Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 320: Wolf howl

Chapter 320: Wolf howl

'If my judgment isn't wrong then my forging rate has increased by nearly four times. This should put me at about two hundred and forty rings a day if I focus on it exclusively meaning I'd now only need about three years to complete this missions main objective.' he worked it all out as he left the room that was scrubbed clean of his ritual. The next few days passed by quickly as he constantly churned out rings of protection that he turned over to Dumbledore for the price he sold them for last year.-

He wasn't wrong about how much of an increase he had experienced in his recovery speed and thus forging rate as he topped out at the exact number of rings he predicted previously. Though he noticed that the rings he was making were nearly twice as good as the previous iteration. It wasn't hard for him to figure out exactly why that was either. See the method he used to enchant the rings worked based on his own knowledge and experience with a subject and he had never stopped working on his understanding of shield spells which was what caused this change even thought the enchantment itself was pretty much the exact same.-

Still the day of the full moon finally arrived and Nick wasted no time at all collecting the various analytic measures he needed to study the changes in Lupin. Amongst these was a ring that worked to Create a copy of the wearers life force signature during a period of time. With this Nick merely needed to collect the ring from Lupin after the effect was triggered in order to learn how the magic changed the lifeforce of him. The rest was mostly thing to take skin , hair and blood samples to compare to a set of the same samples from when Lupin was in his human state.-

Nick had of course asked for consent before collecting any of these things since it was only proper. Once the sun started to lower Dumbledore came personally to take Nick to the location Lupin would transform. He was not surprised to see that it was the shrieking shack of all places. As they arrived they noticed a pale faced lupin waiting within nervously. "No need to worry professor I have thoroughly prepared for this event , could you please put this ring on?" Nick asked with a reassuring smile.-

"What does it do?" Lupin asked while putting it on. "It creates a recording of your life force that I can then analyze later to learn how transforming effects it." Nick explained since he felt there was no reason to hide it. "You truly have prepared well it would seem." Dumbledore said with a raised eyebrow. "I take my work very seriously." Nick said with a grin that seemed to relax Lupin a bit. He couldn't be blamed for being nervous as he of all people was aware of the danger posed by his werewolf form.-

That was the cruel part of the curse , the werewolf remembers everything they did while transformed as if they were a prisoner in their own body. "If it makes you feel better I intend to paralyze you after you transform so I can collect the last samples so you will be no danger at all to anyone else." Nick added helpfully and Lupin nodded before it changed into a waiting game. To pass time Nick chatted with Dumbledore and Lupin on his progress with the Patronus charm. Neither of them were all that surprised that he could use it since he was studying the Animagus transformation and ones Patronus usually was also their animal form.-

Dumbledore was more than happy to share a few of the ways he had figured out how to use the spell from delivering messages to driving off many evil creatures at once. Even Lupin couldn't help but relax and get lured into the conversation. Despite the way he has spent the last decade or so he was a scholarly sort and loved learning new information. Soon though he started to groan as the moons influence called to his curse.-

Nick stepped away from the man alongside Dumbledore who drew the elder wand and held it at the ready. Bones cracked and shifted as Lupin began to change but Nick was far more interested in the incredible difference between the active curse and passive one in his magical senses. The passive curse seemed broken but quiet but the active one was like a car that had the wrong parts installed as it was "louder" and far more discordant. He frowned though when he noticed the damage that this transformation was doing to Lupins body. 'No wonder werewolves feel terrible after they turn back , their body is literally tearing itself apart.' he thought seriously.

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