Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1861 A Short Trip

Chapter 1861 A Short Trip

Alex tested his Spiritual Roots on a formation to see how much the Wood's Spiritual Roots had grown.

Somehow, it was still the weakest of his Spiritual roots, but it was far from being horrible. It was still not at the level where he felt comfortable calling it a Superior root, but it had advanced enough that he didn't have to constantly worry about it being too bad.

Maybe he could learn the Wood Dao now too. He didn't believe it all that much though.

After testing the pill on himself and being confident of its success, Alex made a lot more Wood Spiritual Root Improving Pills and gave them away to everyone who needed it.

After handing it over, Alex gave the recipe of the pill away to the Royal Alchemy guild so everyone could learn it and help improve the status of the people all around the continent.

After providing the recipe, Alex returned to trying and learning the remaining 3 Dao, which he struggled a lot to try and do.

His Aunt Liz went and returned from the Eastern Continent once again, coming back with more information about the marriage.

No more than 4 months remained before the wedding, and it appeared that Hannah wanted to send that very information to the Hao Ya as well, who was inside the Central continent and hadn't left since disappearing mid-war.

Alex sighed as he remembered that he needed to go to the senior Yang and had been too busy to do so.

"I'll go to the Central Continent and tell them about it, " Alex said and went to find Ronron to tell her about it.

Ronron was the princess of the palace and would always be surrounded by many guards and servants to see to her needs.

She didn't want any of it, but she couldn't send them away either and was forced to be around them. Her cultivation base was coming around nicely, having reached the Saint Realm some time ago.

Her method of cultivation which required her to find only Wood energy was quite annoying, but being a princess had allowed her to get all of this and more.

She got to train as much as she wanted to, with her Grandfather constantly training her in combat. She had already far surpassed him in cultivation, but Graham's physical strength made him way too formidable for her to beat him anytime soon.

Alex arrived where they were training, with many young men watching her train, supposedly hoping they could court her if they were given the chance.

Alex's arrival threw water in their plans and they quickly left after greeting him.

Alex watched Ronron and Graham train for a while before coming to a stop. She could not get a single hit in on Graham.

"Father," she called out to him with a shortness of breath still audible in her voice. "It is unusual for you to come to these matches of ours."

"I didn't come to see you train, although it was quite entertaining," Alex said. "I came to tell you that I'm going to the Central Continent. If you wish to see your master, go change and we can leave."

"Master? I can leave in this," Ronron said. "We can leave now."

A few of the servants began protesting, but Ronron had already walked on ahead, leaving them behind.

Alex shrugged. "We'll return in a bit, Father."

Graham nodded and left to train with the other soldiers that were ready to fight him.

Alex flew to the Intercontinental Teleportation formation from where he and Ronron teleported to the Central Continent.

They teleported to an open field that was set up as a teleportation receiver by the senior.

Ronron cringed a bit at the feeling of the world. A place without Qi, a place where she felt something was stealing her Qi from within her.

One needed a strong Intent to fight against this stealing.

"Let's go," Alex said and flew toward Senior Yang's mansion, arriving there within a few minutes.

Ronron looked at the mansion and sighed a little. "How long has it been since I came here? 22 years? 23?" she asked.

She had spent her time away from this place for so long that she felt some of her memories of hers here become vague.

It gave her a nostalgic feeling to return to this place.

She walked in, remembering where to go as if she had been here just yesterday. Walking into the mansion, she quickly arrived at the backyard, with Alex following behind her.

"Master!" Ronron shouted upon seeing the man who sat cross-

legged in the garden.

Senior Yang smiled upon seeing Ronron. "Ronron! I did not expect to see you here," he said. "When I sensed the teleportation, I thought it would've only been your father."

Alex walked forward and bowed a little. "It is a pleasure to meet you again senior. Please forgive me that I didn't come quicker to thank you for your help during the war."

"That's alright," the man said. "I only did what I did because I believed it to be the right thing to do." He then turned to Ronron. "Come on, sit. Tell me more about what you've been up to."

Ronron smiled and went up to the man to sit beside him and tell him about her life in the palace. Alex went up to them and sat beside them as well.

Ronron spoke for a long time, while both the men simply stayed and listened.

Alex looked around the backyard, seeing the small pond in the distance where the Snake was supposed to be. But he wasn't coming out of it at all.

He noticed the lack of Hao Ya as well.

"Where is sister Hao Ya? And Senior Xuan?" Alex asked.

"Oh, I've sent them to do some survey around the continent," the man said. "Because the existence of the world outside is common knowledge now, people have been constantly asking to leave this place and go to the world outside."

"So, I've sent them out to survey the public and see if their proposal is worth accepting."

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