Harem Overlord

Chapter 154 The War Of Unification (2)(Chapter Preview)

The entire place went silent as they glanced at Kai's clothes. His normal clothes were now replaced by formal clothes.

He was wearing black trousers with a bright red shirt. He was wearing a long red-golden coat that opened at the end like a cape.

A symbol of a drop of water and a bolt of lightning intersecting the drop of water was etched near the heart area of the coat.

"An ambassador." Qin muttered as the crowd below suddenly bowed down to Kai.

One by one, every single elf present there bowed down to Kai except Qin who was looking at Kai with deep respect.

[ I don't understand what is happening? ] Kiana and Watanabe asked Levina at the same time as she silently chuckled.

[ The elven capital can't spend too many cultivators on taking care of the realms so they have specialized elves called ambassadors who are experts in certain elements. Ambassadors are trained from childhood to become strong and smart and they are sent to the other continents to keep an eye on them. The elven capital usually allows small wars between two nations that are together but if anything major scale like a revolution happens, they send in the ambassadors.

The ambassadors travel to the specified continents and take care of the situation. The elves living on the continents are supposed to treat the ambassadors like royalty since anything they say to the elven ruler would determine what will happen to the continent. According to the ambassadors report, the elven ruler would issue a decree that everyone will have to follow or they will be executed. That is why they are bowing to Kai. ] Levina explained as they nodded and looked up at Kai and Qin.

"Why are you here ambassador?" Qin asked in a respectful tone as Kai smiled at her.

'No wonder Laofen made me take these clothes with me.' He thought with a smile as he moved forward and extended a hand towards Qin.

She shook it with narrowed eyes as she wondered what he wanted.

"My name is Kai and I am here on behalf of her majesty. It has come to light that the land of lightning is trying to take control over the land of earth. Is that true, ruler Qin?" Kai asked as he used the official words for this.

The only reason he knew these words was because he had seen Laoxiao memorize them. After all, a ruler of such a big realm must know every important thing about their realm.

Qin gritted her teeth as she had hoped that it would take the elven capital a few more days to hear about this.

​ By then, she would have captured the land of earth's important people and would have taken them hostage to make sure that the current ruler forfeited his throne to her.

But her plans were coming undone now that an ambassador had shown up so suddenly. And the terrifying thing was that he could also use golden lightning with much more precise control and power than she could.

"You must have heard rumors, ambassador." Qin replied with a poker face as Kai's smile widened.

"That is what I am here to confirm ruler Qin. Let's hope for your sake that those are just rumors." He replied as Qin nodded and both of them landed down.

Qin dismissed the gathered elves and only important officials were left behind. Kai looked at Kiana, Watanabe, and Levina as their clothes suddenly changed.

All three of them were wearing similar clothes to Kai except theirs only had a lightning symbol near the heart area.

The single element meant that the specific ambassador could only use the element etched on the heart area of the coat.

But an ambassador with an element and a drop of water was recognized as a head ambassador who had mastery over two or more elements.

Qin rose in the air to hiver beside her officials while Kai and the trio also rose in the air alongside them.

The group of elves were the first to start moving as they flew towards the palace while Kai and the others slowly followed them.

"What do you plan on doing?" Levina asked as Kai gave her a small grin.

"Last night, Hela told me that Esmeralda had left the capital to come and kill me. She is under a delusion that I have all of my lovers under a spell and that she is the only one immune to it. But I don't think that she is going to come here directly." Kai told them as Watanabe understood what he meant.

"She is going to gather a few people together to come and kill you since she realized that she can't beat you on her own." Watanabe said as Kai nodded.

"Can any of you guess why I made us all ambassadors?" Kai asked as Levina suddenly got the answer to it.

"Ambassadors can pretty much do anything they want unless the elven ruler stops them. And Qin you know the ruler pretty well, we can do anything we want. And other than that, ambassadors also act as mediators during negotiations and peace signings. You want to unravel the land of lightning's plan while making sure that a truce takes place between them and the land of earth." Levina replied as Kai nodded.

"But you can just do it all with a snap of your fingers. Why are you spending so much time and strength on it?" Kiana asked as Kai chuckled at her words.

"That's cause everything fixed quickly doesn't always last forever. We will do it slowly to make sure that this doesn't cause a problem to Laofen or her children in the future." Kai replied sincerely as he had felt bad about leaving Laofen without a family member.

The elves didn't have ancestors and once someone passed the throne, they would have to leave the palace and find some other palace to love though they can come back anytime to meet their family members.

( AN: And it is a great median for character development. *winks* )

"Then we should do this properly." Watanabe said as they straightened their clothes. Kai gave them a small smile before they reached the palace.

It was time to become officials on a mission for the well-being of elves.

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