Headed by a Snake

Chapter 729 Revelations Of The Heart

Nova closed her eyes, carefully examining the shape and form of her soul.

She thought back to everything she and Notaku had been through... She thought back to the hardships of her training... her elation at joining the Masked Ones... how she was the first to dare climbing the colorful Divine Armor... and... and how she...

"No," She shook her head... "(My memory begins to fade, Growling-Bear. If you did not tell me of my death, I would have lost my sense of self.)"

Nova felt like she still had a few bells of time before she had to move on... The magic in the Mask of the First Chieftain wasn't weak, after all. Still, that wasn't something she felt the need to explain.

"(Now, Growling-Bear... reveal to me your heart.)"

Notaku began to cry again in earnest, sniffing and sobbing... "(I... I asked my sister for permission to marry you.)"

Nova hopped up and smacked the big man on the side of the head, "(Why did you not ASK ME?!!?)"

Notaku's face twisted like he'd eaten a dingleberry.

Nova threw her hands up in frustration, "(Eleven heavens! You are such a fool, Growling-Bear! N-no! Stop bowing!!!)"

She shook her head as she shoved the beefy elf.

He didn't move his feet... and not because he was so much stronger than her.

Nova frowned at her translucent hand... As time went on, her connection to the material plane was growing weaker.

She sighed and shook her head, "(People die, Growling-Bear. I'm not the first you were tasked to bury. The tribe goes on, does it not?)"

Notaku grew quiet for a moment... "(I am... broken without you, Chases-Butterfly.)"

It hurt. It hurt so much.

Nova felt the pain, not just in her chest-- but it felt like her entire soul was filled with nothing but grief... sadness... and self-loathing.

"(Growling-Bear...)" She whispered... "(May... I embrace you?)"

The stern man nodded.

Nova shuffled close... and put her arms around the man she called her Elder Brother... the man she loved... so very much.

He was crying. So was she.

She glanced at her hands. Along with her fading strength fading... her hands grew more transparent. Even the feeling of Notaku's strong back against her skin was dulling with each passing moment.

...Nova focused on channeling more of her diminishing mana. She needed to keep her form stable as long as she could.

Because of her idiocy... she made Notaku cry.

She didn't want to be a hindrance.

She didn't want to cause so many problems with her death.

She wanted to live.

She wanted to fight alongside Notaku... and Chieftain Yanaba... and the rest of her brothers and sisters for years and decades and centuries longer...

...She wanted... to grow old with him.

It wasn't fair.


Growling-Bear was a coward.

Chases-Butterfly had died... yet remained for a few precious bells longer.

Any mortal in the Realm would relish the opportunity with great joy... would speak without hesitation... leave nothing unsaid.

Growling-Bear, too, had much to say.

Yet... he did not know where to begin.

So he said... nothing.

As full as his heart was, he kept his mouth shut... and he listened.

He listened to the woman he loved... as she shared with him ten years worth of memories.

She spoke of him fondly. She scolded him for his foolishness. She spoke of the first time she fell in love... and every time she fell in love with him, thereafter.

Even as the rays of the sun peeked over the horizon... she smiled for him.

Though her tears did not cease... she smiled for him.

As her speech began to slur... as she grew forgetful... as the conversations returned to topics she'd spoken of only minutes earlier... she smiled for him.

"Elder Brother..." Chases-Butterfly grumbled, "Say something... or I'll really become a vengeful spirit."

Growling-Bear took a deep breath... "I... will mourn you."

The willful woman shoved Growling-Bear's shoulder, "That is NOT what I want to hear, you dolt! That is not why I fell in love with you! That is not why... I have sought to win your heart for so long... that is... not..."

Through her mask, Chases-Butterfly's eyes grew hazy.

"My... my love..." Growling-Bear whispered quietly.

"I... must go soon..." The woman shook her head... "But you... you must remain. You... must live on."

Growling-Bear bowed his head in reverence... "I understand."

"Don't just *understand*!" Chases-Butterfly shouted, "Swear it!!"

...Growling-Bear closed his eyes, reigning in his emotions.

He forced himself to smile.

He expected no less of the only woman he judged qualified to be worth his feelings.

"I... swear it, Chases-Butterfly... on my eternal love for you..."

He opened his eyes.

Chases-Butterfly was gone.

Her form... her spirit... her smile was gone.

Only her mask remained.

"I swear that I will avenge you."


⟬ Four suns later... ⟭

After Coraline presented her case to the Centurion, he heeded her advice, sounded the horns for a company-wide withdrawal.

Optio Phaedra brought up the fact that the elf could be leading them into a trap.

Did it make any sort of sense? No.

Did the thought cross Haelvia's mind? Of course, it did... but for better or worse, Coraline had thrown in her lot with Guild Metal Wolf. She was risking her own well-being, too.

Haelvia wanted to trust her. The Centurion gave Coraline the chance, based on her relationship with a Decanus named Tychon. Phaedra dutifully followed orders, taking a group of crossbow-wielding men and women to support Haelvia and Gaheris in the rear.

For the most part, the operation was a success.

The elves gave chase... but did not press their advantage, allowing the Wolves to escape, disgraced and with their numbers decimated.

As for why they did not pursue... Haelvia had no idea.

She could only thank the Eternal Flame that they did not follow.

Within the adobe walls surrounding Green Corn Tower, they found the sanctuary they needed. The defeated Wolves could finally lick their wounds.

"Immunes Haelvia," A handsome half-elf woman in military dress beckoned her from the courtyard.

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