Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 110 A Promise With A Milf Part 1

With no cultivation or treasures to protect the 3 Robbers, Delilah feared for the worse and what worsened her fear was that there was no means of her escaping. 

She looked behind, there was no route that she could run and she looked to her sides, there was no path for her to turn to. 

With her heart pounding in her chest, she realized that she was trapped.

Panic welled up inside her, but she knew that panicking would only cloud her judgment.

She needed to think clearly and find a way out.

Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to stay calm and focused. She scanned her surroundings, searching for any possible way out.

But it turns out, there was none. 

She was surrounded by those 3 men and even if she screamed for help, no one could hear her voice as it was a secluded place. 

If by chance someone could hear her voice, it would be too late by the time they appeared and who knows what would have happened to them. 

Delilah began thinking critically about how she could escape this situation and she even considered giving her life away just for her 2 daughters to run. 

She hoped that at least if anything happened to her, her daughters would survive and she wouldn't mind putting down her life. 

But the more she thought of the possibilities, the more she despaired. 

She was afraid that the more she retaliated, the more she and her daughters would suffer. 

After all, seeing the knife in their hands, she believed she and her daughters wouldn't escape unscathed from this. 

However, the true question is how long could she hold them off.

Even if she had put her life away for her daughters, how long could she create enough time for her daughters to be safe and against those 3 men, she wouldn't doubt she would beaten within seconds. 

At these desperate thoughts, Delilah bit her lips in frustration and she wondered why she and her daughters had to suffer. 

Not wanting to show a weak side to her daughters at this moment, she held in her tears of frustration. 

Thinking about it now, Delilah thought that her life had been misery. 

Even though she was the heir to the Pilio Noble Family, she was just a puppet meant to be married off to the other families and that's all she had to offer. 

There was nothing in her value other than being a marriage to bind 2 families, and if that wasn't enough, her 2 daughters were the evidence that she had been married once and divorced. 

The reason why she was divorced was because her Ex-Husband was tired and got bored of her, thus, he ceased his relationship and status with her and he didn't even want to raise his children. 

Although Delilah had children, the Pilio family still believed she had a value to serve which is why she was never discarded till this day. 

Still, in this situation, Delilah was desperate to find the solution to this situation and even if she wanted to use her family name, there would be no point since she was just a puppet that wasn't important for the family to sacrifice. 

"Look here is all the money I have, could you let us go now?" 

She offered all of her money in hoping that the danger would be easily solved with money and her voice had hints of fear, and she was slightly trembling. 

"We've struck rich!" 

One of the robbers took the money away from her hand and he had never seen this much money before. 

"Shit, just how much is that!?" 

His friend was drooling over the money as he quickly rushed to his side and he couldn't believe that such an amount could exist. 

"This is enough for us to survive for months! Just how lucky are we!" 

One of them exclaimed with excitement in his eyes and he was imagining how they would be spending with this fortune. 

He was even thinking about spending some of that on the Red Light District where he would be having his fun with women while drowning himself in alcohol. 

Watching them getting excited over the money she gave, Delilah formed a nervous smile. 

"Then, since you have received my money, could you let us go?" 

She was confident that she could escape from this unscathed since she had fulfilled what they wanted.

But she was wronged to believe so. 


All three of them paused their excitement and they had a questioning look. 

It was an awkward silence for 5 seconds before the 3 of them turned their heads and faced each other. 

And then they laughed. 

"Hahahaha did you just hear what I heard?" 

"What did she say again? Let her go? Hahahaha" 

"Hahahaha I've never heard such a joke in ages" 

All of them couldn't hold in their laughter and they were laughing genuinely till their stomachs hurt and tears streamed down their eyes. 

Delilah was flabbergasted and she found their laugh ominous.

She didn't know why they were laughing at her words, but one thing is for sure is that this doesn't sound good to her. 

In response to her fear, she took a step back while making sure that her daughters were behind her. 

And she could see that her daughters were cowering in fear as they were frightened with their laughs. 

Once they were satisfied with laughing, the 3 of them looked at Delilah but this time, their eyes were more intense. 

"I don't know whether you know about this woman, but there's no such thing as letting go of prey after it had offered itself" 

One of the robbers licked his knife while imagining himself what he'd do with Delilah and her daughters. 

"But I've already given you wanted!" 

She raised her voice as she could see that they were beginning to close their distance. Because of that, she panicked. 

"Hmmm? But we didn't say that we would let you go though?" 

One of them answered her question with a smirk and he liked seeing her expression as Delilah had realized her mistake. 

She felt dumbed for believing them and now, she has no idea how could she escape from this situation with her daughters. 

Moreover, it seems like they wouldn't listen to her and even if she did give more, there's no telling how much she needed to give before they could be even satisfied. 

Never would she imagine that she would encounter such a situation and she regretted straying from this path and because of her choices, her daughters would suffer. 

She wasn't ignorant of the aftermath of this and as a mother, it would be her worst nightmare if those 'things' happened to her daughters. 

Left with no choice, Delilah screamed at the top of her lungs and it was the loudest scream she had ever shouted. 


It was only 1 word but it echoed throughout the area and although there was no one near the area, it wouldn't be long before someone came to rescue her if she screamed louder.

"What is she doing!? Stop her immediately!" 

They panicked and one of them decided to slice her neck to silence her with his knife. 

Even though nobody would come, there was still a small chance of someone appearing and it would be game over for them if a Cultivator appeared since the 3 of them were weak as hell. 

One of them dashed towards Delilah ready to slice her neck with his knife. However, a strange thing occurred. 


The robber was confident that it had targetted pretty well and there was no mistake with his accuracy, and he was expecting blood to gushed out. 

But his expectations didn't come. 

Instead, his knife clashed with a metallic weapon and the robber was surprised and also baffled by how a young boy had appeared before him. 

"What the...?" 

The robber was perplexed by how a young boy appeared before him and it confused him. 

"Isn't it funny to see 3 men cornering up a woman and 2 little kids?" 

"What kind of men are all of you in threatening a pretty woman like her?"

The one who blocked the robber's attack was none other than Daniel who was nine years younger at that point. 

"Who are you!?" 

The robber who clashed against Daniel demanded an answer, but at the same time, he was worried about the situation. 

For someone to appear and block his attack could only mean one thing and that was the possibility of him being a cultivator. 

"Who am I? I'm Daniel Marz the Disciple of Master Roshi. You all better remember that!" 

Daniel smiled widely and he raised his sword to fight against the 3 men. For a reminder, Daniel couldn't cultivate, hence, he wasn't a cultivator and he couldn't wield any Cultivation Techniques. 

But at this point, he was smiling confidently as though he wouldn't lose against these 3 weak cultivators.

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