How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 697 - 698 Panic Shuntianzong

Chapter 697: Chapter 698 Panic Shuntianzong

As soon as they broke free, these things began to run towards the door of the room.

At this time, it fully shows the superiority that the collectors never go through the main entrance. The main door of the room has not been opened. What it used to be, but now it is still what it is. These things separated from the twisted objects can only rotate in the room in vain to find a way out, or The next impact hits the place they think can be broken through.

At the same time, the collectors also noticed that these things separated from the distorted objects did not have substantial physical contact with the inner wall of the room and the inner side of the door, as if there was any barrier in the middle, but the roots dominated by the collectors did not feel strange.

"Catch them!"

Time is tight, and there is no room for the collectors to think too much, pull out part of the roots, and turn to the things separated from the twisted objects in the room and rotate around.

This time, the collectors learned to be obedient and wrapped tightly around the target, tightly stitched, and narrowed the gap to the atomic scale. The whole object is a macromolecule.

Seeing this, the things separated from the twisted object seemed to want to gather again, but the collectors who had already paid attention to this did not give him any chance at all. It took about 20 minutes to end the battle.

"Did anyone run out?"

The individual inquiry of the post-war inspection, because the battle was very chaotic, it could not rule out whether there would be fish that leaked the net.

The collectors haven't figured out what the entity of the distortion is, but the intelligence shown by the distortion. If it will communicate with the indigenous people normally and go to the indigenous civilization to promote the existence of the collectors, it will undoubtedly be bad, so nothing separated can be missed. It should be erased immediately.

"No, the capture was very successful, but the movement was too big. There have been indigenous people coming to the ruins."

The next second of the inquiry was answered. The surrounding environment has long been comprehensively monitored by the collectors. Not to mention the unknown creature of the indigenous volume of a planet, which is an ant-sized creature. As long as it is within the scope of monitoring, the collectors also have the ability to quickly find and lock it.

After confirming that there were no omissions, the collectors decided to evacuate in order to protect the planet's indigenous people.

"Then it's time for us to leave. Hurry up and don't be found."

"All the disguises should be disguised, what it was like when we came, and what it was like when we left."

A large number of roots began to race against time. Fortunately, it is not difficult to repair the battle marks left by the fight with twisted objects. The collectors have the original environmental records in the special room, which is not simply eliminating the battle traces, but restoring the room 100%. Some traces that already existed in the room will not be eliminated or even restored. , only eliminate the remnants of the collectors fighting with the distorted objects.

In the middle of the room, a sculpture is erected again, which is 100% restored using molecular technology. At least the twisted sculpture is placed with this imitation sculpture, and the collectors can't distinguish it.

After doing everything, the roots are like retreating tides and begin to retract in order not to leave traces. If you just want to discard these roots directly, it will leave debris, which is bound to attract the attention of the indigenous people. In this way, it is meaningless to disguise the ruins as nothing happened.

Shuntianzong, more than 40 kilometers away from the ruins, Enyong is preparing sacrifices and ritual supplies for the gods.

Enyong, who commanded the personnel of the clan, was so complicated that Enyong had not been idle since the beginning of the preparation for the ceremony and did not rest for several days. Bashan Ai

Although it is hard, Enyong is basically used to it. The host of the ceremony needs to do this. Otherwise, if the best time is missed, the ceremony will be postponed.

Just as the preparation for the ceremony was completed and Enyong planned to take a nap, God seemed to be against him and brought him new problems.

"Everend Master! It's not a big deal! The seal of the monument has been destroyed! The evil is released!"

The people in the clan ran to Enyong and shouted in horror as they ran.

Hearing the message from the shouting, Enyong, who sat on the chair and wanted to have a simple rest, suddenly got up.

"What are you talking about?"

The news spread quickly, and the destruction of the seal of the monument quickly spread throughout Shuntianzong. Enyong organized manpower and headed for the monument more than 40 kilometers away from Shuntianzong.

"Hurry up! The first seal was destroyed, and the double and triple spell seals outside alone could not stop the evil for a long time! It must be sealed again before the evil substance escapes from the monument!"

Shuntianzong people walk through the woods, like flexible apes. No, apes are not as fast and agile as them. The rider, which is specially used as a mount on the second star, can only be comparable to it by running with all its speed on the ground.

Naturally, the leader of Enyong, who is second only to the suzerain. At this moment, he is anxious and urges the followers in the sect to speed up from time to time.

In addition to Enyong, there are other patriarchs of Shuntianzong in the team, and one of them asked everyone.

"Who was responsible for checking the seal last time?"

"Sunchang, it's me. I swear in the name of heaven that there was nothing abnormal when I checked it. I checked every place a few days ago. The seal is very strong and there is no sign of loosening."

The purpose of the questioning by the chief of Shuntianzong is to determine the seal inside the monument. Whether the seal was destroyed by outsiders or the aging of the seal in the monument.

In the former, in addition to being careful of the bad quality, they must also be careful of outsiders, while the latter only need to pay attention to the bad quality.

The responder also clearly knew the purpose of the long-term inquiry, and guaranteed it by heaven to ensure that the seal was in good condition during the seal period.

For Shuntianzong and even those who practice strange and evil arts, heaven can't be used to joke. Heaven and God are equated. To joke with God is to joke with God. They believe that people who dare to do so often don't die well.

"Then there is only one explanation. An unknown bastard sneaked into the monument and destroyed the seal." Enyong's tone was vaguely ill-hearted, and at the same time, he cursed the guy who released the evil quality over and over again.

In his opinion, those who dare to break into monuments to release evil are nothing more than to get the power of evil and think that they have mastered some way to use evil for themselves.

In the team that traveled through, some people felt that this matter was full of doubts.

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