How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 182: Big Fish (1)

The most important body part for a novelist is undoubtedly their ‘hands.’ Even if their legs or back hurt, as long as they have their hands, they can write, even if they have to lie down. Even if their eyesight deteriorates, as long as it’s not complete blindness, writing is still possible. However, if their hands are injured or disabled, writing becomes a challenge not only for their literary work but also for their daily life. While it’s possible to write with the other hand, it takes much longer and feels awkward.

As a result, when readers learn that a writer’s hands are injured, they express sympathy and wish for a speedy recovery, as injuring the hands is a significant loss for a writer. This is because both the writer and readers suffer from such a situation.

Currently, the author of Xenon’s Biography, Xenon (Isaac), was facing a similar situation. Especially since Xenon has gained fame worldwide rather than in a specific country, countless readers have expressed their concern for his safety. If anything were to happen to him, the release of Xenon’s Biography could be delayed indefinitely, and it’s uncertain when the next installment would come out.

Moreover, while it typically takes around 1 to 2 months to publish a single book, Xenon’s Biography has been released much more frequently, to the point where it might seem excessive. The publishing frequency was notably fast.

Furthermore, there have been mentions from the publishing company about bloodstains on the manuscripts, which has heightened concerns about his well-being. Currently, since new installments have been coming out consistently, there haven’t been significant problems, but…

[“Xenon’s Biography” author, Xenon. Attacked by villains, he suffered a severe injury to his right hand…]

[Fortunately, his life is not in danger as the perpetrators have retreated. However, Xenon’s Biography…]

[An involuntary forced hiatus, and his right hand is injured…]

The news of Xenon being attacked by someone and injuring his right hand shocked readers beyond belief. It’s not just any body part, but his right hand, of all things. What’s more, it’s not just a minor injury; his fingers were severely deformed, reaching an extremely critical state.

The publisher, at first, didn’t believe it, as it was from a ghostwriter, but upon seeing the crooked handwritten signature, they accepted it as the truth. For a novelist, their hands, which are practically their greatest asset, being injured to that extent could potentially lead to a worst-case scenario of an ‘indefinite hiatus.’

[Readers’ anger because of Xenon’s Biography. They gather in front of the publisher, demanding explanations.]

[Key figures from various countries are also striving to find the culprit. However, searching for the culprit is virtually impossible when they don’t even know Xenon’s true identity.]

[The Holy Kingdom Xavier. Offering significant tributes, they asked Lumineus for divine punishment. However, the response they received was, ‘Wait. Time will resolve it.’]

[Where will the blade stained with anger be directed?]

Readers were furious. Xenon didn’t just have an accident; they were attacked by the culprit and injured their right hand. While the security in the capital might be sufficient, the outskirts of this world are far from ideal.

There are areas where bands of bandites frequently emerge to plunder, and even in the capital, it’s not entirely safe at night. Occasionally, news of someone being attacked by a mugger and severely injured or killed can be heard, making Xenon no different. Especially at night, the rogues out and about are mostly on a mission to attack.

There’s no guarantee that Xenon wouldn’t accidentally become a target, and given that they’ve suffered a serious injury to their right hand, readers’ anger began to swell to an immeasurable extent.

[Efforts began to find Xenon. With the significant injury to the right hand, there’s a chance they might be found if luck is on their side.]

[In the Bellua Republic, they found someone who injured their right hand around the same time, but it wasn’t Xenon. Just an ordinary knight.]

The anger of the readers has also increased, along with those who are trying to find Xenon. While there could only be so many people with injured right hands in this world, if someone was attacked by criminals during a similar period, the scope narrows significantly.

It was a reduction in range from searching for a needle in a desert to searching for a needle in a sand pit, but even that at least could actually be found.

Amidst this situation, there were criticisms about wanting to find Xenon, but there are also unavoidable aspects since it would be difficult to locate Xenon otherwise.

[Is Xenon’s right hand the only thing injured? Or did the villains know who Xenon was?]

[While it’s possible for the right hand to get injured due to frequent use, the probability that these villains knew Xenon’s identity and targeted them is significant.]

[Was the villain’s purpose really Xenon’s right hand? Or was it just a coincidence?]

It wasn’t as if there were no rational thinkers amidst the whirlwind of anger. Of course, if the villain indeed targeted Xenon’s right hand and caused harm, that would be a bigger problem on its own.

