Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 113: Fighting with Isobel

Chapter 113: Fighting with Isobel

"You sure you want to fight with me?"

In front of Ayaan, Isobel was standing with a proud expression. Her red hair and red eyes really were making her the harbinger of death. Furthermore, after cultivating the blood art, her hair had become even more crimson

Compared to her, Noor was completely different; her hair had been starting to turn silver, while silver runes could be seen in her eyes; though not rapidly, but her body was changing as she cultivated her space technique.

Rebecca had also changed, half of her head had been turned snow-white while half was blue like before.

"I am always ready. Make your move, I will go easy on you," Ayaan looked at Isobel before saying with a magnanimous voice.

"How shameless," chided Noor.

However, his skin was really thick, there was no change in his expression after hearing her taunt. He simply looked at the demonic beauty in front of him, waiting for her to make a move.

"Then prepare yourself, " Warned Isobel, and suddenly her aura changed and attacked Ayaan without retraining.

'Fuck, how is her aura so powerful?' Ayaan cursed in his head and dodged the attack.


When the attack landed on the ground a huge pit formed in front of Ayaan. Looking at the pit in front of him, Ayaan couldn't help complain, "Are you trying to kill me?"

However, the lady didn't reply, suddenly a small object went towards her from the pit. Ayaan looked and realised that it was the hairpin which Leafwhisk had given to her; it was Isobel's Weapon.

The lady didn't reply and her hairpin again shot towards Ayaan.

Not having another choice, Ayaan again had to dodge miserably. Only now he realised that Isobel was taking this match really seriously. 

He looked at Leafwhisk from the corner of his eyes and saw the smirk at her silky lips. Immediately, Ayaan felt the urge to curse but somehow controlled himself. It must be her plan to pressure me.

"Alright, you want to see my strength? I will let you see it then."


Suddenly, a powerful aura exploded from his body and Isobel's attack was easily deflected by him. 

"He blocked the attack!" a shocked expression appeared on everyone's faces, even Leafwhisk was shocked. Though they knew that she didn't use more than half of her strength, the attack was still powerful. Ayaan didn't even start his cultivation, so how could he block her attack?

"Core Formation Realm!" a disbelief look appeared on Leafwhisk's face when she sensed Ayaan's aura, he had reached the core formation realm. The first step towards cultivation.

When someone starts cultivating, he or she has to form the core inside their bodies by drawing the energy from heaven and earth. After condensing that energy to a very high level, the core would be formed inside the body of the cultivator; however, Ayaan didn't even start his cultivation, so how did he reach Core Formation Realm?

Nonetheless, after blocking the attack, Ayaan didn't stay idle; he sprinted towards Isobel in his full speed and punched.


Isobel sidestepped and dodged his attack easily; however, before she could sigh in relief another attack arrived in front of her. Not having time to dodge, she didn't have any choice but to block the punch.


Ayaan's punch met with her palm; although she blocked the attack, she was pushed a few meters by his attack. What was more frightening was that Ayaan didn't stop there and again kicked at her. His attacks had formed a chain. However, the more he attacks, the powerful his punch became.

"Sigh, this is the benefit of having a battle experience," Leafwhisk couldn't help but praise Ayaan.

"Sister is definitely more powerful than Ayaan. So why can Ayaan suppress him?" Noor asked curiously. Rebecca looked at the two people on the battlefield and seemed to have understood something.

Leafwhisk looked towards the Ayaan and explained, "You are right. Though Ayaan somehow entered the Core Formation Realm, he is only at the early stage. On the other hand, Isobel is already at the peak of the middle stage of the Core Formation Realm. However, Ayaan has something which Isobel doesn't possess."

Noor looked at Leafwhisk and asked curiously, "And what is that?"

"Didn't I already answered your question?" Leafwhisk smiled at Noor before turning towards the two struggling people on the battlefield.

Noor blinked and asked in surprise, "Battle experience?"

"Yes, battle experience. Without much battle experience, even a lower level cultivator could kill you in a few moves. However, Isobel also isn't losing simply because of her battle experience; though her experience isn't as vast as Ayaan who had fought many battles already, she isn't much inferior to him." Analyzed Leafwhisk. 

