Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 109 A Forgotten Past

It was now the time for Daniel to collect his fruits of labour and that was to meet Zuke, Luke and Viston first before the main event. 

"Welcome Great Master. It's been some time since I last saw you" 

Zuke welcomed Daniel with open arms and a wide smile. 

Zuke, an ally of Daniel, stood at the entrance of his house, eagerly awaiting his arrival.

After the long day of recruiting countless disciples from the Sects, the 2 suns were beginning to set, casting a warm golden hue across the landscape.

As Daniel approached, a genuine smile graced Zuke's face, and he opened his arms in a welcoming gesture.

"Great Master, everything that you have been waiting for is finally here"

Zuke exclaimed as he enveloped Daniel in a warm handshake. "I'm thrilled to see your reaction."

Daniel accepted the handshake, feeling a sense of comradeship and trust in his word's presence.

"It has indeed been a while, Zuke. And I'm looking forward to what you have planned for me" 

Zuke stepped back, his bright eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"Great Master and all of the Esteemed Guest, let's come inside. The Patriarchs and Matriarchs of the Noble Families are all inside and they are excitedly waiting for your presence" 

He invited, gesturing towards his home.

"At the same time, I've prepared a feast in your honour"

Daniel and his women followed Zuke inside, taking in the cosy ambience of his home.

Upon entering, the aroma of delicious dishes filled the air, and the sound of laughter and chatter echoed through the halls.

It was evident that Zuke together with Luke and Viston had gone to great lengths to create a welcoming atmosphere for their grant event.

As they walked towards their designated around the house which seemed huge, there were other Patriarchs and Matriarchs who had their own sets of tables and chairs. 

Instead of thinking of it as a home, it had been designed as a place to host an event and eventually, Daniel and his harem were brought onto a table placed above the rest, hinting to the others what kind of position he had. 

As they settled around the table, Zuke finally let the Grant Event open and he had few words to say before beginning the event of recruiting. 

"Before we begin with Main Event, I would like to welcome all of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs for accepting the offer and turning this city into a Vassal for our Esteemed Guest Sect, Heavenly Harem Sect" 

Zuke exclaimed and sounds of claps reverbed throughout the space and for some reason, the Matriarchs were sending gazes towards Daniel, especially a certain person that Fresia had beefed with previously. 

"Great Master, do you have anything to stay with before we begin with the main event?" 

Zuke urged Daniel to speak a few words as a means to show his presence. 

Without a doubt, Zuke and Viston's hard work had paid off and it wasn't easy for them to convince the majority of the powerhouses with his plan. 

It was even harder when he had to explain why it would be worth it for their female family members or even friends to join the Heavenly Harem Sect. 

Fortunately, because of Daniel's actions it had lessened his work by a large margin and most women had easily agreed with his plant.

To honour this celebration, he created this grand event where he invited every Patrairch and Matriarchs who had agreed with his plan. 

To add on, the number of participants he had collected had amassed over tens of thousands and because there are no strict requirements aside from relationship, it was easy to amass over thousands. 

It would be impossible to recruit every one of them on the spot, but Zuke had put up some of the participants who held important positions within their families, and even the commoner was invited. 

"Alright. Let me just have a few words" 

Daniel had never expected that the Grand event would turn out like this. 

It feels incredibly good to be welcomed like a celebrity but his purpose of coming here was to recruit disciples and it would be the last session he would recruit before he would focus on something else. 

Zuke gave the spotlight to Daniel and now, all of their eyes were on him and some of them were incredibly intense that he had to look who was the person who kept gazing at him with such a look. 

In the end, he turned his head to face the person who was so focused on him and he was pleasantly surprised at the identity. 

He didn't know who she was, but he did recognise the people around her. 

'Isn't that Fresia's Ex-husband and sons..?'

He questioned and he noticed that right by the husband's side, there was a gorgeous woman right by the sons' side, there were 2 pretty-looking teenage girls. 

He didn't find it strange about their presence nor did he want to bring up the past when Fresia had ended it, although she wanted a 'brutal' revenge, he never thought of doing it immediately. 

However, at this moment, he finds those three women's behaviour odd. 

Daniel's thought about the woman who stole Fresia's husband away from her would be someone with charms and someone who knows how to manipulate. 

But it was strange to see that the person who sat by the husband's side looked innocently and Daniel wouldn't suspect anything if she had never smiled seducingly on his way. 

Yes, as Daniel glanced at her, she gave him a flirtatious smile, and to make the situation even more interesting, she passively waved at him while keeping a lookout on her husband.

At the same time, the 2 teenage girls who were accompanying the husband's sons were also gazing at him with a smile that was telling him that they wanted to have sex with him. 

As Daniel looked, he realized that the 2 teenage girls had similar looks to the woman on the husband's side, thus, he believed they were her daughters, and because of that he couldn't help but chuckle. 

'This is interesting' 

He didn't want to assume but the smile that they were sending didn't belong to someone who was loyal to their partner and he never thought that his promise to Fresia would be easier to complete. 

At some point, even if they ended up becoming his harem, he wouldn't mind accepting them as long as they could be loyal, but if he sensed that they weren't, he wouldn't hesitate to kick them out. 

As those 3 women gave a flirtatious smile to him, Daniel replied with a soft smile, and the woman who never expected to have a reply had a wide smile. 

'He smiled back at me! Does that mean he remembered me?' 

She was shyly nudging her legs together as though something in between her legs had become wet. 

To explain why she felt this way, we have to turn back the time a little bit. 

Delilah Pilio had honestly fallen in love with Fresia's husband because she had earnestly believed that he was the man for her and the strongest one for her.

But she was wrong to assume so, no, it was more of how she had forgotten her first love.

It happened way before Daniel had been given the power of the system and he was a nobody with a weak cultivation stage it was such a long time that perhaps he may have forgotten about it. 

Perhaps at that point, he was a young boy at the age of 16 and he was passing by around the city together with his deceased master, and at some point, he venutred the city on his own. 

And there he goes, he encountered a special situation. 

A situation where a young mom aged 30 with her two 12-year-old daughters were walking down a street and there they encountered hooligans, people who were cultivators yet were weak and could only survive through robbing.

Now, Delilah wasn't a cultivator hence, she was a weak sheep and it created a perfect cliche scene for Daniel to come and appear like a hero. 

"Give me your money!"

Delilah was being robbed and to protect her 2 children, she stood in front of them but there was fear in her eyes and she was unsure whether or not she could protect them. 

Although she was the heir, at that point, she was a nobody and to see 3 muscular men robbing her, she was frightened. 

"M-Mommy I'm scared" one of her children clinging to her thighed in fear as she was frightened with the three men. 

Her other daughter was shivering in fear and she couldn't utter any words and Delilah tried her best to comfort them. 

Because there were no bodyguards and they were in a place where it was hard to call for help, Delilah knew that they wanted more than just money. 

Thus, she was helpless. 

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