Harem Overlord

Chapter 153 The War Of Unification (1)(Chapter Preview)

"Good defeats evil but sometimes evil defeats good. But if there is no good and evil, there is no balance and everyone is just. Time and Space are the only things that will matter in case good and evil vanished but people will find a way to divide them too. Argue why the fuck am I stuck with this job?" An eighteen-year-old girl started cursing as she crashed on her bed.

Her room was neat and clean, courtesy of her lover's demonic mood, and it contained many things she had shared with her lover. Her expression turned sad as she remembered that he wasn't with her anymore.

She was growing more longer by every day that passed and would spend hours writing books. But that was because it was her job, a forced job if you asked her.

The girl posted as her gaze moved towards a metal leash and hand chains lying in a purple cube.

The leash and chains were embedded with various runes that would glow dimly for a few seconds before vanishing.

The symbols would glow in red color and matched the symbol placed above the center of her breasts.

"I miss him so much and yet the only thing I can do is write how people die. Honestly, this is such a stupid thing to do. I wonder how I spent 1000 millenniums alone while still managing to retain my sanity?" The girl asked herself as she hopped off the bed and started stretching her body.

She then opened the door of her room and entered the room opposite her. It was dimly lit with an orange light as the girl carefully entered it.

"His room never gets dirty. Wish I had asked him to do this to my room." The girl said with a sigh as she went across the room and opened a closet.

She took out a book from inside the closet and hugged it to her chest before she closed the closet and went back to her own room.

She carefully put the book on her bed before she took a deep breath and opened it. The book was empty.

"It's still empty." She said with a sigh of relief as she closed the book. This was the only thing left to erasure her since her lover had left.

She could of course easily meet him but that would expose her to the creators, her so-called sisters who thought it would be a good thing to imprison their smallest sister for eternity.

And no matter how much she wanted to go meet him, she didn't want to get caught again and sealed for eternity.

And this time, no one would help her until her lover returned but she knew that the creators would make sure that it would be impossible to find her.

She opened the book again and summoned a blood-red pen with a black jewel attached to its cap.

She touched the pen to the book's empty page and the pen started glowing before it suddenly disappeared.

The girl smiled at that as she closed the book and picked it up to return it to its original place. But before doing that, she happily looked at the name written on the cover of the book.

The name was Kai.


"I came here to defeat him but defeating him without any army or force is impossible." Esmeralda sighed as she appeared on the land of lightning.

Amon had given her quite a fortune to use in case of emergencies and she had used it to travel to the land of lightning.

But now that she stared at the fields in front of her, she didn't know what to do. She had paid half of the teleportation formations price beforehand and now paid the rest of it as she moved away from it.

But that's when a plan started forming in her mind as she remembered Amon's history lessons.

"The land of lightning and earth are together and always try to fain supremacy over the other but neither one of them had managed to do that for quite some while. The land of lightning would win supremacy over the land of earth when a golden lightning elf would be born but it would end as soon as he or she would die.

But now that the blessed ruler is so high in cultivation, it would take centuries for her to die and the land of lightning would gain control over the land of earth. The land of lightning has already started its advancements and it's only a matter elf time before it turns into a war." Esmeralda remembered Amon's words as she wanted to use this situation to her advantage.

She wanted to gain an army to kill Kai and what better way to get one from a land that was currently at war with the continent Kai was staying on.

She could easily tell them that the land of lightning is getting someone from the royal capital to help them for a future war.

The land of earth would instantly become furious as that but would first try to obtain some information on whether she was to be trusted or not.

But Esmeralda thought of herself as a sweet talker and with a little money and some show of her necromancy, she would easily win their favor.

If her plan worked perfectly, she might even become a general and would thus gain a large portion of the land of earth's army.

After fine-tuning her plan, Esmeralda rose in the air and started flying towards the land of earth with a resolute expression.


In the arena, Kai toned down the power of his lightning to Qin's level as he saw he recharge forward with her body surging with lightning.

She swept away multiple thunderbolts with her hands but they were numerous in number and she could feel her powers slowly running out.

She normally used normal lightning to attack since golden lightning took a huge tax on her body.

But she knew that she would have to use her golden lightning to its full potential or her pride as a ruler would be damaged.

Kai smiled and snapped his fingers as the lightning bolts vanished. Qin suddenly stopped with confusion as Kai clapped with an impressed expression.

"You are far above my expectations. Come with me, the ruler of the land of lightning. We have a lot of things to discuss." He said with a devilish smile as his body started shimmering.

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