As the events gradually descended into chaos, the readers’ anger was reaching its boiling point, almost on the brink of exploding.

[Queen Arwen of Alvenheim. There is a fact that the citizens need to know.]

[Will Queen Arwen reveal this fact in such times? The surrounding nations, including Alvenheim’s citizens, are looking at her with suspicious eyes…]

[The second nationwide address since the half-blood incident. What is she going to reveal in the future?]

Unexpectedly, Queen Arwen of Alvenheim officially announced that she was preparing for another nationwide address after the half-blood incident. In the current situation where Xenon’s Biography was temporarily on hold, this move was somewhat difficult to understand.

However, Arwen was currently receiving fervent support from the citizens of Alvenheim. People from other countries, including their leaders, were momentarily intrigued and have shifted their positions, curious about what she might reveal.

She quelled the socially significant issue of mixed lineage with her exceptional oratory skills, and went further to unite the elves as one. Therefore, neighboring nations considered this a matter of concern.

Even though Xenon’s right hand was injured due to the attack by the villain, the state affairs had to be attended to. Numerous individuals, like the figures involved in the mixed lineage incident, were heading to Alvenheim, waiting to see what Queen Arwen would say.

All of this while having no clue of what events would unfold there.


Arwen’s speech took place in the Great Plaza of Yggdrasil, just as it did the last time. Dignitaries, including members of the council of elders, were seated towards the front to get a better view of Arwen, while VIPs from other countries sat in chairs arranged behind them.

The rest of the citizens and tourists gathered around as the elven warriors instructed, encircling the area. It wasn’t an ordinary speech, but a direct address to the entire nation by Arwen herself, attracting a large crowd.

“What exactly does she intend to say in this nationwide address?”

“Well… I have no idea either.”

Fieren, the head of the council of elders, couldn’t hide his bewilderment as he absentmindedly stroked his chin in response to his aide’s question. Making a nationwide address in this situation was quite unusual.

Even if she had prepared the speech beforehand, the circumstances weren’t favorable in many ways. The mixed lineage issue has been skillfully resolved, so it shouldn’t be related to that.

Especially during times of turmoil, making a speech at this moment might not yield significant political effects. This was just a temporary situation, and it’s obvious that soon enough, attention will shift back to Xenon, as clear as daylight.

‘What on earth? It’s not like she’d be upset just because her lover got hurt… He wouldn’t even have a reason to tell the Queen…’

Fieren touched his chin while the speech was being prepared, deep in thought. He had already internally confirmed that Xenon was Arwen’s former lover.

Furthermore, the possibility that Xenon had informed her of the culprit was close to zero. It was written in the pact they had made. The letters he sent to the publishing company only contained sentences about being attacked by a villain, he didn’t reveal his identity.

While it could be seen as exploiting a loophole in the pact, it wasn’t decisive evidence. Therefore, Arwen’s speech was likely purely coincidental.

Usually, speeches are given for significant political gains, but Fieren was unsure about the current situation. He didn’t know if it’s his lack of intuition or if she’s revealing another fact.

‘What is this uneasy feeling…?’

In his daily efforts to restrain Arwen, he had learned many facts about her. Firstly, Arwen possesses not only unique rhetoric skills but also outstanding political abilities.

Originally, politics involved establishing clear “enemies” to rally one’s own side. And Arwen treats the Council as her opposition, systematically recruiting prominent figures to her side.

After the racial war, the Council has been described as a setting sun, a toothless tiger, but it still couldn’t be ignored. Arwen alone cannot face them.

Due to this unease, he wondered if there might be something she’s hiding. However, the pact that Kalas brought a few days ago was undoubtedly true.

It was a moment when his intuition that had been developed through centuries of involvement in politics was triggered, yet the cause behind it was unknown. Fieren absentmindedly touched his chin, contemplating, and then belatedly realized that the seat next to him was empty. He had personally vacated the seat for Kalas, who had played a significant role in this matter, but the protagonist himself had not shown up.

“But where is Kalas? Where did Kalas go?”

“He said he had a family matter to attend to.”

“A family matter… well, there’s nothing we can do then.”

While the Council held significance, if there was a family matter, there was little that could be done. However, this only amplified Fieren’s unease.

