Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 47: Triple casting style

Chapter 47: Triple casting style


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 47: Triple casting style

"Omnia mutatio…" Harry said softly.

The Defense professor looked at him in perplexity. He had learned a very large amount of spells but had never heard of that one. By the wording, he could guess it was a transfiguration meant to create a change in the physical appearance but he didn't observe any change in the boy.

He did not have time to think longer. Harry aimed both wands at him, each one was going through different motions. And then he heard it.


"Petrificus totalus"


Two flashes of light and a set of ghostly-looking chains were conjured in an instant.

Professor Nayar reacted swiftly and put up a shield that blocked the spells and moved away before it shattered, but he was welcomed with another barrage.

"Locomotor mortis"



"Expulso!" Nayar created a wave of condensed air to deflect the three curses that Harry threw at him.

He recovered his balance and started at the young boy like he was some sort of monster.

"How are you doing it? how are you casting three spells at the same time?"

He was sure of it…he heard the distinctive voices every time Harry had performed his magic.




An entourage of venomous creatures appeared next to where he was standing.

Two big green snakes hissed at him and lunged at his legs while spiders and scorpions walked more slowly towards his position.

The room was big enough to have some freedom of movement, unfortunately for him, all of the previous spells cast by Harry had been pushing him against a corner when he found himself unable to escape.

'Did he plan this far ahead?.' But he had no time to think about useless stuff.

"Confringo!" The head of one of the snakes blew up into pieces but the other one was able to get on his side.


The professor groaned in pain as the snake bit the lower part of his leg.

"Diffindo!" He used the cutting charm to remove the head of the venomous creature.

He had to pry open and manually detach the head of the snake from his leg. His limbs trembled, something likely caused by the venom he had been injected. 

His eyes moved to the rest of the dangerous creatures, they were only a few feet away from him.


Right as he was about to finish his fire jinx, the wooden floor came to life. He did not have to presume much about the cause of this.

Harry used free transfiguration magic on the floor. He detached the wooden planks and used them as an improvised catapult to launch the assortment of venomous creatures at the professors.

Several scorpions and spiders attached to his tunic as the muscular man did his best to rid of them.

Meanwhile, Harry continues to cast spells on him.

"Locomotor mortis"



As always, they came in groups of three. Making it incredibly difficult for the professor to defend himself.

Luminous chains attached to Nayar's legs and caused him to fall. His tongue was twisted in an impossible manner, preventing him from uttering a single word while the small creatures continued their assault.

Scorpions poked him on his hands and face while spiders got inside his robes and started to bite him with their venomous fangs.

Keshav Nayar was a combat veteran who survived countless dangerous situations. He has battled against all sorts of wizards and witches and always came on top.

But he knew that this was going to be his last battle. Even if the massive amount of venom didn't kill him, then the boy, no…the 'thing' who was now walking towards him…was not going to let him live.

As Harry got closer to him, he noticed something peculiar under the dim lighting of the room. There was something unusual on the palm of his hands. He could not make out what it was until Harry stopped, just a few feet away from where he was lying down.

Nayar's eyes opened widely when he saw it. He finally understood how Harry managed to overwhelm his defenses by continuously casting three spells at a time.

There were two disgusting human-looking mouths where the palms of his hands should be. This also explains why Harry was holding his wands in such a bizarre manner. He could not hold them normally as the wands would cover the mouths otherwise.

'That spell he cast at the beginning…something mutatio…he transformed his own body to be able to cast magic faster. No, is not that simple.' Nayar considered

Just adding some extra mouths or arms on your body was not enough to start casting multiple spells at the same time. One's mind would need to keep up and form the spells. These require wand movements, chantings, and mental images. 

He wanted to ask him who he really was under that disguise. He wanted to know the real name of the wizard who had bested him, but he was unable to form words as he was suffering from the effects of the langlock jinx.

His body was starting to go stiff. Nayar had already lost complete control of his legs and his arms were going next. He knew he did not have much time left.

'I may not be able to win…but I can go with a bang.'

Nayar moved his shaky right arm forward, the grip on his wand was still firm as he pointed it at Harry who was now right in front of him. This was the best chance he was going to get.

He could not make use of the killing curse as this was one of the few spells that were impossible to cast silently. But there was another very deadly magic he could use in this situation.

Nayar focused everything in this spell. This was going to be the last time he performed magic and he wanted to at least take his opponent down with him.

Dark flames formed before his wand, creating a sphere of fire that started to grow quickly.

A hand made of rock emerged from between the wooden planks and closed on his wand hand, extinguishing the flames and crushing his hand along with his wand.

Nayar let out a bloodcurdling scream as his flesh and bones were torn apart.

"You really thought I was going to stand here and let you cast 'Fienfire'?" Harry gave his professor an incredulous look.

"It seems like I overestimated you, Profesor Nayar…anyways, let's end this. I still have to think where to hide your body."

One more rock hand appeared beneath his head...

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