Eternal Cultivation of Alchemy

Chapter 1883 Something for the Family

Chapter 1883 Something for the Family

Alex returned to the Southern Continent with his family and decided that it was time he spent some more time with them. With Hannah nearly learning the True Fire Dao, it would be any time now that his family would have to leave.

Because of that, he had to make a few integral decisions, the first of which was to stop accepting any more blood and dying people next.

The house of the dying stopped accepting dying people right away, while the blood was to be stopped about a year from now.

Alex still needed quite a bit of blood to reach the peak of the Saint Transformation realm with his blood aura, so he would have to accept it for now.

He was now spending less time on his?own?matters, and more time on his family. Who knew when he would get the time to spend with them this freely once they left?

Still, there were things Alex wanted to give them before they left, things that would help them once they were up there.

Alex desperately wanted to give them the Undying Physique, but there was no way such a thing was possible at all. He could leave behind an inheritance right now, he understood that much. But to do so would be to severely cripple one's spirit or soul, sending them close to death.

Alex sometimes wondered if the 8th Undying God would've survived the ambush by the Immortals had he still had an unwounded soul. It had been an injury to his spirit that had killed him.

The Undying Physique was not just a regular technique. It was a technique tied directly to his memories and the Intent of the many that came before him, which also made it impossible for him to pass it to anyone else.

Alex wondered if he could overcome this in the future, but the ones that held these techniques before him were Divinities and Celestials. He would have a very difficult time breaking through those Intents.

Alex forgot about passing on the Undying body for now and focused on some other things.

There was one thing he wanted to give everyone, so he began working on it in his free time.

Perhaps because Alex had a Supreme Metal Root, or perhaps because he had a True Metal Dao, the understanding of what would be required to create a pill that would improve a Metal Spiritual Root came easily to him.

Alex was surprised himself how easy it had been, needing him to spend no more than a single year going through every single ingredient with metal energy and then putting them together in a way that helped improve Metal Spiritual roots.

It also helped that he had already done something similar with 3 roots before this.

On the day he made the Metal Spiritual Root Improvement Pill, Alex immediately got into his make another pill as soon as he could.

It would most likely not be as efficient or perhaps not easy to make this pill, but he would try it. There was little time before his family would leave for the Immortal lands.

Every single person in his family or?in?the close circle received a pill from Alex to improve their Metal root. Of course, Ronron didn't receive one and neither did anyone who didn't have a metal root.

Whisker was one of the ones to not receive it as well. He had Yin, Earth, Fire, and Wood roots, all of which except Yin had been improved by now.

The Metal pill Alex made was just as good as any of the other pills he had made, which meant everyone's metal spiritual root immediately entered the Superior range.

Alex gave the recipe over to his mother and had her create some more to be handed over to the soldiers. They had been waiting for this for quite some time now.

Alex had made a promise to give them both Metal and Fire spiritual root improvement pills, the first of which he had fulfilled now.

Honor dictated that Alex directly move on to create the Fire Pills next, but because everyone with a Fire spiritual root in his family had been sent to the 13th mountain, he decided to go another direction.

Instead of a Fire Spiritual Root Improvement Pill, he decided to make a Yang Spiritual Root Improvement Pill.

This was going to be a difficult one for sure, primarily because ingredients with Yang energy as their main energy were harder to come by than other ones, causing Alex to not have as many resources to work with.

He also didn't have a True Yang Dao, which could be bad for him, but he believed it would be alright. He had the Dao of Yang after all.

Not to mention, with his Supreme Yang Spiritual root, it was difficult to imagine that creating the Yang pill would be that much of an impossible task.

Alex focused his everything on making this pill. By now, he had already stopped accepting blood from saints as well, freeing up all of his time for this.

The only other thing he spent his time on, aside from with his family, was on the corpses of the ones who recently died.

The dead didn't wait for him, so he had to drop everything to experiment on them as soon as they died. He had to do it while the organs were still somewhat alive.

It wouldn't make for much of a transplant if they were dead.

Weeks passed, days flying by in a blur.

Alex entered a monotonous state where all he did was work on the pill, spend time with his family, and maybe experiment on a corpse if there was an emergency.

Other than that, there was nothing else he had to do. Scarlet and the many new elders he had hired a decade ago took over everything else.

Alex got some news from time to time, telling him what was going on in the outside world, none of which interested him any longer. One piece of information that he did pay attention to was the fact that his sister had learned another Fire Dao, and was now just one step away.

After months passed in the same way, Alex finally made a breakthrough in what he was doing. He had successfully managed to find the right set of combinations from the ingredients which was the last step he needed to push him in the right direction.

After a few more weeks of experimentation, Alex managed to create a perfect recipe for a Yang Spiritual Root Improvement pill, finally making everything he had worked for in the past year and a half worthwhile.

He immediately began making those Yang pills, all of which were 9-veined, and handed them over to his close family and friends.

Nearly everyone in his family had Yang Spiritual roots, albeit most of them were so weak that even calling them Inferior would be overselling them.

With the pill from Alex, many of them either reached the Superior rank or were close to it.

Now that Alex had made both of the pills he thought his family needed before they left, there wasn't anything else that needed his urgent care.

So, ignoring everything else, Alex decided to spend all of his time with his family.

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