How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 772 - 773 Universe Experiment No. 25

Chapter 772: Chapter 773 Universe Experiment No. 25


May 23, 1973

Maryland, USA

"When did it die?"

"Professor Caljun, just recently..."

While muttering about the experiment, the two trotted towards their laboratory, a farm warehouse.

They went to the second floor of the farm warehouse and opened a black curtain, revealing a large square box, 2.57 meters long and 1.37 meters high.

This is a utopia, a utopia belonging to the mice - Universe 25.

25th universe by John. Caljon and his experimental assistants built it, which is a perfect place for mice.

16 residential areas evenly divided by the center of the box, each with its own water dispenser, food warehouse, and rest nest.

According to the design calculation, only when the number of mice exceeds 3840 will the nest be short, when there are 6144 mice, the water resources will be insufficient, and when there are 9500 mice, food will become a problem.

In addition, the eight mice that were first introduced to their place of residence have been screened for diseases to ensure that the experiments in their place of residence will not go wrong due to foreign diseases.

The temperature of the residence itself is also maintained between 20C and 31C through fans and heating to ensure that the temperature is not the cause of problems in the universe 25. In addition, there is no natural enemy of rats in the 25 universe.

In a world without natural enemies, disease, hunger, or living problems, all causes that may lead to population decline are excluded.

John. Calhoun wants to know whether the hand of God, which suppresses the number of mice, will still appear as in past experiments in this utopian world he built.

John. Caljon's trembling hand held up the body of the male mouse, and the answer was revealed.

God appeared!

The 25 universe experiment lasted for 1780 days. The last male mouse died and the mice completely lost any possibility of reproduction.

John. Caljón recalled the beginning of the experiment...

July 9, 1968, the first day of the 25 universe experiment. Four male rats and four female rats were put into the residence.

After spending three months familiarizing themselves with the Utopia of Universe 25, these mice settled down, began to divide their own territories, and then began to choose spouses and mating.

104 days later, the 25th universe ushered in the birth of the first nest of rat cubs.

Subsequently, the number of experimental mice increased by almost exponentially.

From the 100th to the 300th day, the average population of mice will double every 55 days, 20, 40, 160, 320, 640. It was not until 620 that the birth speed doubled from 55 days to 145 days.

Day 86 to day 338, this period is the most frequent stage of the birth of mice.

And with the surge in the number of mice, John. Karhon and others noticed that the number of mice born in each territory is not equal, although all territories are divided from the center in a ray.

The northeast corner territory gave birth to only 13 mice in 252 days, but 111 mice in the opposite southwest corner, which is more than 8.5 times.

This is the law of the law of the law of the jungle. Only the strong deserve the right to mate and give birth to children.

The experiment has been very normal so far, whether it is breeding or dividing territory, with John. Carlhon and others thought the same thing before the experiment.

With the end of the population explosion phase, the 25 universe entered a slow period.

Since the 315th day, the growth of the number of mice has doubled from 55 days to 145 days, and the number of experimental mice has reached the highest peak of 2200 in the whole experiment.

However, this result is the problem. In theory, 3840 mice will need to have a nest shortage, and 6144 mice will have a water shortage.

There is no shortage of water, no lack of food, no disease, no natural enemies, a large enough world, but when the number has not yet exceeded the limit, this mouse utopia is full.

It's like an invisible hand of God suppressing the number of experimental mice - John. Caljón thought.

Why is this so?

Is there really a god?

Of course, everything developed reasonably. The number of mice is suppressed from themselves. This is John. Carlhorn's conclusions after summarizing the experiment.

Although the 25 universe has sufficient living space and food, it is occupied by the social responsibility of rats.

In nature, there are not many opportunities for adult mice to die. Those adult mice will take over the burden of their elders and become roles in protecting territories, protecting females and breeding offspring.

When the number of adult mice living in a territory has exceeded the territory, these adult mice will move out to develop new territories, but these two points are impossible to appear in the 25 universe.

As adults, the mice that could not find themselves unknown in the mouse society fell into confusion, and male rats that did not belong to any territory began to gather in the center of the 25 universe.

These mice gradually did not socialize with any other mice, ignored each other, and gradually showed a tendency to violence.

Usually, mice that disturb others just because they come back from eating will suddenly become the target of attack, and the attacked will not try to escape or fight back, but when other mice disturb its tranquility, the attacked will also become extremely violent.

Female mice that can't find a place in society will choose to live in a higher nest that female mice that give birth to young mice will not choose to live in. They can't see signs of violence or socializing, just like isolated hermits.

With the increasing number of mice who have nowhere to go, male rats who work to protect the territory are becoming weaker and weaker in their territory, but for female mice, the reduction of territorial protection realizes that the probability of being violated in the nest they feed is getting higher and higher.

The concept of territory has gradually faded, and the female rats responsible for feeding are becoming more and more aggressive, even directly replacing the male rats who should be responsible for protecting the territory. This aggression is not only for outsiders, but also the aggressiveness of female rats has gradually shifted to their offspring. Many un weaned young mice have also become the target of female rats, and will even be expelled from the nest and become the new generation too early.

Since then, the physiological period of the mice has been disrupted, the fertility rate has decreased, and even the number of births per child has decreased.

In the process of frequent migration of female rats, many young rats were forgotten and abandoned, and many young rats "disappeared" in each statistic.

It is these reasons that led to the decline of the fertility rate of rats and stop completely.

Everything is reasonable. A social problem triggered a series of chain reactions, leading to the destruction of the 25 universe. The newborn mice could not find their own social position, cut off socialization, refused to have children, and abandoned their cubs...

But is that the truth?

In a river system that is not many tens of thousands of light years away from the earth, an alien civilization that is many generations higher than the earth's technology has also done similar experiments. They used a river system to make a civilization-belong utopia and sowed the seeds of civilization in this utopia...

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