Harry Potter: Another Chance

HP – Chapter 201: Professor Silverbell

HP – Chapter 201: Professor Silverbell


"Harry Potter" and all its characters belong to J.K. Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author's notes-

Chapter 201: Professor Silverbell

“My apologies, Professor, I didn't know you were a… never mind... I didn't know there were any gnomes living in Magical Britain… the only ones I have ever seen are those garden gnomes the Weasleys are always beating with sticks.”

The face of the tiny professor became red with anger. “Do not compare me with those… THINGS!”

“Harry…” Dumbledore sighed. “Why don't you let me do the talking?”

That was the Headmaster's polite way of telling him to shut up.

“Right…” Harry agreed. It's not like he was trying to argue with the tiny old man on purpose.

“Since we are all here, why don't we get started? I’m sure Professor Silverbell is a very busy person.” Dumbledore escorted them outside his office.

“I would like to go first to the area where the anomalous activity has been the strongest,” the professor said.

Dumbledore glanced at Harry first. “Well… that would be the Chamber of Secrets then… this way, the entrance is not too far.” He'd rather not mention it was in a girls' bathroom, and perhaps the old gnome would not notice.

When they were about to begin walking, something very important occurred to Harry. “Wait!” He exclaimed all of a sudden.

The two professors looked at him.

“Is there a problem, Harry?” Dumbledore asked.

“No, I just… I need to use the bathroom, it's very urgent!” He took a few steps and turned around. “Just wait for me here, I won't take long!” He took off running.

Professor Silverbell glanced up at Dumbledore with a displeased expression. “Is this really the brilliant student you wanted to accompany us?”

“Well…” Dumbledore looked troubled. “He is a very brilliant wizard… on most days…”

“His breath reeked of alcohol!” The gnome huffed.

“Ahh… ehm…” He did notice that… as well as the strange robes Harry was wearing and… his lack of shoes...and glasses. “You know kids… always partying too much… I'll talk to him later.”


Harry took another turn and finally found an old classroom. “There!” He opened the door and barged inside... he had no time to waste.

“Ahhh!” A girl let out a loud shriek.

“What the… I locked the door!” Someone else said.

When Harry moved his eyes in the direction of the voices, he found two Hufflepuff seniors in the midst of undressing each other.

“Get out of here!” The boy stood up from the table where they were both sitting and got in front of his girlfriend.

“You tell him!” The girl encouraged him.

“I have need of this room; go find a broom closet,” Harry said with an annoyed tone. It was still early in the morning...he didn't get how these two were already in the mood for this kind of activities.

“How dare you, we are your seniors!” The boy had a deep frown.

“Just teach this boy a lesson, Justin!” The girl lost her patience.

Harry was getting annoyed now. He didn't realize it, but his green eyes started to shine brightly, and it was more noticeable since he wasn't wearing his glasses.

The small tables and chairs around him started to shake. 

“Get out!” Harry brought his hand down upon the large Professor's desk next to him.

The thick slab of oak wood shattered like it had been hit by an iron cannonball. Its pieces flew everywhere, and the remains of the table collapsed.

The young couple became scared shitless. They looked at each other with expressions of shock and terror.

“You know… there is a lovely broom closet just around the corner.” The boy hurried to say.

“Yes, let's go there!” The girl covered herself and took off running out of the classroom, promptly followed by her boyfriend.

As soon as they were out, Harry closed the door with a flick of his wand before looking back at the remains of the desk. 

'What is wrong with me today?... I keep breaking things…' He didn't think he had hit the desk too hard.

As much as he wanted to find out more about these changes, there was a much more pressing matter right now.


The elf appeared in front of him.

“Master Harry! What can Dobby do for you?”

“I have an urgent job for you. I need you to enter the Chamber of Secrets and clean the main chamber. There should be a huge mess from yesterday's ritual… like blood, materials, and other stuff. You need to go in there and remove as much as possible before Dumbledore gets there. Do you understand?”

“Dobby understands, Master Potter! Dobby will clean the chamber in no time at all.”

“Go then… hurry.”

The house elf disappeared with a loud ‘pop’ noise.

He could only hope the elf was able to remove everything in time.


Harry went back to Dumbledore and the little gnome. He noticed that both of them appeared to be mildly upset.

'Did I take too long?' He wondered. “Sorry about that, had a big meal yesterday… we can go now.“

Dumbledore coughed. “Eh… indeed, let us be on our way then.”

As they walked around the castle, the tiny professor’s mood seemed to improve. He was constantly looking around with a warm expression. 

“It's been so long since I last visited Hogwarts. But it still looks the same.”

“Yes, the castle has barely changed since its creation, nearly a thousand years ago,” Dumbledore commented.

“Such a wonderful place….” The gnome added.

“Would you like to do a short tour? We can take a longer route.” Harry suggested, hoping to give Dobby a bit more time.

The gnome seemed to consider it for a moment. “No… there will be another chance for that. I would like to finish what I came here for first. Mister Dumbledore, where are we going exactly? I always wondered about this legendary chamber and where the entrance could be.”

“Eh…. about that…” Dumbledore looked around nervously.

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