Headed by a Snake

Chapter 730 One Week

Even without wars to fight, the elves of House Highblade continued to train. Under Lieutenant Teneca's command, her archers shot at straw targets, over an actus away.

Haelvia felt a tinge of guilt. She'd jogged for maybe a bell, each sun... but there were too many injured Wolves to participate in company training.

She jogged over, bounding only a few steps to reach the woman and she gave her a crisp salute, "Good morning, Lieutenant."

It felt... strange to salute an Officer from a different nation's military. According to Tyrion doctrine, she didn't need to. However, the prim and proper brunette was the savior of their guild. Granting her the courtesies she deserved was common sense.

"Good morning, Immunes," Teneca returned the salute-- though she seemed to strain her neck, looking up. "I have questions regarding the state of your Wolves."

Haelvia hesitated to answer... The Lieutenant often sought her out for matters of her guild... but that kind of thing was disregarding her chain-of-command.

Lieutenant Teneca probably wouldn't have issue talking directly to the Centurion... but Januarius was injured during the withdrawal and had taken fever...

Optio Phaedra had yet to complain, but knowing her, Haelvia not following protocol would get her into more trouble than it was worth.

"Lieutenant, I mean no disrespect, but... maybe I should get my Optio? Or... one of the Immunes billeted for keeping track of our personnel?"

"Nonsense, young lady," Teneca shook her head. "If I were to share more than five minutes in the company of your Optio, one of us would run the other through."

"That..." Haelvia was stunned, hearing that the one person responsible for saving their guild spoke so openly about fighting and killing their second-highest-ranking Officer.

Phaedra was a very proud woman. Teneca did not like her.

And so, it fell to Haelvia to relay messages to the Centurion... a lowly Immunes with less than two years of time-in-service.

"And besides," Teneca waved, "Miss Coraline has made it known that you are her personal confidante. Walk with me."

"I hear you, Lieutenant," Haelvia nodded as she followed the States Officer.

"As you know, Immunes Haelvia, diplomatic matters between Green Corn Keep and your adventuring company are somewhat complicated," Teneca explained.

"I... wasn't given the details, ma'am," Haelvia bowed her head in apology.

The half-elf let out an exasperated sigh as she stopped... "Very well. In consideration of your rank, I place the blame not upon you, but upon your *command.*"

Haelvia took a deep breath and grimaced. The Lieutenant had few good things to say about her senior enlisted.

"Essentially," Teneca continued, "Green Corn Keep and the forces of House Highblade stationed here do not fall under the jurisdiction of Whitehearth. We have provided food and shelter to Guild Metal Wolf as a neutral party-- at our detriment, I might add."

Haelvia gulped... "Our... our guild coffers are not empty, Lieutenant. I'm sure we can compensate you for your kindness."

She knew the guild was in debt... but being in a foreign nation and damaging relations with the people that lived there seemed like a bigger problem.

"Our kindness, Immunes Haelvia, was granted not out of respect for your *Holy Country*-- nor to your pack of pig-iron dogs," Teneca frowned, lifting up her nose. "It is because at least one of your number had the foresight to recover the young Arcanist convalescing in our infirmaries."

Because of Coraline?

Haelvia furrowed her brows, then took a few quick steps to keep up with the Lieutenant, "Is... is Cora... is Lady Coraline an important person in the Eastern States?"

Teneca laughed lightly-- even though she wasn't a full elf, it was similar in musicality to Coraline's laugh, if with a different rhythm and tone.

"Perhaps, young lady," She nodded. "From what I understand she is a talented Arcanist belonging to the Sapphire Tower-- an organization respected across the States and beyond."

Teneca paused for a moment... "If you were not aware, Miss Coraline Heartsong is under the protection of House Highblade, a benefit granted by Lord Arod Highblade, one of the most proficient Blademasters in the past several centuries."

"That's... wow. I had no idea," Haelvia sucked in air through her teeth, "Guild Metal Wolf owes him a great debt, then?"

"He is dead," Teneca replied mirthlessly. "The Sapling, along with one of your Holy Country's young Decani, brought his murderers to justice."

"...Oh," Haelvia nodded.

It seemed that even though she was only a couple of years younger than Coraline, the elf had far more merits to her name.

Haelvia reported the state her guild was in as they walked.

They left over 30% of their guild behind, as well as their supply carts. In theory, it only took 10% of casualties to completely destabilize any force. Another eight died from injuries incurred, and there were sixteen who would not recover to fighting condition within the moon-- if they would, at all.

Of the remaining, Guild Metal Wolf had 15 Immunes, 17 Munifices, and 4 Decani, and Optio Phaedra that could reasonably be called to fight.

With not even 40 strong, they could feasibly form three strong tent-groups-- maybe four if they split the Immunes. As proper Century tactics called for a full 100... the effectiveness of Guild Metal Wolf was greatly reduced.

"Hm. I've seen the condition of some of your troops... but I wanted a second opinion," Teneca shook her head. "It has been four suns, Immunes. Guild Metal Wolf will leave my walls on the morning of the eighth. Of course, if Miss Coraline has not yet recovered, she may remain here."

Haelvia wanted to argue... she wanted to beg for more time.

But... it was not her place. Teneca didn't even have to give them a single day, much less a week... and she'd only done so on Coraline's behalf...

"I... hear you, Lieutenant."

Teneca raised an eyebrow, "You are young, Immunes Haelvia, both in age and in rank. Do you have the ability to complete this task on your own?"

"I will be enough, Lieutenant," Haelvia shook her head.

It wasn't good news for anyone, especially the Optio and Centurion... but she was loath to ask Teneca for any more good will than she'd already provided.


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