Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1882 Hannah’s 100th Birthday

Chapter 1882 Hannah's 100th Birthday

Alex walked out of the Harmonious Balance Haven and teleported to the Dragon Capital.

As he walked out of the teleportation formation, he was introduced to an atmosphere of pure joy and celebration.

Lanterns hung all around, and?sounds of drums spread through the city. Tall flags flapped in the wind and a constant voice kept shouting 'Hurray' at every few intervals.

Alex was genuinely surprised at how celebratory the capital had become for his sister's birthday.

The news had spread like wildfire apparently, the Empresses' 100th birthday being a vastly important ordeal given how status and strength.

Not only was she the Empress, but she was also the youngest known cultivator who had reached the Saint Transformation 9th realm.

The one that was most certain to reach Immortality next.

Alex met a group of soldiers who were there to escort him to the palace. They looked at him and were in awe at his Saint Transformation 4th realm that he had reached some weeks ago.

They knew he had only been at the Saint Transformation 1st realm when he had killed the Immortal Dragon Emperor, so who knew what went through their head when seeing him in a realm higher than back then?

The legacy of him that spread throughout the Eastern Continent was not something he could remove easily. He had to deal with it some other way.

'So much for obscurity,' Alex thought. The more the days went on, the more he realized just how wrong he was in regards to people forgetting about him.

With the feats he had done, that was not?something that was?likely to happen without any big move on his part.

Alex arrived at the palace and was quickly taken to where the Emperor and Empress were.

"Sister, Happy 100th Birthday!"

Alex hugged Hannah as soon as he arrived at the hall.

"Thank you so much!" Hannah spoke back in glee. "Well, the birthday is still not for 2 more days, but thank you."

"You seem very happy," Alex said. "Is there any particular reason for that?"

"No reason." Hannah shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just happy. I might be 100 years old, but that's infancy for a cultivator. I'm allowed to be childish sometimes."

"I can't argue there."

Alex greeted Long Huan, who seemed quite happy as well. He had improved quite a lot since Alex last saw him, his physique itself changing to be more stern and dependable. As though the burdens of being an Emperor were something that changed him.

He had also reached the Saint Transformation realm, it seemed. That would help Hannah a lot when it was time for her to take everyone away.

That reminded Alex.

"How's your progress with your Dao, sister? Have you learned anything since back then?" Alex asked.

"Quite a lot," Hannah said. "I don't have anything to do except learn some Dao, so I've ended up learning almost all of the Fire Daos, 2 Water Daos, and the Dao of Earth."

Alex was taken aback slightly. "You've learned almost all the Fire Daos?" he asked.

"Yes," Hannah said proudly. "I still have to learn the Dao of Boiling and Dao of Melting, but that shouldn't take too long if I'm not wrong. I should learn it within the next 2 years."

"Wow. What about the 2 Water Daos? Which ones did you learn?"

"Dao of Softness and Dao of Water," Hannah answered. "I tried learning others but I find water Daos harder than fire Daos for some reason. I cannot understand why."

Alex had no answer for that.

"So you have…" Alex quickly calculated in his mind and continued, "9 Dao right now, and that will go down to 4 if you learn 2 more. That sounds… lovely."

"How many do you have?" Hannah asked.

Alex could only sigh. "13."

Hannah put on a worried look. "Are you going to be alright?" she asked. "I hear the more Dao you have, the more dangerous it is."

"Don't worry. I can deal with it," Alex said. "I'll be alright."

Hannah nodded.

"So… 2 more Dao and you will try to break through to Immortality, huh?" Alex said.

"Yes," Hannah said. "Just 2 more Dao."

They left the hall, going to the Swan courtyard where Alex's family was staying at the moment.

Everyone welcomed him with open arms.

Alex hadn't seen a lot of them in over a year now, so he was more than happy to see them all. Ronron excitedly told him about their extended adventures throughout the continent, asking him if he had seen the many places she saw.

Alex shook his head. He hadn't explored the Western or Northern Continent like he did the Eastern Continent during his 20-year stay here.

Those were places he had to survive in, with each day needing him to do something to get to the next. He didn't have any time to go explore.

However, now that he was to be freer soon, he would certainly go visit a lot of different places no doubt. Although, that would have to wait for a while.

Helen talked about her visit to the Luminance Empire, where she met his master once again.

Qin Shan was still the sect master of the Flowing Brush sect and seemed to have improved in his cultivation a lot. Although, Helen had long since surpassed him with herowncultivation base, which certainly surprised the man quite a lot.

Helen related other information that Alex wasn't privy to, none of which was of much interest to Alex. Although he was indeed happy to know that everyone from Scarlet City was doing well.

Alex went on to talk with the others and stopped by to talk with young Emily. In the time he hadn't seen her, she had grown to be a young girl of around 12 years old, which made her mature enough where she formal when talking to Alex.

Alex was surprised to see that the girl had begun cultivating, although she was still only at the very start.

Two days passed, and finally, it was the actual day of Hannah's birthday. The two days were filled with a lot of celebrations, but this was the one where it all peaked.

Long Huan and Hannah had prepared food of all kinds to be enjoyed. Wines brewed for thousands of years had been opened for this occasion and celebrated.

Long Hanjue joined in on the celebration as well, happily eating and drinking along with everyone.

They laughed with each other, cried while remembering their days long gone by, and wished it could all stay like this forever.

"I wish Dad was here," Hannah said with a sad face. This was the first time in a long time Hannah had missed her dad.

Liz hugged her deeply. "Me too, girl. Me too."

The celebration lasted for the entire day before they decided to stop around midnight.

"That was fun," Alex said. "But that's enough celebration for a lifetime."

Most of the adults turned toward him and stared at him with a weird expression on their faces.

Alex looked back at them. "What?" he asked. As soon as the question left his mouth, he realized just 'what' it was.

"Are wereallydoing this again?"

His 100th birthday was coming up within the next 3 years as well.

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