How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 715 - 716 New Text

Chapter 715: Chapter 716 New Text

"No, it's a loss..."

Behind the isolation gate is a very empty place. Through the feedback information of ultrasonic and electromagnetic waves, the two collectors know the general environment inside in a short time.

Behind the gate is a closed environment, which ensures that the gas does not leak out. This closed environment is not specially built, but consists of two gates that close the main road.

This closed environment is very empty, and the collectors did not find anything through scanning except some metal fragments.

"Wait, there is text information here."

With the help of infrared spectroscopy, one of the two collectors found a text recorded on a metal wall.

[...In the end, we still suffer the consequences, and the inevitable fate is inevitable. After all, all efforts are just futile... I have never believed in fate, but now I have to believe that at this moment, the questions that have been troubled in my mind for a long time have not been answered, and there will be no chance to know in the future-- If we had not been in contact with the spiritual realm, would the result be better than now? Or...]

"Not finished writing?"

"It's uncomfortable. If you want to write, you can finish it. The previous text messages are the same..."

The recorded text was incomplete, and it seemed that the author was interrupted before the recording, which made the two collectors of browsing information uncomfortable for a while.

Naturally, there is a reason why the author's information has not been recorded, and the collectors explores its surroundings.

"There is no trace of fighting and no body."

"What does this mean?"

"It shows that the author left voluntarily for some reason based on his own will."

The collector guessed the possibility of high probability, and another possibility was that someone attacked the author who was burning the information and erased the traces.

However, the latter may be a little multi-injugance. The crisis faced by the Baidu civilization is to the extent of destroying civilization. There is no need for the attacker to erase the traces when they attack the author, unless the attacker can predict the future and know in advance that the collectors will visit here.

This is obviously impossible, so they tend to the former, and the reason why the author will not burn it.

"There are also these two gates. The gates show no signs of damage, and there are no other hidden paths. The author left before the two gates were put down."

There is some nonsense, But this is a condition for analysis, so it must be listed.

"Is it because I saw the gate put down and left in a hurry in order not to be sealed inside?" One of the individuals answered rhetorically.

The gate is very thick. If the author of Baidu Civilization does not carry the tools to break the door, he will undoubtedly be trapped in it when the gate is put down.

But after careful consideration, the collectors felt that some parts were not reasonable.

"Why did the author deliberately choose this place to leave a message? Can't you finish it at ease in another place?"

From the text information, it can be seen that the author is very desperate and powerless. If there is still room for such information, it will not be left. There are only two situations on the wall. One is that time is tight and he casually finds a place to record it, and the other is that he already knows that the destruction of civilization is inevitable. There is no change, so write down your last words by burning them on the wall. Temple Street

But the problem is that no matter what is possible, it seems that it is not a problem to choose a place that is not disturbed. Even if it is the former possibility, the author can run outside the gate to continue writing.

"Other places are shabby. If it is recorded elsewhere, it is very likely that it will not be saved by us now... Huh? Does the author know clearly that this place can survive the crisis of destroying civilization?

After thinking about it, the collector can only think that the author himself clearly knows that the closed space composed of the gate can make the text and information inside tide over the crisis of civilization, so he deliberately leaves words in the closed area of the gate.

But based on this speculation, the collector came up with another question.

"It's strange that since it is possible to survive the crisis of destroying civilization, why not transform it into a refuge? Or imitate the structure here to create a shelter for the continuation of civilized fire.

"It really feels a little strange. In terms of industrial capacity, there should be no problem to create a star ring and a similar shelter in a short time."

In terms of industrial capabilities, the Baidu civilization is the second most technical civilization in the alien civilization known to the collectors. Although a considerable part of it uses the technology developed in the spiritual realm, it can create star rings around stars, and its own industrial ability has exceeded what collectors have seen so far, except All alien civilizations except the Hui civilization.

Put yourself in other's shoes, collectors can create such a shelter in an emergency, and there is no reason why Baidu civilization can't build it.

"Or the author can stay here. Although there is nothing here, it must be more protective than other places, and he can live longer when the crisis comes."

"But the author didn't do it. Why?"

"...I don't know."

The desire to survive, which is the most fundamental instinct of biology, is not easy to overcome. For the dying life, even if it is one more second, it is still alive.

The doubts in my heart can't be answered, because there is too little information.

However, fortunately, it is not without harvest. Now the collectors can be at least 100% sure that the destruction of the Baidu civilization is directly related to the spiritual realm.


The exploration of the ring ruins is coming to an end, and the collectors bring the information of the exploration back to the cluster network for analysis. builds a physical model of the ring ruins.

From the physical model, the collectors found something that surprised them - the star ring of the Baidu civilization, which was probably still intact when the Baidu civilization perished.

All damage to the ring ruins comes from its own reasons, not the structural damage caused by external factors.

"The damage simulation here and here shows that the damage was caused by the explosion of the nuclear reactor."

"And these places, from the analysis of the wreckage, this was originally an ammunition depot, and the loss of control of the reactor led to the martyrdom..."

"Because the reactor is out of control, the ring star accelerator can no longer maintain the electric field, and the sublight particles inside broke through the ring wall, so a big hole appeared here in the ring ruins."

What will happen if the star ring loses energy? Without energy to maintain the internal electric field and the loss of internal sublight-moving particles, it is impossible to continue to form strong gravity. The strong structure formed by gravity and sublight particle inertia will be announced to disintegrate.

"...All the causes of damage to the ring ruins are actually caused by unmaintained?" _

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