Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 269: Old alchemist(2)

Chapter 269: Old alchemist(2)

(Flamel POV)

The name of the sender was one I knew but wasn't personally acquainted with despite how amusing the owner of it seemed to be. Albus had of course told me of the student that was giving him the most stress since he popped up out of nowhere , Nicholas Ravenclaw. A monstrous genius in almost every regard that seemed to be involved in several important affairs both secretly or directly. I was quite interested in meeting this young man after hearing about his self created enchanting method and rapidly growing skill in crafting.-

Interestingly enough the young man seems to have chosen the hardest but most beneficial form of growth in that he did not choose to learn in a specialized manner but in every regard. Veritology , charms , metallurgy , enchanting and most recently even spent a few days learning from the merfolk in the black lake. From what Albus said in his letters the lad was insatiable in his pursuit of knowledge no matter how obscure. I couldn't help but feel a bit happy when Albus had told me of the lads great proclivity for illusion magics. It was an underutilized branch of the arcane and as such had been stagnant for quite some time.-

I had very little doubt that the young lad would eventually dip his toes into alchemy as well since he clearly had a talent for the stuff like most gifted in transfiguration. Opening the simple parchment letter with a smile I read the contents held within it. Once I was done I set the letter down and stroked my chin in thought over what it said. It seems this lad has seen through my little death act easily. Surprisingly the lad has even asked for my aid in favor of the school in his first letter.-

On one hand his request was indeed easy to accommodate for myself while on the other I know how loath Albus is to ask my aid in this matter. Perhaps it is for the best that I follow the lads idea and donate a small sum of wealth into the school via a proxy so that I still remain anonymous. I do wonder what sort of face Albus will make after getting this small fortune? Ah! Perhaps I should take a trip to the english isle to visit this young man myself?-

(POV end)

Obviously Nick had in fact written up a letter and had it sent to the grand alchemist by the only creature on the planet that could track him down. See the man was very clever and made it impossible to send him letters via owl as the birds instead went straight to a drop off location that he checked for mail regularly. He had stopped however in order to play the part of dead man semi-convincingly. This meant that one needed to either personally track the man down or get the services of Fawkes to get ahold of the alchemist in hiding.-

The first option was hopeless considering the man had over six hundred years of experience and power under his belt so trying to forcefully find him was a fools errand. For most people getting Fawkes's help delivering a letter was right on the same level of difficulty with how prideful he was. Nick however was a very different matter since he was the lord of all birds including phoenixes. All he needed to do was ask and Fawkes happily took the letter to the alchemist under Dumbledore's speechless gaze. Nick hadn't asked or anything to use the phoenix but walked into the office and handed over the letter nonchalantly.-

"I admit you have me rather envious of your gift with birds , did you know it took me no less than ten years to get him to agree to deliver letters for me?" the old man asked with a sigh. Nick shrugged "I didn't expect to get this wand either but since I did I see no reason why I shouldn't use the gifts it's given me." he said casually. "It is certainly a useful ability to have if nothing else. Lemon drop?" the headmaster offered.-

"Don't mind if I do." Nick said while grabbing one of the yellow candies from the bowl. Dumbledore chuckled "You may be surprised to learn that few actually accept that offer." he said with a small smile. "Understandable really but as a student I have guest right while here , you could not offer me poisoned food any more than you could attack me so I have nothing to fear." Nick said with a shrug. "So few even seem to understand that sadly , though I am curious how you are familiar with guest right?" the old man asked interested. Nick shrugged "Helena thought I should be familiar with magical etiquette" he said honestly.

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