How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 183: Big Fish (2)

As mentioned earlier, Fieren’s political career spanned over hundreds of years. From before the Racial War to the present day, he has held significant influence within the Council of Elders and has experienced various challenges during that time.

There were times within the Council when factions divided and choices had to be made. During the Racial War, the Council of Elders made ill-fated decisions that even threatened its existence.

However, Fieren managed to barely survive each of those crises. The methods used to navigate these crises were diverse – through manipulation and instigation, truth and logic, and sometimes even through underhanded tactics that no one knew about.

Based on these approaches, Fieren has sustained the Council of Elders through times of crisis and ultimately ascended to the position of High Councillor, wielding immense power. But the pure convictions he had upon entering the Council of Elders in the distant past have been tainted over time by power, leaving only greed and arrogance. Those who have tasted the flavor of power cannot escape it, much like being addicted to a drug.

Fieren managed to keep the Alvenheim kings, who always sought more power, in check at critical moments. As the royal authority grew stronger, the influence of the Council of Elders diminished.

Throughout their life, Fieren encountered various crises, overcoming them smoothly with experience and adaptability. However, the crisis of a lifetime has now returned.

“Intruders who attacked Xenon under the orders of Fieren Garit Stormwalker, the leader of the Council of Elders!”

Arwen shouted with a powerful voice that echoed through the square. The amplification magic caused her voice to reverberate in the square.

As if the echo had consumed all other sounds, the reverberations faded, leaving the square eerily quiet. The silence was so deep that even the sound of a cough could be heard loudly.

Her revelation plunged the citizens gathered in the square and foreign dignitaries into a massive shock.

“What… What was that?”

“Clearly… She said it’s Fieren, a member of the Council.”

“Those… criminals over there attacked Xenon?”

The unbelievable truth began to stir the crowd. The citizens of Alvenheim knew well what the Council of Elders represented and who Fieren was.

The Council of Elders has silently held its position as a symbol of Alvenheim for hundreds of years, so it’s not surprising that many things about it remain unknown. Furthermore, during the time of the racial war, the horrific actions of the Council of Elders led Alvenheim to defeat, making it impossible to even consider favorable evaluations.

However, Arwen’s actions here were not merely fanning the flames in a place already ablaze, but rather pouring oil relentlessly onto the fire.

“Lord Fieren, what in the world is…”

“… …”

Just like his bewildered attendants, Lord Fieren was equally startled. No, it was beyond surprise; he felt his heart sink.

Where exactly had things gone wrong? The pact was not a lie, and there was no suspicious behavior from Kalas. It was even dubious to label him a spy. He had met Kalas face-to-face for decades, and seeing him captured and put on trial like a criminal, he was definitely not a spy.

Hence, it was through some means that he had deduced Kalas’s crime, yet even after thoroughly investigating the past, nothing came to light. While Fieren was lost in profound confusion, Arwen, who had delivered the bombshell statement earlier, spoke. Her voice was incongruent with her petite stature, resonating with authority.

“These criminals harmed Xenon, who bestowed upon us unimaginable favors, not for his graciousness, but merely because they possessed dangerous knowledge! They mercilessly defiled the right hand of Xenon, who granted us immeasurable grace! They acted unilaterally, disregarding the opinion of Alvenheim’s queen, me!”

Even as Arwen shouted, there was no appropriate response. That’s only natural, considering how shocking the situation was, compounded by the severe lack of definitive “evidence.”

Her oratory ability has been demonstrated as seen before, but this time it was on a much larger scale and significantly more impactful. If not careful, Alvenheim might succumb to pressure from neighboring countries and could even face war in the worst-case scenario.

Once manipulation based on falsehood takes root, undoing that falsehood requires substantial evidence, making manipulation all the more challenging. Even if public opinion currently favors Arwen, the citizens are not easily swayed.

