Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 270: Training

Chapter 270: Training

Nick left the headmaster shortly after that and spent the rest of the day slowly teaching his friends what he could. While most were slowly familiarizing themselves with crafting Harry and Luna were exposed to the terror that was Nick in duels. He might not agree with most of the man's ideas but the dueling club Lockhart would have eventually created was an excellent one. 'Since neither of them will learn a craft then I may as well train them up to fight." that was his thought on the matter. Neither of the two got any mercy from him either as he regularly destroyed them in the duels.-

They were fast learners however so they improved rapidly under the pressure he exerted on them. "EXPELIARMUS!" "STUPEFY!" Harry and Luna cast spells at the same time in the area Nick set aside in the workshop to hold these mock fights. Nick saw the two spells and casually flicked his wand "PROTEGO! FUMOS!" he spoke firmly and a thick circular barrier blocked the two spells before vanishing as a cloud of black smoke filled the area they were standing in. While their vision was obscured he moved quickly tapping his wand against the ground.-

The floor rose and fell like water "EEP!" Luna called out as she clearly fell over from the unbalanced moving floor. Nick locked unto her location based on that sound "INVORTO!" he said and the spell shot through the smoke and struck Luna as she was trying the get up. She stopped trying immediately as her perception of gravity was flipped and Harry sent a stunner at Nick through the smoke that Nick caught with his wand tip and returned at double the strength. "Match!" He called out and cleared away the smoke.-

Harry was knocked out on the floor and Luna was hugging the ground like she was afraid to fall to the ceiling. "FINITE! REENERVATE!" Nick said waking Harry up and returning Luna's perception to normal. "Bloody hell Nick do you always have to be so rough?" Harry complained and Luna nodded in agreement. "You'll thank me for it later." Nick said with a chuckle. "And what about the shield charm? Why haven't you taught us that yet?" Luna asked clearly upset at his showing said spell off. "Because you don't have enough magic to use it in a duel , even if you somehow pulled it off you would be drained afterwards." Nick said with a smile ruffling her hair since he knew she hated that.-

She hissed at him while swatting away his hand much like a cat would much to his amusement. "You can use it though" Harry pointed out with a small smile at Luna's antics. "I also have more magic than both of you combined so my point still stands." Nick said before going to check on Hermione and Daphne's progress with runes. "This is too long and this is too short and this is the letter A instead of E like it should be" he pointed out the flaws in Hermione's work before frowning at Daphne's.-

"What did I say about sentence chains? they are vertical instead of horizontal by flipping them you need to adjust the angles slightly. Also this , this , this and this are all wrong." he scolded and then proceeded to show her the correct way to write the same sentence. He moved on to Ron after that who was still stuck on identifying the magical from nonmagical varieties of wood. "Remember that magical woods tend to look more vibrant then nonmagical ones." he said helpfully.-

Tracy didn't have any issues at the moment so Nick didn't bother her as she worked to memorize the various metallurgic facts he had given her. There was no point in her touching a single tool if she couldn't tell the difference between a suage block and hardy tool. Conjuring up an chair Nick went back to carving daedric runes to continue to familiarize himself with them. He didn't run any magic through the runic chains in his trial objects until he was in the designated testing area after the whole blood fountain incident.-

He finally completed his attempt at creating a water conjuring ring after the eighth try since the previous seven tries didn't go so great. Still he got points from the system for them as well as when he traded them in for more points. None of them were higher than uncommon rank wise but points were points so he didn't complain. "What sort of runes are you even working on anyways since I have never seen anything like that before." Hermione asked curiously after catching a glimpse of the daedric runes. "Demonic runes is probably the closest answer I can give that you would understand." Nick said casually.

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