Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 322: Truth stranger than fiction

Chapter 322: Truth stranger than fiction

The French ministry was very different than the british one in both design and feel as the british ministry was cold stone and metal that had a serious and unfriendly atmosphere to it. The French ministry on the other hand had rich wooden offices built in a vertical manner that circled around the inside of the building with the exception of four large hallways in each directions. The stone was a warm golden marble while the statues were polished bronze that all in total made the place way more friendly feeling as far as Nick was concerned.-

"Papers." The brown haired woman wearing a suit sitting behind a desk next to the floo demanded in a heavily accented english. Nick and Dumbledore handed over the paperwork smoothly and the woman checked them over carefully. She paused slightly when she got to Dumbledores paperwork but snapped out of it quickly and took out a stamp that she tapped on a certain spot of the passports. "Everything is in order please enjoy your stay!" she said handing the paperwork back much more respectfully this time. "Thank you , we will certainly try!" Dumbledore said in French with a smile.-

"Come along Nick , we still need to find a room for our stay." the old man said before leading the way. "That's good Nazgul and Dusk are getting antsy from being cooped up in my ring." Nick said with a chuckle. Dusk needed to be brought along since he both refused to be left behind and was sure to cause trouble if left to his own devices. Steve on the other hand was left in the care of Luna and the other girls who practically jumped at the chance. Even if Nazgul was the favorite of his beast companions Steve was still adored by everyone.-

"That reminds me for whatever reason but will Fawkes be joining us?" Nick asked curiously. "Indeed he will but unlike us he will be flying to whole way here. It is quite the rare treat for him to make such a long journey and I couldn't deny him the experience in good conscience." Dumbledore said with a smile. Nick could understand this easily since even Nazgul liked to stretch her wings on campus when she could. It had caused a rather funny incident in fact not long ago when she joined the Gryffindor teams practice and proved to be a better player than most of the teams members.-

She was faster , better at flying , had very sharp eyes and was horribly strong for her size. All of this combined meant she was able to steal the quaffle easily , beat off the bludgers and snatch the snitch before Harry could even see it , Oliver Wood died a little inside that day. Anyways it didn't take the two of them to leave the ministry though Nick did see a two tailed black cat in it that made him a little uncomfortable.-

He recognized them from the magical beast encyclopedia that was part of the first year supply list as nekomata. These magical creatures were the bane of nearly all wizards as any magic you hit them with caused them to split into two separate nekomata. They were as such typically used as guards for treasures or information since they were the living embodiment of the term "swarm tactics". Nick knew that this creature was here as a warning to the two of them not to cause any problems as the creatures rarely left their territory unless instructed to. Dumbledore saw the creature as well but merely scoffed at it.-

He couldn't be blamed either as so long as he wanted to cause problems there was no way the ministry here could stop him and they knew it so the warning was stupid. Still the ministry of magic for France was very different than the one for Britain as it was actually located beneath the muggle parliamentary building in the middle of Paris. This came as a shock to Nick to say the least as this was a ballsy choice to say the least. The entrance and exit to the place was an illusioned staircase built into the middle of the floor that had muggle repellant wards all around it as well as notice me not charms.-

Not a single muggle so much as batted an eye when Nick and Dumbledore seemed to appear out of nowhere. 'I sometimes wonder if I am the odd one for thinking about it or if everyone else is the strange ones for not.' Nick thought as they moved through the large doors of the building and onto the street. Paris at night time was quite the sight as the Eiffel tower was lit up in the distance and various colorful streetlights filled the city as the people in it went about their late evening business.

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