Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 321: Wolf howl(2)

Chapter 321: Wolf howl(2)

Dumbledore watched the scene of Lupin transforming with a sad expression but didn't allow his mind to fall into the trap of melancholy. Freshly transformed werewolves seemed harmless at first but the moment they noticed you it was an instant shift in temperament to a savage and violent one. Nick was also very much aware of this so when the transformation ended he wasted no time at all tapping his wand against the floor. The werewolf Lupin was startled as thick metal chains and shackles shot out of the floor and bound each of it's limbs in three places before wrapping around it's muzzle to prevent even the slightest chance of it biting them.-

Dumbledore waved his wand adding his own layer of bindings to the struggling creature preventing any and all movement. Without missing a beat Nick rushed over and went to work collecting the samples he needed as well as the ring on Lupins digit that had served its purpose. "We can leave now since I have all the information I can get without risking my possessions and placing him in my ring for deeper analysis." Nick spoke calmly as he left the growling and snarling creature behind.-

Dumbledore nodded and waved his hand again covering Lupins eyes as they walked out at which point he quickly removed the restraints on it and locked the door behind him as they left. Nick heard the creature roar angrily and crash against the door in a worrying manner. "No need to be concerned , this shack was specially reinforced so as to hold a werewolf during the previous headmasters time so the poor students with the curse need not worry about harming others during their monthly transformation." Dumbledore said reassuringly. "That is good , a werewolf released in such close proximity to Hogsmeade would be quite bad." Nick said and the old man nodded seriously.-

"On to a better topic , I just this evening received your travel paperwork for tomorrow." The old goat said before reaching into his robes and taking out a few items. The first was magical passport of sorts with all of his information on it as well as a magical imprint waiting to be filled by him. This was to make sure that even under Polyjuice it was impossible for someone to travel legally to another country even if they somehow stole his passport.-

The second item was a card that expanded to show all of his legal paperwork for his travel visa so that he could just hand over the card when he arrived while showing his passport to legally get welcomed to magical France. Nick may not be a huge fan or bureaucracy in general but he was willing to admit that it had it's uses in some cases. "Thank you , I imagine you will be apparating us to the ministry so we could take the long distance floo soon?" Nick asked and the old man smiled mischievously.-

"Right now in fact." he said before grabbing Nick by the arm and apparating in an instant. Nick didn't have time to brace himself at all as he felt like he was getting squeezed through a straw belly first. His reflexes may have told him about Dumbledores movement the moment it started but the close proximity made dodging impossible. When they landed at their destination Nick had to fight with his stomach that was threatening revolt at the mistreatment. Dumbledore merely chuckled at his successful prank despite the glare Nick sent him. "I bloody hate apparition!" Nick hissed as he steadied himself.-

"You are certainly not alone in that sentiment though I personally find the magic quite pleasant." Dumbledore said with a smile. Nick snorted at that before walking into the the ministry building impatiently. Much like Hogwarts it is impossible to apparate directly into the ministry in most cases so they were outside it at the moment. It wasn't late enough for the the ministry to close just yet so they had no trouble at all getting to use the long distance floo to France. The floo network was an interesting thing in that it actually had no set distance that it couldn't be used.-

Thanks to this each ministry in the world had a long distance floo that connected to the other ministries alone. Nick found floo travel slightly more bearable than apparition as instead of feeling like you were getting sucked through a straw by your belly button it felt more like falling down a really deep hole. The flames were mostly just for opening the way while the actual travel was fairly peaceful if rather dirty. No matter how clean you were when stepping into the floo you will always come out the other side with soot and ash on you.

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