Was Kalas really absent due to a family matter? If so, what was causing this unease? The reason Fieren had been able to participate in the Council for centuries was due to this intuition, yet without knowing the cause, he couldn’t act recklessly. Because trusting intuition doesn’t make the world emotionally predictable.

Ultimately, he had no choice but to hold his position until the anxiety was alleviated, even up until the moment right before the speech began.

“Everyone, be quiet! Her Majesty the Queen is entering!”

Just before the speech began, the announcer used amplification magic to announce Arwen’s entrance ahead of time. Unlike last time, the announcer’s voice was raised even before Arwen stepped onto the platform.

The roaring crowd that had filled the square immediately hushed, and a subtle atmosphere began to circulate within the hall. The onlookers had patiently waited for Arwen to ascend the platform.

Tap tap tap

The sound of footsteps echoed in the quiet square. People looked at Arwen as she ascended the podium. Even Fieren, with his arms crossed, silently observed her ascent with a somewhat haughty demeanor, still carrying an unknown unease within his chest.


Finally, Arwen, the Queen of Alvenheim, stood confidently on the elevated platform in front of the crowd. The spectators scrutinized her figure on the podium closely. Silver-gray hair and eyes resembling the milky way.. Delicately defined features like a girl’s, with a slender frame. Yet, the curved hip line below her slim waist exuded a mature charm.

During the half-blood incident, Arwen had appeared in a verdant dress that radiated freshness, unlike the silver dress she had worn now. She gazed around the crowd before meeting eyes with Fieren, who sat at the very front.

Despite their eye contact, Fieren remained silent and observed her motionlessly. The gray irises seemed to pull him in, concealing thoughts that were utterly unpredictable.

“…Everyone has gathered. Some have endured a long journey to be here.”

Arwen exchanged glances with Fieren, then turned her gaze forward and quietly began to speak. Her voice, amplified by magical means, enveloped the entire square like the flow of precious gems on a silver platter.

“You must be curious. Why, in such a crucial time, I have summoned you here to deliver a speech. It might seem puzzling or even absurd. However, what I am about to reveal to you, and perhaps to this world, might become an incredibly significant part of your lives.”

Continuing the calm speech, Arwen suddenly turned around and waved her hand as if beckoning someone to come. This action raised questions in the eyes of the observers.

Calling someone was inappropriate behavior during a speech. However, Arwen gestured as if she planned inviting them to come right from the beginning.

While everyone held doubts in their hearts and waited, someone slowly began to ascend onto the platform. Not by coming up directly, but being pulled by the warriors on either side.

Thud thud thud


“M-Mael and Lena… what on earth…?”

The people who were brought up to the platform by the warriors were none other than Kalas and his subordinates. Naturally, Fieren and his associates could only be perplexed.

Although they seemed fine at a glance, if you saw the expressions mingled with despair and resignation, you could sense that something had gone wrong. Only then did Fieren realize the true nature of his underlying anxiety.

Even if something went wrong, this went horribly wrong. To a serious extent.

As a seasoned politician who had been involved in politics for hundreds of years, he overworked his head trying to figure out how this situation came to be, but nothing came out. Kalas wouldn’t have betrayed them, and the pact was undoubtedly true.

There was not a single possible reason for this mess, so Fieren couldn’t understand what had happened at all.

“Who are those people?”

“Well, who knows? They seem like criminals or something…”

“Why would they bring criminals up to the platform? What big mistake could they have committed?”


The crowd, unaware of the detailed circumstances, could only speculate that they must be criminals. They have no idea how grave their mistakes are.

As soon as Kalas and his subordinates stepped onto the stage, Arwen glanced at Fieren inside the turbulent square. With a pale complexion, Fieren was revealing his emotions.

In response, she held a bitter smile within and shouted with strength in her voice.

“Everyone must already know the news that Xenon’s right hand has been injured by an unidentified villain! Look at the faces of these sinners! The sinners’ names are Kallas, Mael, and Lena!”

As Arwen shouted, the rumbling of the crowd quickly subsided.

Lastly, using her compelling voice, she yelled to the crowd.

“Under the orders of the leader of the Council, Firen Garit Stormwalker, they are the criminals who attacked Xenon!”

The fuse was all burned out, and the bomb exploded.

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