This time it was Rebecca who turned towards her and asked, "Then what is the main reason?"

Leafwhisk chuckled before replying, "The main reason she is suppressed because of her heart."

"Heart?" Noor and Rebecca both looked at Leafwghisk in surprise. They were speechless, Isobel isn't able to win because of heart? Seriously?

Leafwhisk looked at their weird expression and laughed, "Let me explain: heart doesn't necessarily mean romantically. In a martial art world, it has a completely different meaning. 

"She doesn't have the heart to fight Ayaan. She doesn't want to fight with him, so how could she display her full strength. Though it is related to her feelings for Ayaan, it is not entirely correct. The cultivator must have a heart as clear as water, without any misgivings; but at this moment her heart has become a mess."

"If it wasn't, for this reason, why would Ayaan expect the challenge"

At the end of her sentence, she couldn't chuckle.

Rebecca and Noor looked at the lady with wide eyes. Finally, Noor asked, "You are saying that Ayaan was able to see that sister doesn't have the heart to fight with him, that's why he accepted our challenge?"

"That's exactly what I am saying," Leafwhisk replied.

"Then isn't it unfair? That shameless person knew that sister wouldn't fight him with her full strength. He is too shameless." raged Noor while Rebecca also nodded, approving her sister.

"What shameless? You challenged him and he accepted your challenge. I even instructed Isobel for not going easy on him. At the start, she was still alright but look now...sigh." Leafwhisk shook her head. They wanted to make Ayaan suffer a little bit and show their authority to him, make him realise that they were the boss here. But now, everything is over.


As she spoke, a booming sound resounded, attracting their gazes.

"What are you doing? Are you going to fight with your enemies like this? If I was your enemy, you would be dead by now." Ayaan said. 

A surprising look appeared on the three ladies who were standing now far away.

"I just can't bear to strike you." Isobel shook her head and sigh left from her cherry lips.

Ayaan couldn't help but shake his head. Then he looked at Isobel before asking, "Tell me, if I was captured by someone and his dagger was on my neck, what will you do?"

Isobel looked at Ayaan in bewilderment and didn't know what to say.

"Let me tell you what you will do: you will hesitate from striking him, afraid that he will kill me. Because of your hesitation, your enemy will be able to escape and when he was out of your reach, he will kill me or torture me before killing. At that time you will succumb to the guilt that you weren't able to save me and it was your fault."

"At that time you will maybe kill yourself because of your weak heart. Leaving only Noor and Rebecca behind to fight with their enemies. Imagine when we were with them, we still couldn't defeat our enemy, so how will they defeat them?"

"Their enemy would defeat them instead. At that time they will have only one choice suicide. If they weren't able to commit suicide, do you know what their fate will be?"

As Isobel heard Ayaan, her heart trembled when she imagined such a scene. 

"If you hadn't hesitated at that time and attacked that man, maybe I would have survived. Even if I wasn't able to survive, so what? At least we would have killed our enemy. What will happen afterwards? You will have guilt? So what? Is it different from before? At least you killed your enemy."

At this time Ayaan looked at the Isobel and said seriously, "When you fight you need to have a heart as clear as water. You can't hesitate. If you weren't able to think clearly, you will die, and after that, the comrades which were standing behind you will also die. Just because you didn't have a clear heart."

"Do you understand what I am saying?" at last Ayaan asked. At first, he was just fighting without any care but then, he realised that Isobel was hesitating every time she attacked, which was the reason he became annoyed. According to him, there was no place for hesitation.

Isobel's body trembled when she heard his question. She looked at him with a serious expression and a determined look emerged on her snow-white face and said, "I understand. Now I won't go easy on you. My heart wasn't clear before and I was unwilling to fight with you but now, I am clear what I need to do. If I am no able to control my emotion here so how would I be able to do that on a battlefield?"


As she said a bloody aura emerged from her body.

"Aii" Ayaan let out a miserable cry, making others laugh loudly.

Leafwhisk looked at Ayaan with admiration. She knew that she had misjudged him previously. She looked at the two ladies beside her before speaking, "Your Ayaan isn't as shameless as you think."

Both the ladies at the side turned red from embarrassment. They felt as if they were too narrow-minded.

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