Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 199: A Rough Night

Chapter 199: A Rough Night


"Harry Potter" and all its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author notes-

Chapter 199: A Rough Night

When they left the shop, Daphne turned around and stared at the front with confusion.

The previously old and dirty shop was no more. Instead, she saw a beautiful place with pristine paint, clean windows, and flowerbeds on the sides of the door.

The sign was now in perfect condition, and she could read the name of the shop with no problems. The letters were exactly the same as the ones written on the card she was given.

"This is what the shop actually looks like. What you saw before was merely an illusion designed to keep curious people away," Harry explained to her.

"Who is this Madam Yafel? Everything about her feels very strange," Daphne asked.

"You probably have read about her," Harry told her.

"I have read about her? Is she that important?" She looked back at the sign of the shop.

"It's backward," Harry added.

"Backwards… Yafel…" She gasped. "Harry, that can't be… she is not real, just an old tale."

"Careful… don't say that to her face; she may kill you. That woman is the most dangerous blood witch I know… and…" He pointed at the card. "Don't lose that. She gives them to very few people. That old witch must have seen something in you."

"Really?..." Daphne glanced down at the small card in her hands before placing it in her inner pocket.

"Say Harry… can I ask you something?" she looked a bit hesitant.

"I figured you would have some questions after learning of my origins… go ahead." He put a privacy charm around them just in case.

"In your …other life, did you know me? Or…well… the other me."

"No… not really. We were in the same year, so I recall seeing you a few times when I was in Hogwarts, but we never talked. You are the only Daphne Greengrass that I know."

"I see…" She felt somewhat relieved to hear that. She would not need to compare herself with another version of her own persona.

"Anything else?" Harry asked.

"Yes, but it's not a question…" Daphne turned serious.

Then, before Harry could respond, she interrupted him with a loud slap.

He could have avoided it, but he felt a bit curious about why she did that.

"What…" She pointed at him. "What were you thinking with that ritual?!"

"Oh… that. I didn't know it was going to affect me in such a way. I still don't understand exactly what happened…" Even after being told that he already had the effects of a different ritual in him… this was something he would have to research.

"I'm not talking about that!" She snapped. "Madam Yafel told me… even if everything had gone right… that ritual would have killed you in a few years. And you were planning on doing a second one?! Why??!"

"Ah…" Now she realizes why she was upset. "I suppose it's difficult to understand from your perspective. But… how do I explain this?... In my old life, I made some very grave mistakes that ended up costing a lot of lives. I don't know why I got this second chance, but I am not willing to repeat those mistakes, no matter the cost."

"And you would sacrifice your life to…. what? To save the world? That's very Gryffindor of you…" Daphne scoffed.

"The world?" He raised an eyebrow. "You are very mistaken… I'm not so pure… not anymore. I'm just trying to save a few people who are important to me, but who will likely die if I don't give it my best."

She calmed down a bit. "Can you at least promise me you won't perform any more rituals?"

"Sure., I can promise you that." He had no plan to do them anyway. Not until he knew exactly what had happened. He may be reckless but not suicidal.

"That will do for now…" She told him.

"Let us return…" Harry offered Daphne his hand.

Daphne smiled before taking it, and they both vanished from the alley.


"Ufff…." Harry collapsed on the couch of the meeting room after leaving Daphne at the entrance of the dungeons.

His entire body was hurting, but he did not want to worry that girl any further so he tried his best to hide it.

"Arrggg…." But now he was alone.

"Dobby!" The elf appeared immediately with a loud 'pop'.

"Master Harry?" Dobby approached him. Seeing his Master resting on the couch like that was not normal at all.

"Dobby… do me a favor… bring me a case of healing potions. The best one we have in stock."

"Immediately, Master Potter!" Dobby nodded enthusiastically. "Dobby will bring them in a second!"

"Wait Dobby… one more thing…"


"And a bottle of fire whiskey," Harry grunted.

Just in case the potions were not enough.

Dobby promptly returned with the items.

"Here, Master!" He brought him a large wooden box and a bottle on top.

Harry glanced at the bottle. It was an expensive one.

'Now that I think about it… I never put any fire whiskey in there… where did Dobby get that bottle.'

"Bah… no matter…" He put the bottle aside and opened the wooden box.

There were a dozen flasks filled with a thick green liquid. It looked disgusting, but they were very effective. He downed one flask in a single sip. "That feels better…. but is still so gross…"

Then he decided to open the fire whiskey. "Thanks, Dobby… that will be all for tonight."

"Understood Master Harry Potter!" The elf looked content to have been of use.

"Ohh… before you go. Can you bring Daphne some food to her room? But don't let anyone see you."

The poor girl had not eaten anything since breakfast.

"Dobby can do!" The elf disappeared, and Harry took another sip of fire whiskey.

"Ahh… this is good stuff… it's been long since I had some." He lifted the bottle and read the label. "Wait… this is a 1940s reserve… didn't Dad have one of these?"

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