Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 190: A Day They Will Remember, Part 2

Chapter 190: A Day They Will Remember, Part 2


"Harry Potter" and all its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author's Notes-

Chapter 190: A Day They Will Remember, Part 2

"Potter, stop this!" Flint saw Montage, Pucey, and Derrick lying on the ground.

Derrick had a lot of blood on his chest, and Pucey was badly burned and moaning in pain.

It quickly became evident that Harry was not playing around. This was not a simple school duel.

He had never fought anyone for real before and could not help but be scared.

"This is too much! We have to take them to the infirmary!"

Lucian Bole stood back up and saw what Harry had done. His eyes opened wide.

"You are going to be expelled for this! Our parents will make sure!"

"You are talking like Malfoy now," Harry smiled at the memory. It had been a while since he heard the blonde boy's catchphrase, and he kind of missed it.

"Anyways… let's continue." The staff reverted to its normal shape.

"Lucian, help me!" Flint told his friend. He realized that talking was not going to help them.

They both aimed their wands at Harry.

Lucian Bole used a blood-boiling curse while Flint tried a bone-breaking curse aimed at his chest.

These were some of the most dangerous curses they had learned. Only Derrick was able to cast the Cruciatus, something he was very proud of.

"Clank," Harry's staff hit the ground once more.

A wall of stone appeared in front of Harry. Several cracks appeared on its surface when the spells hit it.

Harry tapped the wall with his staff.


The wall exploded into a hundred fragments of debris that shot at Pucey and Flint like bullets.

The boys screamed as their flesh was ripped apart, and their bones shattered.

A moment later, they were both lying on the floor, their bodies shaking while they made painful noises.

Harry saw Montage staring at him with absolute terror in his eyes.

When Harry approached him, the boy scrambled backward as fast as he could.

"P-Please, I'm sorry!"

He had lost his wand, and his shoulder hurt so badly that he could barely think.

"Which hand did you use to push my friend Luna? Was it left or right?" Harry asked as he walked toward him.

Montage hit his back against a wall and could not go any further.

"W-what?!" He could barely remember what happened that afternoon any longer.

Harry brought the pointy end of the metallic staff onto Montage's leg with full force, piercing it.

Montage screamed.

"The blonde girl you attacked this afternoon… was it left or right?" Harry asked again.

"W-what?... ahhhh!"

Harry pierced his other leg.

"Say 'what' again, and I'm taking both…"

"I…I think it was right!" Montage finally said.

Harry used his feet to expose Montage's right arm.


With a quick slashing motion of his staff, the arm was cleanly cut at the shoulder.

Montage's eyes opened so wide that it almost looked like they were about to fall out when he saw what happened to his arm, and then… he passed out from the shock.

"Tsk… you lost consciousness just from that?" Harry hurried to cast a fire spell and seal his wound before he bled out.

He then tapped the severe limp with the staff,...this one turned into dust and disappeared.

"One left," He said as he walked to Derrick. He was the only one who remained alert at this point.

The terrified boy was not able to see everything that happened, but he had been hearing all the screams his friends had given.

"Potter! Stop this!" He shouted.

"You are going to Azkaban for this!"

"A good memory charm and you won't know who did what. Who is going to get in trouble then?" Harry returned the words he told his sister.

"Besides… is just a few cuts and broken bones. A few days in the hospital, and they'll be fine." Harry glanced at Montage.

"Well… the missing arm is a different story. But forget about them… now is your turn."

"Potter… I'm-"

"Let me stop you right there," Harry interrupted him.

"Don't bother apologizing or begging me; I take no joy in those things. Let's get this over with."

"What else do you wanna do? I'm already hurt, don't you see?!" Derrick shouted.

"Of the four of you… you are by far the worst." Harry got closer.

"Assaulting children is something I will never be able to ignore."

"What are y-" Derrick froze when he saw Harry's cold eyes.

"Are you going to deny it to my face?" Harry asked.

"Those were mudbloods! I never defiled a pureblood girl!" Derrick said in his defense.

"And you think that makes it okay… why do I bother talking to you?" Harry pointed his staff between Derrick's legs.

"Noo!" the boy ignored his pain and tried to crawl away from Harry.

"Incarerous." White ropes came out of his staff and secured Derrick in place.

Harry kicked him to turn him on his back and put a foot on top to keep him from moving again.

"Keep wriggling around, and this may just kill you…"

He aimed the tip of his staff at Derrick's crotch.

"Hexolvo horribilis." A sickly yellow orb dropped down and hit his pants. Despite being smaller than a fingernail, the moment it touched the fabric of his pants, it started to spread and dissolve everything it touched, making a sizzling noise and creating an unpleasant yellow smoke.

Harry had to use a silencing charm on Derrick as his screams were getting too loud.

Still, his expression of agony was enough to convey his situation.

Harry vanished the acid curse after it had done its job.

He pulled some healing potions out of his tunic and started to administer them to the boys.

If they died in the school, it would create more problems than necessary.

And he needed them alive for now… the bait had been set.

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