Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 112 A Promise With A Milf Last Part

''Alright, since all three of you are fine, then, it's time for me to return and don't forget to be careful on your way back'' 

Now that it was getting late with the 2 suns setting down, Daniel believed he had fulfilled his missions and knowing that the three of them were safe, he believed it was time for him to return. 

Delilah and her daughters nodded gratefully, their hearts still racing from the intense encounter they had just experienced.

They couldn't find the words to express their gratitude to Daniel for saving them from the robbers' clutches.

"Thank you so much for your help," Delilah said, her voice filled with emotion.

"You risked your life to save us, and we are forever indebted to you."

She exclaimed with a wide smile and she even went her way to grasp his hands and poured out her feelings. 

Daniel believed that she was just showing her gratitude and he replied with a warm smile.

"I'm glad that I could help and remember to be careful on your way back to the village. It's not safe to travel alone, especially with little ones."

"We will, we will!" Evillia, the oldest daughter chimed in, her eyes wide with admiration for their rescuer.

"I promise to protect my sister and mom just like you protected us," Melidah, the youngest added, determination shining in her young eyes.

Daniel ruffled their hair affectionately.

"That's the spirit! Stay strong, and remember, there are good people out there who will help you if you ever find yourself in trouble again."

With a final nod of reassurance, Daniel turned to leave. He didn't linger, knowing that his mission had been fulfilled.

But Delilah couldn't bear to let her benefactor go just like that and even her daughters were reluctant to see him leaving their sights. 

As he walked away, Delilah and her daughters watched him go with a mixture of gratitude and yearning.

They knew that they had just encountered a truly extraordinary individual, but they didn't wish for it to end just like this especially Delilah who was aware of her feelings and emotions. 

Minutes ago when Daniel appeared, the first thing that she saw was his back and never did she ever feel protected so much, moreover, he was a young charming boy that she finds attractive. 

It was different in contrast compared to all of the men she had met whether in her clan or outside and her feelings intensified even more at how much he was willing to protect her. 

It was a strange occurrence for her when Daniel didn't have any reasons to interfere and he didn't even know her. 

Hence, Delilah who craved a romantic sweet innocent love had fallen at first sight and because of how deeply her craving is, she didn't want to let go of her sight especially when it comes to a young boy. 

Thus, she couldn't help but break a smile and a kind of smile that she never thought she would have and a smile that was filled with overbearing love. 


Raising her courage, she stopped Daniel and as he halted his steps and turned around, he had a curious gaze. 


Now that she had stopped him, she had no idea what should she do from now on and words weren't coming out of her mouth. 

''Since you've done so much for me and my daughters, it's natural that I should compensate for what you've done for us'' 

Delilah thought it would be a good idea to prolong her time with him as much as she could before she could tie her relationship with him. 

But unfortunately for her, Daniel didn't have such a grand plan to spend his time any further with her as he needed to return on time to his master or else he would be blasted from him. 

''It's alright. There's no need for you to compensate me or anything. I'm just doing this out of goodwill'' 

He replied with a smile and Delilah never thought that a boy's smile could be so innocently charming.

Was she perhaps into young boys? Well, she does have the Milfy-looking body and she has the type of aura where she would prey on young boys. 

Nevertheless, hearing his reply, she had no idea what to do and forcing him to stay with her might make her like a villainess and burdensome. 


Well, Daniel could see that she was saddened by his reply and he had no idea what he had done wrong.

Although he did find her attractive enough to the point he felt his body hot and a certain dragon rising, his fear of his master overwhelmed his sin of lust. 

Thus, he could only regrettably reject her offer and at the same time, he thanked his lucky stars that he managed to encounter such a beautiful woman. 

''But it's not like this would be our last time meeting, so why not we meet again in the future, when the time comes, how about you tell me a little bit of yourself?'' 

Daniel came up with an alternative plan and Delilah's eyes immediately lit up. Seconds ago, it felt like she had lost the meaning of life, but after hearing his proposal, her world was brought back. 


She dashed towards him and grasped his hands with enthusiasm and being overwhelmed with her enthusiasm, Daniel replied quickly. 

''Yes that's right'' 

He wasn't sure whether he made the right choice or not, or whether this was a good outcome but he was rather delighted that he managed to make a woman like her interested in him. 

For someone who hasn't been in a relationship before, this was the first time for him and he was a little bit excited. 

Hence, for the next half an hour, Delilah gave her information to him and the place of their meeting and she had never been so digested in sharing her privacy information with the opposite gender. 

On the other hand, Daniel accepted everything with a smile and without further ado, he accompanied Delilah and her daughters back to the safe zone before they separated their ways.

