Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 104: Daphne’s dilema

Chapter 104: Daphne’s dilema


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 104: Daphne's dilema

On the next day, Harry received an answer from Daphne. The meeting will take place on Monday at midday and will likely last until until night time.

Lord Greengrass was very easy to convince after learning what happened to his daughter after the Quidditch game and was absolutely furious with the Headmaster for allowing this to continue for this long without taking any measures.

Dumbledore was not going to a pleasant Monday. But to be fair, Harry did not think that he was going to be any better. He was not looking forward to fighting that beast one more time.

Daphne had of course wanted to know what he was planning on doing. Since it was big enough that it required the absence of the Headmaster.

But since she took Harry's request as her chance to return the favor of saving her, she did not push for information too much and did what he asked her.

That girl was truly curious. He only told her that it was related to the tremors but did not elaborate further.

Morning classes ended at 12 P.M. Harry had already prepared everything he was going to need in his bag. If all goes according to plan, he will be done before lunch is over and none will be the wiser.

All he had to do was blow up that girl's bathroom, go in, kill the snake, get out, and repair the damage. Very simple stuff.

'What could go wrong?'


Daphne has been carefully observing Harry all day. He had once again refused to share his plans with her, and this frustrated her to no end. But she could not push further, especially now that she owed him a huge debt.

'What do I have to do to earn his trust?' Daphne wondered as she looked at Harry. Today he seemed a lot more tense than usual. Making her even more curious about what he was planning to do.

He had been a mystery since the first time she saw him.

Daphne had initially only started to pay attention to him because he was the brother of Lyra, who had become close friends with her sister.

She never heard Lyra talk about her brother so Daphne assumed there was nothing remarkable about him, like the rest of the boys she had met until that point.

But since the first moment she laid eyes on him, she noticed how different he was, compared to the other students. The way he moved, the way he spoke….the way Harry carried himself almost reminded her of someone else.

Her grandfather, Augustus Greengrass had been a veteran war wizard from the Grindewall era, and worked as an auror for many years after that, delegating the family business to his younger brother.

She had only the chance to meet him a few times before he passed away. But she will never forget about him.

Even in his old age, Augustus had this powerful aura around him. It was hard to describe but being next to him, made her feel safe. Like she knew that no matter what happened, her grandfather would be capable of dealing with it.

Much to her surprise, she felt the same aura in Harry Potter, who was the same age as her. It made no sense, but it drove her to pay more attention to him.

The more she observed him, the less sense it made. His performance in class could only be described as average. He completed the tasks given to him with little interest and always had this bored countenance on his face.

She wanted to know more, to find out if he was truly someone capable who was hiding his true skills or if it was all a pretense to appear more mature.

The day she discovered Malfoy's silly ploy to get Longbottom into trouble, she decided to intervene.

Longbottom was another boy she had been paying attention to. 

Her father had informed her about the dangerous situation that their family was in. They were in dire need of an alliance with a powerful family who held no ties with the Dark Lord.

The first choice her father suggested was the Longbottoms. It was an ancient family, members of the original Wizard Council, and there was no family more opposed to the Dark Lord than them.

He still had some reservations, because it would put them in direct conflict with the other side, and also because he knew next to nothing about the boy himself. Sebastian Greengrass may follow the old traditions but he would not pledge his daughter to someone he didn't know.

That's why he gave her the task of measuring Neville Longbottom as a potential future ally and partner…

Daphne had been more than dissatisfied with the 'Boy Who Lived'. The chubby boy looked to be always nervous or scared…or both. He was nothing like the rumors she had heard about him, or what those popular books displayed.

That night she dragged Tracey and went to find Longbottom to warn him about the trap. She did not expect to find Potter also there….but then, something happened.

With Argus Filch on their tail, she saw Potter take charge of the situation with a calm demeanor and guided them to safety.

He also did it by effortlessly opening a door that, she would later find out, should have been impossible for a student to open.

That day, it became clear to her that Harry Potter was a lot more capable than he let on.

Then it came the day of their first flying lesson and the event that started all those crazy rumors about Longbottom and his accidental magic.

She was probably the only one who noticed it because she was the only one keeping an eye on Potter instead of Longbottom.

But at the crucial time, when Longbottom had started to fall, she saw Harry make some strange movements and muttered something.

Moments later, Longbottom was saved and the rumors about his mystical accidental magic started to circulate around the school.

Daphne did not believe those rumors, because she was convinced it had been none other than Harry Potter, the one who had cast that spell.

She did not share her suspicions with Tracey, or anyone else, because they sounded almost as ridiculous as the stories about Longbottom.

However, she did decide to take an important step that day. She requested a meeting with him and made the suggestion of an alliance.

Her idea was to have her father meet Harry. Sebastian Greengrass was known for having a great sense of measuring people, a skill very much necessary for his job. So she wanted to see if her father could sense the same in Harry that she did.

When she heard her father made the proposal of an alliance with the Potters, Daphne had no more doubts about Harry Potter's suitability.

And after that day, Harry continued to surprise her with the amount of magical knowledge he seemed to possess.

More than anything, she wanted to know how far he could go. How much was he capable of doing and where did all this knowledge come from?

She needed to know…so today, she decided to follow him after class and find out...

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