Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 113 Shocked Beyond Words Part 1

In the mansion where the Patriarchs and Matriarchs were waiting for Daniel to begin his speech, all of them were eyeing every inch of his movements. 

It can be said that initially, their reactions toward Zuke, Luke, and Viston's plans were completely ridiculous. 

The Immortal cultivators were astonished by their foolishness in devising plans that could anger the esteemed Imperial Families. Fearful of the potential consequences, they hesitated to challenge the powerful factors at play.

They thought of them as maniacs and people who were out of their minds.

What was worse was that they were shocked out of their souls when learning how Viston had handed over his nobility. 

His claim was so audacious and unexpected that it instantly spread like wildfire, and curious gazes fixed upon the enigmatic figure of Viston.

They couldn't help but question what could be going on inside his head to make such a bold assertion.

Was he driven by a hidden agenda, seeking to disrupt the harmony of the city? Or perhaps he possessed knowledge beyond their comprehension, giving him the audacity to challenge the established norms?

As they mulled over the implications of his words, some found themselves doubting his decisions.

Others, however, remained sceptical, dismissing his claim as a mere act of bravado, a fleeting desire for attention.

Yet, the uncertainty lingered, and it was clear that Viston had managed to sow seeds of doubt among his peers.

Moreover, making a taboo plan was already a shocker for them, but handing over his nobility? That was the same as asking to die. 

They couldn't understand the rationale behind his thinking and neither could they make sense out from his actions. 

But then it slowly grew.

From sheer mockery, it slowly turned into a curiosity and the more they discovered that what Daniel had done was not a lie, their firm belief began shaking.

With the evidence shown by his disciples and their powers in the time when they visited the city, all of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs were then convinced. 

They couldn't believe their eyes on the absurdity of their strength.

Although they have never met any cultivators at the ceiling of Half-Immortal, it was in their nature to be aware that the power shown by Cecilia and the rest was not a capacity that could be held by Half-Immortals. 

Was it possible for them to teleport into a different dimension and watch Cecilia kill 'Beings' that they were unaware existed? 

They could remember that their souls and physical bodies almost tore apart just by seeing those 'beings' and for the first time in their lives they realized how insignificant a Half-Immortal was. 

Cecilia and the rest of the 4 Disciples had done what they needed to convince the Patriarchs and Matriarchs. 

As for all of the Sect Leaders, they weren't there except for Lydia. Because of this, they have no qualms about accepting Zuke's proposal. 

Moreover, knowing that they could have a small slice of rewards made them non-hesitant about their decision. 

Even if they wouldn't be given any rewards, they would be content in having Daniel as their protection.

After all, the plan was to turn this city into a vassal of his sect and cease all forms of connections with the Imperials. 

As Daniel stood tall amidst the gathering of Matriarchs and Patriarchs in the opulent mansion, a palpable aura of awe surrounded him, making him dominant and unpenetrable in their eyes. 

The air seemed to hum with anticipation as he addressed the esteemed assembly, his voice commanding yet inviting.

"Before we commence with this event, let's just say I'm pleased with all of your agreement, and I promise that you won't regret this decision after I'm done with the recruitment"

He declared, a hint of a knowing smile playing on his lips.

His reputation across the city had earned him not only respect but also a tinge of fear.

As the only outsider who had caused unforgettable events, Daniel's presence was a testament to his prowess.

With his speech, the eager gazes of their eyes met Daniel's unfathomable gaze.

His figure had not only drawn them to this momentous occasion but had instilled a sense of curiosity and wonder about the kind of future they would have if they followed this man.

"I have a great ambition of conquering the whole world and I won't hide that I have a huge thirst for having single women I met to be my disciples and also my harem"

He didn't hide his great ambitions and although he expected to receive some frowned eyes, he was surprised to see there were none.

He felt weirded out that they were still gazing at him with unordinary looks. It was as if, they were gazing at their believer. 

Nevertheless, he ignored their gazes and continued talking. 

"For some, it might be unfair that I'm only paying attention to the women and there might be doubts that some men might feel about themselves even after putting their trust in me" 

Daniel had always thought that he wouldn't give the benefits to any man and he still believed so. He was a selfish man after all. 

But because the System had the Vassal Function, he could support the men who put their trust in him. 

"Which is why, as long as you satisfy me with your work, I would reward you" 

 At this moment, his aura exuded an unparalleled magnetism that they found difficult to resist.

Each one felt the allure of being part of something extraordinary, of embracing a destiny beyond their wildest dreams, especially the men. 

"Nevertheless, all of this is just part of the small ambition I have for the future, and for those who wish to venture this path with me, be prepared for the future" 

Hearing his words, the room filled with a renewed sense of purpose.

They felt like if they followed Daniel, their lives and destinies would change, and Daniel was instilling in them that he was in charge and his position would never be shaken. 

This was a rare opportunity, one they could not afford to pass up.

And so, as the event unfolded, the fear mingled with respect grew into profound admiration.

They marvelled at the chance to be guided by a true master, realizing that under Daniel's tutelage, they could transcend their limitations and reach heights previously unattainable.

Little did they know that this moment would shape the future of the cultivation world, forever intertwining their destinies with Daniel's quest for women.

"That's all I have to say" 

Daniel ended his words with a smile and the whole mansion was filled with whispers and their eyes were filled with determination. 

While the women were determined to be his woman, the men were determined to be his underlings. 

It a few minutes for the whole mansion to be calmed down before Zuke continued with the main event. 

"What a Great Speech made by our Great Master and we can't help but look forward to our future together. Having said that, it's time for the event of recruitment to start" 

"Without further ado, let's start with Tristan or my family first" 

Zuke exclaimed and as the entrance of the mansion opened, it welcomed the women that would soon become his women and also disciples and as they entered, there were 20 of them. 

"We have 20 women and the one leading the group is known as Jessica Tristan and someone who had worked by my side as an accountant" 

"She retired 10 years ago yet she's back for more action after knowing she could transcend her limits and behind her are all of the representatives of each faction within my family" 

"Due to the time limit, it would be difficult for every woman to appear and we have hundreds of them wanting to become the disciple of the Heavenly Harem Sect" 

Zuke introduced and he explained. 

Without all of them were beautiful in their ways and their ages varied and the youngest being 18. What's charming about them is the robes they wore which was alluring. 

But what's eye-capturing about this moment was Jessica Tristan, the one who led the group. 

She was a sight to behold, standing amidst an air of confidence that seemed to emanate from her very core.

With her brown wavy hair cascading down her shoulders like a gentle waterfall and her penetrating brownish-red eyes that held wisdom, she was the epitome of a seasoned and experienced woman, unruffled by the demands of her role.

Her presence was commanding yet reassuring, and the weight of responsibility seemed to rest effortlessly upon her shoulders.

Every intricate detail of the clan's affairs appeared to be well within her grasp, as though she possessed an innate understanding of how to navigate through the labyrinth of paperwork and bureaucracy that often burdened such organizations.

With her appearance and beauty, their gazes naturally gravitated toward her and Daniel showed interest in her. 

Without a doubt, at some point, the clan will need a few disciples or even elders to handle administrative matters. 

Knowing that such opportunities had appeared, he wouldn't be hesitant for her. 

Moreover, he could feel it from her, the aura of an office lady or perhaps even the bossy one. 

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