Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 189: A Day They Will Remember, Part 1

Chapter 189: A Day They Will Remember, Part 1


"Harry Potter" and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author's notes-

Chapter 189: A Day They Will Remember, Part 1

Harry kept himself in the dimly lit areas of the common room.

The invisibility charm was far from perfect, and they would immediately spot him if he walked into the light.

While they talked, he moved behind a sofa and used a petrifying curse on one of the girls.

This one was not as strong as the one used by the basilisk, and the affected person would return to normal after a few hours. However, in the meantime, it will be extremely difficult to reverse. This made it a better choice over a stunner, with the downside that it took longer to cast, and you had to be very close to the target.

"Carol!" her friend exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Flint asked. He and Pucey were close to the door when they heard.

"It's Carol, something is wrong with her!"

Derrick and Montage were the closest, so they stood up and went to take a look.

"She is not unconscious…" Derrick noticed her eyes were still open.

"It's like… she is frozen," Montage added.

"She has obviously been hit by some spell," Flint concluded.

"By who? We are the only ones here!" The girl said.

"That looks like petrification," said Pucey when he got closer.

Derrick turned to the three boys sitting on a nearby couch. "Did you guys see anything?"

When he got no answer, Derrick became annoyed. "This is not the time for jokes. I'm talking to you three!"

"Wait!" Upon closer inspection, Pucey noticed that they had been afflicted by the same thing as the other girl. "They are also petrified…"

"What is going on? Is someone attacking us?" Bole started to panic.

"Of course, someone is attacking us, you bloody idiot!" Flint shouted. "Get your wands out."

The remaining girl went to stand up when a flash of red light hit her at the back of her head, and she fell down.

"I saw it!" Pucey said. "I saw a stunner coming from there!" He pointed to a corner.

Some of the boys shot a couple of stunners and a cutting charm to the corner but didn't seem to hit anything except the furniture.

Harry moved again, this time closer to the stairs that led to the dormitories.

He had taken care of the three boys and two girls who had nothing to do with his visit.

But if he left things as they were, it would just be a matter of time before more students came here to check on the noises.

His staff made a soft 'clank' sound when he touched the wall.

The stone came to life and morphed, increasing its width until the two entrances to the dorms were completely sealed.

"Here is over there!" Derrick shouted.

Another barrage of spells hit the wall where Harry had been moments ago.

"He is using a disillusionment charm or an invisibility cloak," Montage said.

"I'm tired of this game, show yourself!" Flint shouted before lifting his wand up. "Homenum Revelio!"

"Find him!" Pucey exclaimed while he frantically looked around.

Bole caught a glimpse of a bright silhouette moving towards the entrance. "There! He is trying to escape!"

The other four Slytherin boys turned their heads.

"Do you think we will let you go after this?" Pucey threw a stunner at the figure.

Flint's 'revelio' had made his figure shine brightly, but they were still unable to identify him.

"Escape?..." Harry deflected the stunner with little effort. "I have no intention of escaping."

The five boys stood there in shock when they heard that voice.

"That voice… I know who that is," Montage spoke first, and by the faces of his friends, they also recognized it.

"Potter!" Derrick screamed with rage.

Harry canceled the invisibility charm since there was no more use for it.

Flint smiled. "I'll admit. You have some courage to come here alone and attack us. But this is going to cost you..."

"You are also an idiot," Pucey added. "Now that your little trick has been exposed… you have no chance against the five of us."

Harry was next to the exit. He moved his staff and tapped on the wall.

As he did with the entrance to the bedrooms, he transfigured the wall surrounding the door to close the hole, leaving them now in what was essentially… a sealed chamber.

The five boys were yet to realize how trapped they were, and their attention was instead driven to Harry's weapon.

"What's that thing?... a staff?" Bole asked.

"I have seen a staff before but never one made of metal," Pucey added.

"Where did you get… never mind that. What do you think you are doing?!" Flint pointed his wand at Harry.

Harry's eyes moved from Derrick to Montage before going back to Flint. "At least two of you know why I am here."

Flint glanced at Derrick and Montage. He knew these two had been up to no good today, but they would not talk about what happened. "What did you do?"

"Come on, Captain… who cares? Let's just beat him up and be done with it," Montage said.

"I knew it!" Bole pointed at them.

"Shut it, Bole! It's not like you never came with us for a bit of hunting before," Montage reminded him.

"Hunting..." Flint's eyes went from Derrick to Harry.

"I see..." He could already guess what happened to get Potter this angry. They went after his sister. Not that he cared but this went against his orders.

"See these scars, Potter?" Derrick pointed at his face. "After I'm done with you, not even that bitch of a mother you have will recognize you!"

Flint sighed. "I told you not to do anything until I got permission…" He knew their parents were planning something big on Hogwarts this year, but he had not been given the full story yet. He just had been told to avoid doing anything that called for attention.

"Fine, it's too late to stop now. Let's take care of this… and make sure that word doesn't get out." Flint moved his wand towards Harry. "Incarerous."

White ropes flew at Harry. He caught them with his staff and flung them back, hitting Bole in the face.

"Argh!" Bole yelled as the ropes tightened around his face and neck.

Flint was shocked for a moment after seeing his spell deflected with such ease, but he recovered quickly and made haste to free his friend before he suffocated with the ropes.

Meanwhile, Montage, Pucey, and Derrick went on the offensive.

Montage tried the disarming charm, Pucey used a cutting charm, while Derrick went directly into a Cruciatus curse.

Harry smacked away the two charms and blocked the curse with a conjured brick.

He moved his staff up before bringing it down with a descending motion. "Engorgio." The staff grew in size until it almost touched the tall ceiling, and then it descended and landed on Montage's shoulder, making a loud crunching sound when it shattered his bones.

The boy let out a tremendously loud scream and went down on his knees.

Pucey and Derrick threw more spells at him but were too slow.

Harry retracted his staff and used first a 'Silencio' on Derrick before pointing the tip of the staff at Pucey.

The three green crystals on the end of the staff shone brightly with an eery green light.

"Incendium." A splash of liquid fire impacted Pucey's chest. Harry had to ensure he avoided his face, or he would have died instantly. The boy started to scream and tried to remove the burning substance, but that only burned his hands, leading to more screams. The effect only lasted for a few seconds before the liquid disappeared, since Harry had intentionally put very little magic on that spell. Still, this was dark magic, and those burns were not going away anytime soon.

His attention went back to Derrick, who had been staring at his friend's burns without being able to do anything about it.

"Gladius." The staff transformed into a long blade.

Derrick panicked when he saw Harry move quickly toward him. He tried to cast a silent tripping jinx followed by a silent stunner, since he was still unable to speak.

"Protego." Harry blocked them with a small shield that manifested before his blade.

Once he was in front of Derrick, he made an upward slashing motion that left a deep diagonal cut on the boy, from his calf all the way to his shoulder.

Derrick screamed when he saw blood pouring out and felt a burning, painful sensation on his body.

Flint was done freeing Pucey. It had only taken him ten seconds at most, but three of his friends were already grievously injured.

Only then did he understand how bad of a situation they were in… They had seriously underestimated Harry.

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