Headed by a Snake

Chapter 731 Visiting The Injured

Upon reaching the infirmary, Teneca turned and rendered a quick salute, "Ellie, was it? Give Coraline my regards."

"I will, Lieutenant," Haelvia straightened her back to return a respectable salute of her own.

The woman shook her head and smiled, "Teneca is fine, between the two of us."

"I wouldn't dare," Haelvia bowed her head, "not after everything you've done for us."

"I'm serious, Sapling," Teneca rolled her eyes. "House Highblade may not be so friendly to foreigners, but our eyes are better than that of blind, crippled dogs."

She turned to walk away-- making distance surprisingly quick, despite appearing to keep the same pace as earlier, "Consider my words, should your contract expire."

Haelvia sighed as she opened the door.

Her father gave her similar advice before she joined the Wolves... to seek employment in the Fairytale Kingdom or the Eastern States. In those places, it seemed merit and ability were more important than status... and looks.

But... she signed a contract. She had her duty. Her loyalty was promised to Centurion Januarius and his Wolves... and she had no intention of abandoning them.

The section of the infirmaries she entered only had a single occupant... the other savior of Guild Metal Wolf, Miss Coraline Heartsong of the Sapphire Tower.

"You really miss your boyfriend that much, Coraline?"

The tiny elf sitting half-upright on her cot immediately began choking on a banana. As she hacked and coughed, Haelvia walked to her side and began massaging her back.

"Y-you're terrible, Ellie," Coraline glared, tiny tears pooling at the corner of her eyes.

"Who eats a banana like *that*?" Haelvia laughed.

"Sh-shut up," Coraline tried to shove her away before turning and crossing her arms.

She'd grown even more pale than when last they'd met... and she barely had any strength to her. After her fake act of rebellion, the girl doubled over, coughing  pitifully.

Haelvia embraced her friend, continuing to gently rub her back... "Coraline... what's happening to you? Do we... need to get you to Whitehearth?"

"N.... no," Coraline sniffed. "It won't help. My mana reserves are straight-garbage right now... but they'll get better."

"You've been getting worse, these past few days," Haelvia scolded. "Wait here, I'll get the healer."

"Don't bother," Coraline waved dismissively as she lied back down... on her side, due to her butt injury... "I'm like this because I sent Beatrice away."

"You did WHAT?" Haelvia yelped in surprise, "Why would you do something like that? You were hurt to begin with!"

"It'll help us later..." Coraline sighed... "I hope."

Haelvia shook her head as she sat down on an empty, adjacent cot, "You really need to rest."

"Yep, I do," Coraline giggled. "Thanks for visiting me, but how's everyone else doing?"

Haelvia averted her gaze as she sucked in air through her teeth... "Not good. They had to amputate the Centurion's left arm..."

"Oh, no!" Coraline shot up, "Wasn't he the only Gold-Rank Metal Wolf?"

"Half-step Gold-Rank," Haelvia shrugged. "If we had a true Gold-Rank, we probably wouldn't be in our current mess."

Coraline sneered, "And how about that idiot, Loukius?"

Haelvia gave a half-hearted smile. Only a few days earlier, Coraline could still somewhat limp around.

During that time, she met with Loki.

She was not impressed.

"He... he's even worse off," Haelvia confided in a lowered voice. "They... they had to take both of his legs."

Coraline's face fell... "Oh... I... that's terrible. He's a massive prick, but he didn't deserve that."

Haelvia took in a breath and groaned, "Mehh. It just makes it worse for the guild."

"Can... anyone else pilot Divine Armor Lancelot?" Coraline's eyes shined hopefully.

Haelvia slowly shook her head, "Everyone that had the training to was lost in the attack... besides me, of course."

"Stars and stones," Coraline cursed... "Not to be... blasphemous or anything, Ellie... but for the Ebon Mask tribe to attack you guys... it sounds like the fates really have it in for you and your guild."

Haelvia stared at the ceiling in thought... "It does seem like that, doesn't it?"


Haelvia conversed with Coraline for a few bells.

It was just what she needed to lift her spirits, despite the fact that in only four suns, half of her company had been annihilated.

She also thought of it as a necessity... since she was planning on visiting Loki next. That was sure to ruin her the rest of her sun.

She already made plans for it. She'd visit Loki, try to cheer him up, probably get into an argument... then she'd jog a few times around the inner perimeter of the walls to cool off. Then she'd complain about it to Coraline when they met for dinner.

Loki had a room to himself... and not because he rated one. It was because the Highblades didn't want to deal with him.

One of Teneca's Sergeants gave her the report. That idiot, Loki... he just couldn't keep his mouth shut. It didn't matter that without the Highblades and their healers, he'd have died. He took a single look at how pointy the First Healer's ears were and decided to let them all know what he'd do if only he had a sword.

Thankfully, Lieutenant Teneca and the professionals in her medical team didn't give into his demands. Instead, they locked him alone in his room and posted a guard.

...The report also strongly hinted that they beat him up a little, to make sure he complied.

Haelvia gave a polite smile to the young guardsman. He looked young... but as he was a full-blooded elf, she wouldn't dare assume, "Good afternoon, Sir. I'm here to visit Munifex Loukius."

"Good afternoon, Ma'am," The elf saluted.

Slightly surprised, Haelvia hesitated before returning it, "Oh... no. You don't have to do that. I'm not an Officer."

The elf shook his head, cordial but without a smile, "We were instructed by Lady Teneca to treat you as such. Please don't make it difficult for us."

"I... see," Haelvia nodded. "Well... thank you."

It seemed that she underestimated the weight of Lieutenant Teneca's words. She made a mental note of yet another thing she had to thank the woman for.

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