Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 200: A terrible headache

Chapter 200: A terrible headache


"Harry Potter" and all its characters belong to J.K. Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author's notes-

Chapter 200: A terrible headache

"Master!, Master, wake up!."

Harry grunted and opened his eyes a bit. He felt terrible, but at least the room wasn't too bright.

"Master?" Dobby called again.

"Give me a moment…" It took him a few seconds to regain his bearings.

He was lying on a couch inside the meeting room, surrounded by a dozen empty flasks and one empty bottle of fire whiskey.

'Right…I remember now…'

His body wasn't hurting anymore, but he still had a terrible headache. 

'An improvement, at least...' he thought.

"Let's see… today is Sunday, right?" He asked, hoping he hadn't passed out for several days again.

"Yes, Master. It is Sunday morning," Dobby confirmed.

"I see… and why on Merlin's name are you waking me up on Sunday morning?…" Harry grunted.

Dobby took a step back. "T-The barmy old man wants to speak with Master!"

"The Headmaster?... This better be important. Or I swear I... I will pull him by his beard!." Harry attempted to stand up and grabbed onto the armrest of the couch.

As he did, his fingers pierced the leather, and the entire armrest snapped loose with a loud crack, causing Harry to lose his balance and fall to the floor, along with several of the flasks.

"Master?" Dobby stared at him in confusion, not really understanding what happened.

"I'm fine… it must have been an old couch…" He stood up without help this time. 

"So… I must go to his office, I guess."

"Yes, he said the password was—"

"Never mind that." Harry brushed it off. 

"Where is my wand?" He asked while looking around.

"Here, Master, Dobby will bring it!" His wand had somehow ended up on the other side of the room.

"Okay…" Harry took the wand and gave himself a quick look-over. He was wearing the black robes Morgana sold him. 

"That will do." It was Sunday, so he didn't need to dress in uniform today, and he also didn't feel like going to his room to change.

"But before I go see the old man, I need to do one stop." He gave his wand a flick and apparated away.


Moaning Myrtle screamed. "You! What are you doing here?!"

"You're still angry with me, huh?" This was the only bathroom he knew would be empty. It's not like he could go around the school using apparition.

"Did you come here to destroy my bathroom again?!" The ghost yelled.

"Can you calm down? I have a headache already… and no, I didn't come here to destroy anything…" Harry entered one of the stalls and started urinating. "Uff… I was completely full…"

"Y-you… you degenerate! This is a girls' bathroom."

"Stop with the screeching already!" Harry put a hand on the wall of his stall, and it made a loud cracking noise before toppling over, breaking two more walls in the process... 

Both he and the ghost remained in silence after that...looking at the broken stalls.

"Mmm… well, I was done anyway."

He lifted his wand.

"You!" Myrtle screamed at him. "You!... destroyer of bathrooms!"

He heard the ghost raging before Apparating away.


Harry stood before the gargoyle that guarded the entrance to the Headmaster's office.

"Password…" The construct asked in its usual monotone voice.

"I forgot to wash my hands… annoying ghost…" Harry complained.


"Just open already!" Harry shouted. "My headache got worse."

The gargoyle spun around, revealing a very familiar set of stairs.

Before he could take a step inside the office, Dumbledore already greeted him. "Here he is, Harry Potter!"

"I hope this is important, Professor… I'm not feeling great today…" Harry grumbled.

"He arrives late and complains… is this level of impoliteness normal for your students, Mister Dumbledore?"

Harry heard a very acute voice he was sure not to recognize. When he finally entered the office, Harry quickly spotted the Headmaster standing next to his desk, and also… he also saw a tiny man standing right on top of the desk, looking directly at him.

Harry panicked for a moment. "Professor… please tell me you can also see a tiny man standing on your desk…" He hoped this wasn't some hallucination caused by drinking an entire bottle of fire whiskey in like thirty minutes.

"Harry!" Dumbledore looked outraged at his comment.

"I'll change my 'impolite' for 'blatantly rude,'" the tiny man said with clear displeasure.

"Okay… so you can see it too. That's good." He felt relieved.

"Harry, this is Professor Merbis Silverbell. You should be familiar with that name," Dumbledore said.

"Mmm… it does ring a bell…" He looked at the tiny man again. He was quite peculiar because, unlike races like goblins or dwarves, he did not have stubby short limbs, but he was perfectly proportionate for his size, which was around one-fifth of a normal human.

Other than the size itself, he looked like a normal old man with a long white beard and a wooden cane.

"Ah! I remember now. Merbis Silverbell is one of the authors of the Time Book…" He glanced at the tiny old man with interest. "Are you a gnome perhaps?" It was one of the few races he never interacted with in his past since they were one of the first to go extinct.

"I am indeed a gnome!" He huffed.

"Harry, be polite. Professor Silverbell is not only one of the authors of that book. He is also the Director of the Time Department in the Ministry. He is, without a doubt… the number one expert in time magic," Dumbledore explained.

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