Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 114: It's Too Cliche

Chapter 114: It's Too Cliche

It was a sunny day; the chirping of birds could be heard from time to time. Many people could be seen on the streets of the city. Some people had blue hair, some had white while some had red, so on and so forth. 



Suddenly, a voice resounded and a black crow descended from the sky on the street; however, before the crow could touch the ground, its body changed, becoming human. 

Though the crow had turned into a human, he was still a crow in some way. His hair was black, and his skin was as black as his hair, he was the embodiment of the charcoal man.

However, no one paid the man any attention, as if it was a common occurrence everyone was busy doing their work. 

Not far away was a restaurant, a group was sitting at the window of the second floor while a waitress was serving them.

It was the group of their beauties and a young man it was Ayaan's group.

However, at this moment, Ayaan's face was swollen, though not completely disfigured, it still made his face rather ugly. Many brushes on his face could be seen, his expression was awkward due to this. He was regretting that he provoked that demoness sigh... What a hard life.

"What would you like to have sir?" a waitress asked the group with a pleasant smile. However, when her gaze went on Ayaan's face, her expression became a little weird. 

She had beautiful green eyes and blue hair. With a smile on her face, she was not bad looking. However, when compared to the three ladies on the table, she was way behind. 

That was also the reason, her expressions were weird. Because the ladies beside Ayan were the most beautiful women she had ever seen. But their companion was this man with a swollen face; she couldn't help but sigh at his dog shit luck with the ladies.

"Take out your best dishes," Ayaan saw her weird expression but didn't say anything. What could he say anyway? It's not like he would bully a waitress; even if he wanted to, he wouldn't dare in front of three tigresses. 

In Ayaan's voice, there was no arrogance, which came as a surprise for the waitress. Anyone who had the qualification to sit on the second floor must have a powerful background. Most of them would be arrogant because of that; however, she didn't see any disdain on his face.

"Wait for some time, sir. It won't take long, " after saying, the lady walked towards the counter to give Ayaan's order.

"That bastard even changed the name of the phoenix city and made it the Vermillion City. It must be him who was behind the massacre of my family." Rebecca gritted her teeth in hatred.

"Don't worry, we would know everything eventually. Furthermore, the name of the new king is Rex, hehe. Do you remember something after hearing the name?" Ayaan curled his lips in a weird angle when he said that; a strange light flickered in his eyes.

"What you mean this is the same Rex who attacked us when we were going to exterminate the bandits, and later, that eagle attacked us. After your interrogation, he told you that he was sent by his master Rex. He said his master is Vermillion" As she reached at this point everything in her head became clear. 

"Yes, I am talking about the same guy. The king of the demon continent is the vermillion bird and his name is also Rex. do you think this is all coincident?" a confident smile appeared in his face. After merging with the World of Life and Death his intelligence had surpassed any genius of the world while his deduction ability became unrivalled. 

'Even Sherlock has to take me as his master now, hehe,' a proud smile appeared on his face when he thought about his new ability. However, what was disappointing was that he couldn't accept the inheritance of the elementless pagoda.

However, he wasn't much upset because of this, the World of Life and Death was an unrivalled treasure. He still remembered the dream in which that man gave two treasures to Nolan. Even that man didn't know what was the stone while the pagoda was his personal treasure.

Though he wasn't able to receive the techniques from the altar of the pagoda; surprisingly, he could cultivate the cultivation arts of the three girls. It came to him as a big surprise. However, he didn't cultivate their techniques. 

He thought there must be a reason he could not accept the techniques from the altar; therefore, he only used a simple breathing technique which he received from the World of Life and Death for cultivating. And surprisingly he realised that the more he practised in that breathing technique, the closer he felt with the World of Life and Death.

After hearing Ayaan's word, a cold look emerged on Rebecca's face and said, "It's even better; now we will be able to settle our old and new grievances altogether."

"Don't be impatient, I think this Rex isn't as easy to deal with as you think. His ability is strange. He could make his clones and let them devour humans before returning to him. After every massacre his clones does, his strength would increase. I think his cultivation technique isn't from this world." Ayaan said with a grave tone.

"You are saying that he has a cultivation technique from the higher world?" asked Noor with wide eyes.

"It's just my speculation, I am not sure. I have the ring of that dog; after searching the whole ring I failed to find such a magic formula. All kinds of magic formula could be found in his ring but didn't find anything like Rex's clones art. That's why I think his cultivation technique is from the higher world." Ayaan looked towards the girls before explaining with a serious tone.

After the demon was devoured by the World of Life and Death, a ring was left behind. When Ayaan saw the content of the ring his eyes went wide. Because the things in the ring were the same which system provided him. 

There was a disc inside the ring; Ayaan didn't know what it was. When he told Leafwhisk about it, she said it was a formation disc which was used to teleport him to different worlds.

Besides those things, there were many white shining stones. Later, Leafwhisk enlightened him and told him that they were spirit stones. They were rather precious.

However, what made him excited weren't these stones or techniques, but the ring itself. The ring had the space of a kilometre. It was a huge space as compared to his previous ring which had the space of only a few square meters.

"If he had the cultivation technique, then he should go to the central continent. Why would he slaughter the overlord of this place and become a king?" Isobel who was silent all this time finally spoke.

"Maybe there is a bigger conspiracy," a strange light flashed in Ayaan's eyes.

"Bigger conspiracy?" all the girls looked at Ayaan curiously. They knew that after the holy stone merged with his, his intelligence had become frightening, he could see things which others could not.

"Did you for"

"Alright, everyone gets lost from here. Our young master Cloud wants this place for today." before Ayaan could finish his sentence, an annoying voice interrupted him.

The group of four turned towards the newcomer and saw a group of youngsters. At the very front was a man with a long nose, white hair, fair skin, sharp eyes and his aura was very strong.

He was an archmage!

Behind the man were four more youngsters. One of them was the one who had shouted just now. However, other than the man at the front, others weren't much powerful. They were just high mage. 

Right now, high mages and great mages were just insignificant existences in front of Ayaan; even archmage won't be much hard. Therefore, he didn't pay much attention to these arrogant fellows and turned towards the waitress.

"How much more time do you need?" Ayaan said impatiently.

'Sir, but" the waitress hesitated and looked towards the newcomer with terror.

"Go take our dishes now!" commanded Ayaan when he saw the hesitant look on her face.

"Uhh.. ok," the waitress said and went towards the counter. However, at this moment she looked towards the newcomers with a strange smile.

Alas, though she was pretty good, how could that eye to eye talk escape from Ayaan's sharp senses? A cold smile appeared on his face when he saw this. At the same time he felt rather helpless, the beauty of three ladies beside him was too shocking, it was impossible to avoid attracting some death seekers.

At this moment the man who had entered the second floor looked towards Ayaan's table and his eyes brightened when he saw the three ladies beside Ayaan.

He walked towards their table with his lackeys when he saw Ayaan sitting on the table with three heavenly beauties, his expression turned cold.

"Brat, I will give you three breaths, scram!" the man called young master cloud shouted.

Ayaan looked at the man and sighed, 'Why the hell this restaurant fight happens with every protagonist? It's too cliche!'

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