Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 48: Explanations

Chapter 48: Explanations


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 48: Explanations

Harry looked at the body of his dead professor.

'That was somewhat underwhelming…to think that it had me worried for a second…'

The fight with his defense professor had come at an unexpected time. He had hoped to at least be able to complete his magic storage artifacts so he would not have to worry about being magically exhausted.

But in the end, he didn't even need to deplete half his magic reserves. All the spells he used were low cost but still…it ended very fast.

"Famous hit-wizard from India and the best you could do is a couple of avadas and a half-assed excuse of fiend fire."

He sighed.

"Fine, let's not waste time, Daphne could come back at any moment with the other professors."

He first stored his official wand inside his robes.

Harry then dispelled all the creatures he had summoned before using a shrinking charm on the corpse of the defense professor.

After that, he levitated the body, which was now the size of a peanut and hid it inside the fireplace's secret entrance. He had several days to find a more permanent location for the corpse but for the moment it was safe there.

"Reparo!" He pushed a lot of his remaining magic out, forming a clear image of the original state of room in his mind.

Thousands of pieces of furniture start to fly around and join other pieces, forming back the couches, table, chandelier, and other decorations until everything was the same way it was before the fight.

Harry nodded, satisfied with the result, then walked into the hall and locked the room.

At the end of the hall was a big window with iron bars and a set of stairs that led down.

"That will have to do."

He aimed his secondary wand at the window.


With a loud explosion, the window bars, along with a big piece of the wall were completely destroyed, leaving a gaping hole in its place.

All that was left now was to wait.


Daphne must have had a lot of trouble finding the professors because it took almost fifteen minutes before he finally heard the sound of footsteps approaching. 

'Good thing my life wasn't actually in danger…' 

"Harry!" Daphne and Professor McGonagall hurried to his side with Snape and Filtwick following behind.

"Mister Potter!, are you hurt?. Miss Greengrass informed us about an attack." McGonagall examined him up and down.

Harry looked down at himself. His robes were completely clean and he didn't even have a scratch on his body.

He did consider causing a few injuries on himself while telling the tale that he was able to repel the stack of the professor long enough for him to give up and escape.

But sounded too ridiculous. No one was going to believe that a first-year student could duel against a veteran hit-wizard for more than two seconds without dying in the process.

The only combat spell he is supposed to know is the flipendo, and that can take you so far…

It was better to make a different claim.

"He didn't hurt me, Professor. He said that his only target was Neville and he didn't want to hurt anyone else. Then he ran away." Harry pointed at the hole in the wall at the end of the corridor.

McGonagall and Filtwick gasped.

"By Merlin!, was it really Professor Nayar?. Asked the small teacher.

"Yes, Profesor Flitwick. It was definitely him. Daphne can corroborate this." assured Harry.

"And the alleged assassin ran away without attacking you at all? no even once?. That seems very incredible, Mister Potter." Asked Snape.

"Would I be alive if he wanted me dead, Professor Snape?" Harry retorted.

"Hmph!" That was all Snape said before approaching the broken window and examining the scene.

"Why don't I take you two to the Headmaster's office?. I can call him from there and we can wait for him while drinking some tea, yes?" Suggested McGonagall.

"I will call the Aurors too. And I think we should notify their parents, correct?" Said Flitwick.

McGonagall hesitated for a moment. She knew how little Dumbledore liked to involve the Aurors in Hogwarts matters, especially since they had recently been called by the awful affair with the acromantulas. But she also knew that it was inevitable to have the auror and parents involved. Both children were from pure-blood families and Harry's father was a head auror.

"Yes, please do so." McGonagall had no choice in this, surely the Headmaster will understand.


They arrived at the Headmaster's office and we were told to sit down in front of Dumbledore's desk.

A house elf brought them some hot cocoa while McGonagall went to call the Headmaster using the floo network.

Daphne kept stealing glances at him.

He knew what she wanted to say. She didn't buy the story that Harry had told. After all, she was there when the Professor had promised to kill both of them for knowing too much about his intentions.

However, she was smart enough to keep her mouth shut in front of the other professors after hearing Harry.

He looked at her and their eyes met.

"Not now, tell you later," he promised her in a whisper and she moved her head.

She now looked satisfied enough so she started to drink her cocoa in peace.

A few minutes later, McGonagall came back to inform them that the Headmaster was going to be here shortly and that he requested that we wait for him.

Then Professor Flintwick came back and also said that both our parents and a squad of aurors were on their way to Hogwarts at this moment.

Harry grimaced.

'This is going to be a very long day…you better be grateful, Neville!' 

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