How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 696 - 697 Rubbing on the Ground

Chapter 696: Chapter 697 Rubbing on the Ground


The sudden situation surprised the collectors. The sculpture was measured by X-ray and other indirect means before extracting component samples. The feedback was that the sculpture was just an ordinary sculpture. Except for its artificially carved into a strange appearance, it was just a very ordinary stone.

Obtaining sample ingredients is just done according to the usual practice.

"What's going on?"

Hundreds of millions of roots in the room observed something in the center in constern, describing it with the word 'twist'.

The main body is a piece of liquid. The reason why it is called 'a lump' is that it is not scattered like a liquid, like an enlarged version of the water that will wriggle. The surface of the 'drop' is boiling. Many indigenous hands stick out from the boiling liquid surface and keep dancing, as if drowning people are looking for salvation. The straw of life.

The inexplicable voice was amplified and clear, like the call for help made by the indigenous people of the planet in extreme panic, the screams when they were abused by heavy punishment, or various other fragmented complaints.

The most bizarre thing is that the collectors found that the lighting distance of light has been reduced. Whether it is infrared, ultraviolet, or visible light, it will sharply weaken the energy level and disappear until it disappears after running one meter.

Something in this room seems to prevent observers from obtaining its information in this way. Of course, it may also be its own characteristics, which the collectors can't confirm.

However, this does not mean that the collectors have nothing to do. You should know that the particles in the world are not only photons. After complex adjustments, proton beams and neutron beams must be released for 'lighting'. These non-photons will also bounce back after hitting the solid material, so as to achieve the same photon lighting. The effect.

In addition, collectors also have sound wave detection, just like bats use ultrasound to detect the environment, as long as the brain can process the feedbacked sound wave information as a 'visual' observation goal.

Distortions, which restrict access to information, are only effective for the indigenous living individuals on the planet whose observation methods are limited.


The twisted object roared strangely. It seemed to have some means of detecting the root, rushing straight to the nearest root and drowning it. The root dominated by the collector suddenly disconnected after contact with the twisted object.

After destroying one root, he rushed down again, which looked very fierce.

But it just looks fierce. For the collector, the root is like human hair, which is part of the body, but it belongs to an irrelevant part. If it is damaged, it can be longer. Due to the simple structure, it is only a matter of time to repregnancy and recover.

Such a biological structure is designed because collectors consider the unknown dangers they will encounter during interstellar exploration.

They don't know what the danger is, but the universe is so big that this kind of thing will definitely happen. If they die in such accidents during the process of interstellar exploration and can't continue to contribute to the community, it is very sad to the collectors.

Therefore, the collectors decided to learn their supreme will, leave their thinking subjects outside the exploration area, and only use a small part to go deep into the exploration area for survey activities.

Now it comes in handy. No matter how the twisted object is killed, the root of staring at the twisted object in the room is endless.

"What kind of creature is this?"

In the Life Field Channel, the collectors exchange their views, but no individual can say why. The distorted objects are very strange in the structure of life and do not look like a species on a native planet at all.

Uncertain things are put on hold for the time being, and the collectors summarize what has been determined.

"It can be judged from the wreckage without roots that it was destroyed and swallowed up by this unknown creature."

"The source of the sound also comes from this creature."

When the distortion changes from a sculpture to a living thing, the inexplicable sound intensity that cannot be found to find the sound source rises, which shows that the inexplicable sound is directly related to the distortion. It is basically certain that the distortion is the unknown speaker that the collectors were ready to deal with.

Now it is also confirmed that the other party can find them, and the roots are being targeted by the other party, so the collectors decided to continue the previously terminated processing operation.

"The movement is too loud and will attract the indigenous people nearby. We should shut it up quickly."

"I agree."

The collectors who did not want to affect the expansion decided to dispose of the current unknown creature of the intelligent species. A large number of roots began to turn from defense to attack, and the twisted object also noticed this detail. I don't know if it was angered by the root that was regarded as a 'prey' by the twisted object that dared to resist.

Distortions show more aggressiveness.


While roaring in a strange voice, he kept touching the roots and destroying and devouring the roots in a way that the collectors did not yet understand. The room echoed with the inexplicable sound of distorted objects, and at the same time, there was also a terrible chewing sound.

Due to phagocytosis, the volume of the distorted object has unconsciously expanded a lot. For this, the collectors are not anxious. This situation can only be regarded as a small scene for them. After several simple tentative contacts, the collectors have a basic grasp of the distortion, and they have mobilized more roots. It must be in contact with the twisted object, just like a flood breaking the embankment. The twisted object was caught off guard and was instantly submerged by the sea of roots.

This distortion can't continue to devour the roots as before, and the huge number of roots of binds it in turn.

The distortion is not a fluid, but a fluid-like, and the surface is covered with centimeter-sized mouthparts, through which the roots are biting and gnawing. This is the result of several trials by the collectors. After mastering the basic information of the enemy, they crush it in a larger number.

Since it is through nibbling, isn't it powerless to keep those centimeter mouthparts from closing? The strong and specialized roots are squeezed into the inlet and split out. The mouth organs all over the whole body of the twisted object are like this. In front of a huge number, it is useless no matter how the twisted object struggles, as if the Sun monkey can't turn over the five-finger mountain.

"The capture is complete... huh?"

The individual collector who thought that the matter was over became busy because of the next action of the distortion.

The volume of the inexplicable sound outside the twisted object suddenly doubled, and the indigenous arms that kept swaying on its surface actually broke away from the twisted object and turned into something with the outline of the aboriginal appearance of the planet.

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