when he arrived, sitting on the throne with her hand on her head.

"You're back," she said. "Where were you?"

"In the Sundering Sanctum," Alex said. "Where the shadow passed through."

"Oh, so you were there?" she asked. "I've released a statement saying it was nothing, but people don't seem to be calming down. Most think the world is coming to an end."

Alex could hear a hint of frustration and disappointment in her voice.

"It is nothing?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, it's nothing," Scarlet said. "People shouldn't be worrying about it."

"How can it be nothing?" Alex asked. "I saw a beast up there. A massive one at that. Everyone must've seen it, just like me. It was above the sky."

"I know," Scarlet said. "I'm telling you, it's nothing."

"Why are you certain it's nothing?" Alex asked, curious.

"Because it's dead," she said. "That thing you saw, it's dead. It's just a corpse floating around in space from a time long past, from a primordial era."

Alex continued listening. There was information here that he was hearing for the first time, so he waited for Scarlet to explain it all.

"They are called Primordials. They are massive creatures the size of a continent from a time long before the war. From a time of which we do not have any record of," Scarlet said. "We don't know where they lived, but they are dead now and their frozen corpses just fly around in space, drifting forever."

"From time to time, they eclipse the sun or the moon, but that is it. There is nothing more to them."

Alex thought for a while, trying to take in this new information.

Primordials. He had never heard of them before.

That made him realize just how much more there was in this world that the Immortals knew as trivial information that was shocking to him. Just how much more did he have to learn in the Immortal world?

"Tell me more about these Primordials."

Scarlet shrugged and told him what little she knew about Primordials.

There were no more Primordials in the world. Beings of that size simply did not survive anywhere. However, it was said that the bloodline of Primordials did live on, and there were apparently many beasts that still had these bloodlines.

Aside from the Heavenly Beasts blessed by the Sun God, these Primordial bloodlines were what ruled the beast world.

Qilin, Three Legged Crow, Dragon-Turtle, Roc, Headless Immortal, Moon Rabbit, Yellow Dragon, Midnight Phoenix, Flying Raindragon, Flood Dragon, Heavenly Dog, Fox Spirit, and Thousand Miles Horse were some of the names that Alex managed to catch as Scarlet named them.

All of these beasts were dead, but their corpses still floated all around the space, and their bloodlines still flowed through the beasts in the Immortal realm.

Alex left the throne room after a while, his head buzzing with all the new information he had received.

He went back to his room and began cultivating while digesting all the new information. He was out of Qi due to having tried to bond the Playground, so this was all he could do.

After 2 days of non-stop cultivation, Alex left to make sure the continent had calmed down. It seemed as though Scarlet had lied and told them that it was an illusion, caused by some sort of phenomenon that she had been performing, and thus no one had to worry about it.

She didn't find any shame in saying that as by the time another Primordial flew above them, every single person in this world would have been long dead. That was how long it took for the Primordials to pass through.

Scarlet didn't even know the last time such a thing had happened in the Southern Continent. It was likely not a single Phoenix that had come to this world knew about it.

After everything calmed down, Alex went back into his daily routine and began making pills. There were a lot of requirements for pills as he had promised a Dao pill for every single person out there.

The plan to plot a lot more Soul Elucidating Tulips had long since been underway, so all that was left was for him to make the pills.

Aside from making pills, Alex also continued his research into making the pill that would improve his Wood Spiritual root. It was something he began researching nearly 20 years ago, and finally, it was coming to an end.

Another month went by and after focusing all of his time on just making the Wood pill, Alex finally perfected the recipe.

Since he had perfected it, Alex created the pill, a full 9-veined Wood Spiritual Root Improving pill, and ate asit.

He felt the intense energy of the pill he made go into his body and affect the Wood spiritual root in his body, slowly improving it.

By the time the pill wore off, Alex had ended up significantly improving his Wood Spiritual root.

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