As the days passed since their encounter, there was no news of Daniel encountering Delilah ever again. 

But for Delilah, she couldn't shake off the deep impression that Daniel had left on her heart.

She had fallen deeply in love with the charming young man who had appeared like a prince to save her and her daughters.

And because of her feelings for her, every night, she found herself gazing at the stars, wondering where Daniel was and what he was doing.

She yearned for his presence, his smile, and the warmth of his reassuring words.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, Delilah's yearning for him intensified and at the same time, it became worse.

At some point, she even called out for his name randomly while staring into a wall with marks representing the number of days since their encounter. 

She was slowly turning for the worse and her obsession with him grew. 

It was to the point that she often visited the place where they had met, hoping that somehow fate would bring Daniel back to her.

But as the months went by, there was no sign of him.

She even hired some spies, but no one knew where he was and there was no information about him and it was as if he never existed at all. 

But despite all of this she never loses hope. 

Still, even with the longing in her heart, Delilah focused on raising her daughters.

If some thought that Delilah was the only felt this way, then they're wrong. 

Evillia and Melidah were undergoing growth and with that, their impressions of him were as strong as their mother's. 

They admired him just as much as she did, hoping to meet him one day and 'thank' him personally for saving their family.

As time passed, Delilah's state became worse and worse, but she managed to hide it from her family mad one day, as she was at her favourite garden where she owes it, a traveller arrived in front of her entrance. 

His clothes were worn, and he looked exhausted from his training. As he approached Delilah's house, she noticed the familiar glimmer in his eyes.

"Delilah," the visitor said with a warm smile. "It's me, Daniel."

Delilah's heart skipped a beat as she looked into his eyes, unable to believe that he had returned after all these months.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she embraced him tightly, holding onto him as if she never wanted to let go.

"I can't believe it's really you," Delilah whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I've missed you so much."

It was weird that Delilah's feelings had developed so much that she began treating Daniel like a husband who had gone missing for months. 

Daniel smiled, and although he was bizarre with her embrace, he didn't shove her away.

Instead, he began stroking her hair gently. "I've missed you too, Delilah. And sorry for appearing late. My training took a long to complete'' 

Delilah nodded, understanding his reasons. "I know, and I won't blame you for it"

After a few seconds, Daniel took her hands in his, looking deeply into her eyes.

"Delilah, I want you to know that you've always been in my thoughts. I couldn't forget your face and every night I kept thinking about you."

Delilah's heart fluttered as she listened to his words. "I've never stopped thinking about you too Daniel."

During all of his training with his master, Daniel had realized that he wasn't a talented cultivator and even with all of the techniques he learned from his mortal, it wouldn't be strong enough to retaliate against those higher cultivators. 

It was just a stroke of luck that he managed to repel those three weak cultivators. 

Nevertheless, with this realization, he had come to peace with himself and had accepted that he wasn't meant to be a cultivator. 

With all of these thoughts, he wishes to at least settle down with a woman and continue living his life with his loved ones as he watches his children grow. 

But he had one problem. 

No one was attracted to him and he didn't even have any money to provide a woman to live and he remembered that a certain woman was interested in him. 

And thinking about her looks and personality, he thought it wouldn't be bad if he could settle with her and he doesn't mind her having children. 

Daniel smiled sadly, gently caressing her cheek. "I wish I could stay with you, but my training is not yet over. There is still much training I need to complete''

"I understand," Delilah said, trying to hide the disappointment in her voice. "I know you have a higher purpose, and I would never ask you to give that up."

Daniel leaned in, pressing a tender kiss on her forehead. "One day, when my training is complete, I promise that we will meet again. Until then, please know that you will always hold a special place in my heart."

Delilah nodded. "I will wait for you, Daniel, no matter how long it takes."

They held each other for a moment longer, savouring the love that was beginning to bloom. Then, with a heavy heart, Daniel bid Delilah and her, promising that they would meet again someday.

As he walked away, Delilah watched him with a mixture of sadness and hope in her heart.

She knew that their paths were destined to cross again, and she would eagerly await the day when they would be reunited.

In the years that followed, Delilah kept her promise, holding onto the love she had for Daniel and the hope of their reunion.

But it has been nine years since they had last met. 

(Author: I think some readers might think that the past chapters are so random that it doesn't even make sense and on that part, I agree as well. But I didn't want to make Daniel's past and origins before he had the system so bland. Perhaps the way I executed might not be so well-liked, but let me know your thoughts on it)

(I will rewrite this chapter if it's not well received by readers, so comment with your thoughts on it. Since this is the last part, it won't have any impact on the next chapter)

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