How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 716 - 717 Coordinates

Chapter 716: Chapter 717 Coordinates

"In the destruction of the Baidu civilization, there are three parties, the spiritual realm is one side, and the destroyed Baidu people are the second party."

"From the information collected by the colonial stars of the Baidu civilization, it was a fleet that destroyed these colonies with enough transstellar displacement. This is a third party. The Baidu people of the colony called it the 'joint fleet', that is to say, the destruction of the Baidu civilization colony was not the hand of the spiritual realm."

The collectors who carry out information summary analysis express their views in the channel.

The reason why the joint fleet is classified as a third party is that the spiritual realm does not play with the fleet, and the collectors who know something about the spiritual realm know that although there are intelligent creatures in the spiritual realm, they will not take the initiative to build warships, nor will they take the initiative to gather these manufactured warships to form a fleet and form a fleet. The fleet is not called the joint fleet, which is too unconsistent with the consistent style of the spiritual realm.

The collectors were willing to believe that the spiritual realm hypnotized the whole Baidu civilization to commit mass suicide, but they did not believe that they would form a fleet to run back and forth in several star systems to destroy the civilization of the Baidu people.

One collector opened the topic, and another collector also expressed his doubts.

"What's strange to me is that the Baidu civilization colony, which has mastered the cross-star displacement mode, knows that it can't defeat the enemy, but it has not expanded the strategic transfer deployment of the front. They obviously have cloning technology."

Baidu civilization has super light speed technology. Although it is achieved with the help of spiritual domain, super light speed is super light speed. The universe is so big and there are so many main resources. Super light speed is combined with cloning technology, and the speed of military expansion cannot be simply described as one plus one equals two.

If you can't beat it in terms of quality, you can make up for it in quantity. As long as the gap is not too big, the collectors have done this to the coordination meeting. There is no reason why the whole civilization of Baidu civilization will be so stupid that he can't imagine this.

In response to this problem, some individuals put forward their own ideas.

"Will it be useless? Just like we build a ripple giant interference coordination meeting to use the spiritual realm.

"There is such a possibility, but this cannot explain that there is no extinction of the Baidu civilization and the star ring of Baidu civilization. If the Baidu people do not even have the value of observation and obtaining thinking, there is no need to stay."

The collectors did not kill the Selin people because the Selin people are useful to the ethnic group and are a channel that can provide new thinking for scientific research. However, even so, the collectors strictly control the Selin people to avoid overturning.

But what the collectors can't understand is why the party that ruled the joint fleet did not exterminate the Baidu people who were hostile to them?

Is the party that dominates the joint fleet the same as the collector? Is it because the Baidu people can bring them scientific research resources with new thinking? - This may be basically overthrown. After noticing this, the collectors consciously began to look for surveillance terminals around the colonial star of Baidu civilization. As a result, nothing can be found. Not to mention surveillance terminals, there is even space garbage. .

"Maybe those Padu people have other uses for the rulers of the joint fleet, so they deliberately stayed without extermination."

After thinking about it, the collectors could only blame it for other reasons that they did not understand that the Baidu were not destroyed by the joint fleet.

"But this can't explain the situation of the star ring of the Baidu civilization. All the Baidu people in the star ring have disappeared. Contrary to the situation of the colonial star, the star ring is not damaged, and the Baidu people inside are all gone. Obviously, this cannot be from the handwriting of the joint fleet."

Before thoroughly understanding the cause of the destruction of the ring ruins, the collectors believed that the direct cause of the destruction of the Baidu civilization was the joint fleet, and the spiritual realm played the role of 'helper' or 'behind-the-scenes pusher'.

However, after thoroughly understanding the cause of the damage of the ring ruins, the collectors had to overturn this idea. The ring ruins were not attacked by the joint fleet, but more like Ling Zun's attack method to penetrate the entity.

Did the Baidu civilization drag the spiritual master out of the spiritual realm?

"Is it possible that two things have collided?"

Baidu civilization was attacked by an unknown civilization with a joint fleet. In order to protect itself, Baidu civilization pulled the spiritual master out of the spiritual realm, and it turned out to be self-defeating.

But this may not explain the reason for the survival of the Baidu race. It is just a simple regression of civilization, not complete extinction.

"There is such a possibility, but this possibility is relatively low. So far, the text information collected has not mentioned another civilization." The individual who answered thought and added, "According to the text information, Baidu civilization is collectively happy to discover the existence of intelligent creatures in the spiritual realm, and even broadcasts it all. This is by no means to know the emotions that the plural alien civilization should have."

The main reason for this questioning is that the collectors have experienced it first-hand. In the early stage of star exploration, collectors are more concerned about all planets related to life, and those planets with complex ecosystems attach great importance to it. After all, they may start when the planet It will give birth to a civilization.

However, as the number of alien civilizations contacted by collectors increases, the importance attached to planets with complex ecosystems has also begun to decline. Although they will still be deliberately retained, they are no longer protected as treasures as in the past. fresh

If there is a plural alien civilization, there is no need for the Baidu civilization to be so excited about the intelligent creatures in the spiritual realm.

"...So, Baidu civilization went to destruction because of internal fighting?"


A few light years away from the ruins of the ring, the fourth coordinate star obtained from the Perdu colonial star system, and the collectors who arrived at the destination made new discoveries.

This star system is rich in material resources. There are a total of five planets, two gaseous giants and three physical planets, all of which are not livable planets. There is no ecosystem and the environment is very harsh.

However, for collectors, no matter how bad the planetary environment is, all they need is matter.

"You should pay more attention when mining and report to the cluster immediately if you find anything." Reminders from cluster leaders echoed in the channel.

Not long after the cluster leader reminded, an individual began to report information to the cluster.

"It was found here! It seems to be a grave!"

It is a large hole found under the physical planet in the second orbit. There are many objects neatly placed in the void. Such an environment can be seen as unnatural creation at a glance.

Soon, the collectors began to carry out archaeological excavations of the ruins.

After some time, it was determined that this place was related to the Baidu civilization, but it was not a tomb.

"This is not a tomb. This is a refuge for the Baidu civilization, built for the continuation of civilization. You see, these neatly arranged are culture tanks to cultivate cloned human embryos. Although the appearance is different, the internal principles are very similar to those of the Luo people."

"But there are no living things here." Some individuals said that although the cultivation tanks were all Baidu embryos, there were no signs of life, and the bodies became fossils after a long time.

"It shows that this shelter is a great failure and has not had the effect of shelter."

As a shelter, it was built to inherit the fire, but when the disaster of the Baidu people came, it did not have the effect it should have, so the Baidu civilization was extinct - not long after such an argument was put forward, it was rejected by another collector.

"You're not right."

"Isn't it?"

"Here is a shelter, is a supplementary place for soldiers, but it is not a supplementary place for soldiers of Baidu civilization."

"No? You won't tell me that this is a supplementary place for the soldiers of the opponents of the Baidu civilization, will you? The embryo fossils in the culture tank are all from Baidu.

It is difficult for the questioned collector to accept the rebuttal individual's answer, because it does not feel the logic.

"To be precise, the cloned Baidu people are in the culture tank." Rebuttal to individual responses.

"What does this mean? I don't understand. Did the enemies of Baidu civilization let the Baidu people kill each other?

"Look at the text of the information left here and you will understand what I'm talking about."

The rebuttal individual guided their peers to pay attention to a text carved on the wall in the big void.

[Children in the shelter... When you wake up, you may be confused about the strange environment around you, which is not consistent with your implanted memory. You don't have to worry and worry about it. As a leader, I will tell you everything... We have no choice. This is the only way out...]_

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