How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 773 - 774 Probability Distribution

Chapter 773: Chapter 774 Probability Distribution

Survival is the first need of civilization - for a civilization, everything is meaningful only if it continues.

This is true of Hui civilization, which is older than Hui civilization, even those that were born as early as the beginning of the Big Bang.

Because the civilization that does not want to follow the law of survival has long been submerged in the long history of the universe. Under the big waves, the only civilization that puts the survival of civilization first has continued.

These civilizations' technologies can almost be regarded as gods. Even if the technology is far beyond the glorious civilization of the earth for many years, we can only look up to them.

But they also have their own problems that cannot be solved, that is, they cannot completely avoid death and the death of civilization.

Just like life, life survives in the world, and the corresponding other side is death. On the premise of not measuring time, life will die one day in the future. It cannot refuse death. The only thing that can do is to constantly prolong its upcoming death.

The same is true for civilization. One day in the future, for some reason, the process of extinction may be sudden or gradual.

In order to avoid their own destruction, these ancient cosmic civilizations began to study the extinction of civilizations. They believe that as long as they collect enough information about the destruction of civilizations, they can avoid the factors that lead to their own destruction in advance - popular understanding is to learn from other civilizations that have perished. Training.

However, after 100 million years of information collection, these ancient cosmic civilizations have found that the number of civilizations will not exceed a certain threshold in a limited area.

This threshold will vary depending on the scale, but the threshold always exists.

At first, no cosmic civilization noticed this, because they believed that those civilizations that had perished were caused by the extinction of limited material resources or external factors.

Until a cosmic civilization felt that it was too troublesome to find a demise civilization in the universe, so they planned to designate a cultivation area by themselves, cultivate civilizations by themselves, and then obtain information related to the destruction of civilizations by waiting for the extinction of these civilizations.

Just like John, who is conducting a rat utopian experiment on earth. Carlhorn, the cosmic civilization that intends to cultivate a large number of civilizations to collect information about the destruction of civilization, noticed the existence of the threshold.

In order to collect information to the maximum extent, the more civilizations cultivated, the better. Therefore, the cosmic civilization has estimated in advance that the maximum capacity of civilization in the cultivation area will ensure absolute adequacy of material resources.

However, the results of cultivation are far from what they conceived, and the rich material resources have not increased much.

The plan of cosmic civilization is to directly transform all the desolate planets into ecological planets with complex ecosystems. As long as there is enough time, intelligent species will naturally breed in the ecological planet, and then intelligent species will build civilization.

Finally, cosmic civilizations do not interfere and observe these civilizations naturally demise.

The cosmic civilization has carefully cultivated many planets with complex ecosystems, all celestial bodies in the area, solid and gaseous planets, plasma stars, and even subatomic pulsars, white dwarfs as star remnants, etc.

All of them have been transformed into planets with complex ecosystems by cosmic civilization.

However, such a large number of planets with complex ecosystems have not been able to breed a large number of intelligent species. After the number of intelligent species surges to a certain number, the surge rate will begin to decline, just like the difficulty of ordinary creatures to awaken wisdom.

Obviously, there are so many planets with complex ecosystems that have no determination and wisdom, and it feels like some unknown force suppressing the awakening of biological wisdom.

And even if some species awaken their wisdom, they have been unable to build civilization.

In subsequent observations, the cosmic civilization found that after the destruction of some civilizations, those complex ecosystems that have been unable to awaken wisdom will occasionally awaken wisdom, and those intelligent species that have been unable to build civilization will accidentally ignite the fire of civilization.

There seems to be no connection between them, but there seems to be a connection. The number of civilizations and the number of intelligent species have always been in a relatively stable state.

Until all the complex ecosystems in the cultivation area collapsed due to their own problems, the number of civilizations was suppressed by an invisible hand, no longer showing the initial momentum of the surge, and maintained a relatively smooth trend, the number began to decline sharply.

In the end, all are destroyed.

This is completely different from the original expected result of cosmic civilization. According to their original conception, each planet in the whole breeding area will breed a smart species, and the breeding area will be full of civilization built by intelligent species.

Cosmic civilization even came up with a compromise to prevent these civilizations from competing for resources because they were too close.

What exactly is it?

What is the power, or things, suppressing the number of civilizations?

What caused the final result to appear like this?

The cosmic civilization that tried to obtain information by cultivating civilization ignited curiosity, and they wanted to know why it caused the current result.

Therefore, they carried out civilization experiments one after another in the cultivation area.

This cosmic civilization, which is more powerful than Hui civilization technology, gives the civilization in the cultivation area rich material resources, relatively safe environment, strong adaptability and so on.

But it is still inevitable that civilization will go to extinction. The process of extinction is reasonable, some because of some naturally occurring super virus, some because of wars caused by some social problems, and some because of the sudden destruction of natural disasters that even cosmic civilization has not even noticed...

After the 19th civilization cultivation, cosmic civilization terminated civilization cultivation because they were in danger. Some kind of naturally generated information virus passed through their information defense network that they did not know how many generations of improvement. Diffusion.

Although the cosmic civilization finally defeated the information virus at great cost, it also completely erased the entire cultivation area with a diameter of 3,000 light years from the universe.

Fortunately, cosmic civilization is not without harvest. They summarized the experimental results and came to the following conclusion that everything in the universe presents a probabilistic distribution, and so is civilization.

Take coins as an example. Coins have both sides, ignoring the probability of standing up, constantly throwing coins, and then calculating the probability according to the number of times that appear on the positive and negative sides. You will find that as the number of coins are thrown increases, the probability value calculated according to the number of occurrences on the positive and negative sides will continue to approach two. One in one.

Then think of the universe as a coin-like object, and the probability value is constant. That is to say, the more civilizations born naturally, the greater the probability of the destruction of the existing civilizations in the universe!

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