Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 105: What is he up to?

Chapter 105: What is he up to?


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 105: What is he up to?

"Hey, isn't that your brother, Harry?" Ginny pointed at the boy who had passed by them.

"I think so… but where is he going?. The Great Hall is that way." Lyra pointed to the corridor at their right.

"I don't know but he appeared to be in a hurry." Ginny then noticed someone run after him and then stop to hide behind one of the many sets of medieval armor spread around the castle. That person kept peeking toward Harry and then heeded after him.

"Lyra, I think that blonde girl looks very suspicious…she seems to be following Harry."

"Is that a Slytherin uniform?" Lyra could only get a glimpse of her green tie before she strode away.

"Why would a Slytherin girl be following my brother?"

"Maybe she is a stalker," Ginny suggested.

"He is not famous enough to have stalkers…" Lyra said. However, after the last Quidditch game, a lot of people started to talk about her brother's flying skills. Including many students from her class.

"Let's follow her!" Lyra decided.

"What?, now?. But I'm hungry!" Ginny groaned.

"We can skip one meal! I want to know what my brother is up to and why is that girl following him." 

"Lyra!, remember what happened the last time we followed Harry," Ginny cried.

"Yes, that was kinda fun." Lyra smiled.

"It wasn't fun at all!" Ginny shouted at her with frustration.

Lyra stopped to think for a second. Maybe fun had not been the best way to describe it. But she did not regret doing what she did that day. It allowed her to learn more about the mystery that had become her brother. And this looked like another chance to do the same. That is what her instincts were telling her.

"Come on, where is your sense of adventure? besides…aren't you even a bit curious?" Lyra asked.

Ginny looked pensive for a moment.

"Fine…let's g-"

"Legs go, she is getting away!" Lyra held onto Ginny's arm and dragged her away before she had the chance to agree to go.

They continued to carefully follow the blonde Slytherin girl until they found themselves in an unfamiliar part of the castle.

"Where are we?" Asked Ginny.

"Not sure…but I think this is the sixth floor…I lost count of how many stairs we went through."

The blonde girl took a turn around around a corner and disappeared from their sight.

"Hurry Ginny, we can't lose her now!" Lyra said with urgency. They didn't even know how to go back at this point.

Leaving caution to the wind, the duo started to run.

They turned the corner at full speed and had no time to avoid the collision when they found the blond girl standing behind a column.

The Slytherin girl yelped in a mixture of pain and surprise before turning her head around and getting a good look at her 'attackers'.


Lyra and Ginny were now able to check up and close, the face of the Slytherin girl they had been chasing for the last five minutes.

"Daphne!" Lyra immediately recognized her.

"Shh!, lower your voices," Daphne whispered to them.

"What are you doing here?"

"We thought you were a stalker," Ginny answered.

"What?, what are you talking about?" Daphne scowled.

"We saw you following my brother…I didn't recognize you, so we decided to follow…" 

"I'm not stalking Harry….I mean, I was just wondering what he was up to… that's all." Daphne looked away.

"How do you know he is up to something?" Ginny asked.

"Mmm…I don't think I should tell you that." She was hesitant to reveal any further information.

"Come on, Daphne. It is something about my brother, I have the right to know…please" Lyra implored.

She sighed. "Very well. But you better keep this a secret. Or I will never trust you again with anything...I'm serious!." Daphne warned her.

"I'm great at keeping secrets," Ginny reassured her.

"I'm…I'll try my best!" Lyra promised.

"Harry made a formal request from my family. He wanted for my father to call an emergency meeting of the school board."

"Why would he want to do that?" Ginny didn't understand.

"He needed to drive the Headmaster away from Hogwarts for a few hours," Daphne told them.

"What could he be planning on doing that requires him to force the Headmaster away?" Lyra was getting a bad feeling from this. Her brother was not the prankster type, so this must be something more serious.

"He told me it was related with the tremors…but did not elaborate any further than that." She told the girls.

"He knows what's causing the mysterious earthquakes?" Ginny asked.

"If he knows that, why not inform the Professors instead?" Lyra wondered out loud.

"I have only known your brother for a year or so, but…he seems the type who prefers to do everything by themselves," Daphne remarked.

Maybe now…he has changed so much the last year.' Lyra kept those thoughts to herself.

"And what is he planning on doing exactly? wait…where is he?"

She had not seen any trace of her brother since she stumbled upon Daphne.

"I don't know what he's planning. That's why I followed him." Daphne pointed to a nearby door.

"But he went in there…"

Ginny and Lyra stared at the door, and then at the familiar sign at the top.

"That's a girl's bathroom!" Lyra shouted.

"Yes, I didn't even know there was a bathroom here…" Daphne said.

"Why would he go in there?" Ginny wondered.

"I swear if he did all of this just to spy on some girl…" Lyra said with narrow eyes.

"I don't think tha-"

Before Ginny could finish her sentence, there was a loud explosion inside the bathroom, and smoke started to pour from beneath the door.

"Harry!" Lyra started to run, followed by the other two girls.

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