Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 191: Questioning

Chapter 191: Questioning


"Harry Potter" and all its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author Notes-

Chapter 191: Questioning

The next morning, the castle was in disarray. Classes had been canceled for the day. The professors were seen walking around frantically, over a dozen Aurors had entered the castle, and the entire Slytherin house was missing.

The students assembled in the Great Hall were staring with curiosity at the empty Slytherin table.

"What do you think happened?" Neville asked.

"Who knows?... Professor McGonagall would only say that there was some incident at the Slytherin house," Seamus answered.

"Maybe the snakes started fighting among themselves. We can only hope it was really bad." Ron smirked.

"Ron, that's not nice!" Hermione gave him a disapproving look.

"Don't give me that!" Ron snapped.

"Two of those snakes attacked my sister yesterday. Why should I care if something happened to them?"

Hermione lowered her head, not having an answer for that. By now, they all knew about the four second-year girls who were attacked by two Slytherin seniors. And they were apparently saved by the Head Boy.

"Maybe some senior students went to teach those two a lesson," Parvati suggested.

"That would not explain why the entire house is missing," Lavender said.

"And besides, we don't even know their names, right?" She glanced at Lyra.

"No… we don't know their names," Lyra admitted.

"I'm sure at least one of them is on the Quidditch team," Ginny added.

"And we did give their description to Professor McGonagall."

"Harry…" Lyra tugged on his robes.

He looked at his sister.

"Do you know something?" She got closer and whispered.

Harry stroked her hair.

"Don't worry about it."

Lyra had a worried expression. She was convinced that whatever happened, her brother was somewhat involved. Now she was just worried he was going to be in trouble with the school.

"Attention, please!" The Headmaster entered the Hall, accompanied by three people: two men and one woman.

"Dad?! What is he doing here?" Lyra exclaimed.

"Working, most likely. The ones next to him are Auror Dawlish and the Head of the Auror Department, Amelia Bones," Harry answered.

"You know them?"

"Attention, please!" Dumbledore had to raise the volume of his voice to silence all the murmurs.

"These gentlemen and lady behind me are from the Auror Department. They have to ask some questions to a few students present in this hall. I will be speaking some names, and I want you to accompany us for a few minutes. Is that clear?"

Dumbledore looked around the hall; his eyes stopped for a moment on Harry before they continued.

"Well then… Percy Weasley, Astoria Greengrass, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Lyra Potter…"

"Wait, why are they calling us?" Lyra exclaimed.

"Calm down, Lyra," said Ginny.

"They probably just want to ask us about yesterday."

"We already spoke with the Professor," Lyra said.

"Yes, but the Aurors may want a formal statement," Harry clarified.

Dumbledore mentioned the names of several senior students from different houses and then glanced at Harry again.

"And finally… Harry Potter."

The group was escorted to a corridor to the left of the Great Hall, where most of the professors, as well as several Aurors, were waiting.

Harry saw his mother among the professors and a few familiar aurors like Shacklebolt.

Percy, along with Lyra and the other girls, was led into an empty classroom by Madam Bones.

"Is it okay if I go with them?" Lily asked.

Madam Bones gave her a warm smile.

"Of course, Lily. I just want to get an official statement from them. It will be quick."

Lily looked back at Harry for a moment before going into the classroom.

"Dawlish, I would like to speak with my son alone for a minute," James told the other auror next to him.

"That's fine, James. But don't take long." Dawlish went to address the other students.

"You boys sit there; we will be calling you one by one."

Harry saw the Headmaster and Snape waiting next to an open door, waiting for the students to come in.

"This way," James led him to what looked like an unused office.

He closed the door behind him and placed several security charms.

"You really made a mess this time, son…" James said. It was hard to tell by his tone if he was angry or just frustrated.

"How are you so sure it was me?" Harry asked.

James raised an eyebrow.

"Weren't you?..."

"Of course I was, but I doubt you have much evidence of that." Harry shrugged.

"This is serious, Harry. Four boys are in the hospital!" James snapped.

"I'm usually serious… But to make your statement more accurate… four Death Eater recruits are in the hospital, two of them attacked your daughter yesterday, and one of them tried to use the Cruciatus curse on her."

"What did you say? The Cruciatus?!" James was taken aback. He already knew of the attack but had not heard anything about an unforgivable curse being used.

"She probably didn't notice it. It was a good thing I was there to stop him."

"You were there?!" James exclaimed.

Harry gave him an impassive glare.

"Of course I was. I have an eye on everything that happens in this castle now. Hogwarts is not as safe as Dumbledore likes to say. But don't tell her that… I don't want Lyra to think her brother will always be there to save her."

"If you were there, why didn't you intervene sooner? They could have been hurt!" James asked.

"I told you. She has to learn how to fend for herself. Because one day, there may be no one there to help her."

"Harry, she is only twelve…" James stated.

"So?... I had to learn that lesson when I was eleven."

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