“How do you all view the Council of Elders? Do you truly believe they are working for the advancement of our Alvenheim? Due to the Council’s wrongdoing, we’ve suffered the disgrace of defeat in racial war, and furthermore, they’ve suppressed numerous areas all under the pretext of being the chosen ones! They’re even attempting to suppress our brilliantly shining culture now!”

Therefore, Arwen began to meticulously point out the wrongdoings committed by the Council of Elders one by one. Given the Council’s wide recognition, its wrongdoings are also widely known.

Occasionally, minor misdeeds could have been concealed by the Council’s manipulation of history, but just as seen in the racial war, significant transgressions can’t be covered up. Even common folk understand this, and the citizens of Alvenheim explicitly acknowledge this fact.

The Council of Elders is a group filled with corrupt power. Yet, it’s maintained steadily thus far due to its status as a symbol.

Not only the new generation of elves but also the previous generation acknowledged the achievements of the Council of Elders, yet they remained cautious. They support it solely because it’s a ‘symbol’ that shared history.

“The world is rapidly changing! However, they’re turning a blind eye to this fast-changing world, merely prioritizing their current well-being! Not for the well-being of Alvenheim, but for their own safety, they’re suppressing our beautiful culture! But will they only suppress Xenon? Are you all truly going to suppress only Xenon?”

“The world is changing rapidly! However, they are turning a blind eye to the swiftly changing world and simply prioritizing their current well-being! Not for the well-being of Alvenheim, but for their own security, they are oppressing the beautiful culture! But will they only oppress Xenon? When you all are building up the beautiful culture piece by piece, if the Council does not approve, they will bring harm just like they did to Xenon! And they will shatter that culture into pieces!”

“W-well, you’re right. Xenon was hiding his true identity.”

“What makes us any different?”

“Those Council folks… causing trouble again…”

Normally, if a convincing story is presented, sedition tends to sway people easily. Just like now.

If the Council’s usual behavior had been righteous and clean, it might be different, but due to their past actions, the masses started to sympathize one by one.

Even Xenon, who had been living in hiding, was harmed. Is there really any difference when it comes to themselves? Can they freely express their art in this country?

Even if they were to immigrate to another country, if they don’t align with the Council’s views, they’ll chase them down to the end, just like they did with Xenon. Is freedom then possible?

Impossible. As long as the Council exists, not only will culture be suppressed, but even negative remarks about the elves are likely to be oppressed.

Like ripples forming when a stone is thrown into a tranquil lake, the hearts of the masses were also deeply stirred.

Upon seeing the crowd somewhat shaken, Arwen immediately shouted at the Kalas’s group.

“I ask the sinners! Is it true that you followed Fieren’s orders and harmed Xenon?”

“…Yes. That’s correct.”

“Xenon has never caused harm to you. So why did this happen?”

“The knowledge Xenon possessed… it’s dangerous, that’s why.”

Kalas replied briefly, but thanks to the amplification magic on his voice, the crowd could all hear. His testimony continued, and the crowd grew more aggressive. However, one final blow was missing. Arwen shifted her gaze towards Fieren for that final blow.

Fieren maintained a composed expression outwardly, but his pale complexion betrayed the turmoil he was undergoing internally. In response, Arwen spoke in a quiet voice.

“From the mouth of the sinner, Fieren, a member of the Council of Elders, was named. Councilor Fieren, step onto this platform.”

“… …”

“If you do not step forward, we will bring you up by force.”

Simultaneously, Elven warriors began to approach Fieren’s side with powerful strides. There was no hesitation, as if they had discussed this beforehand.

“Stand aside! I will walk on my own!”

“… …”

Yet, whether out of pride or some other reason, Fieren staunchly refused their guidance. The Elven warriors proceeded to the platform, forming a protective escort without uttering a word.

Eventually, Fieren adjusted his slightly disheveled attire and approached the platform where Arwen stood. Even as he ascended, the crowd’s murmurs and roars showed no signs of abating.

Finally, Fieren, a member of the Council of Elders, stood upon the platform where the queen was present. Before meeting Arwen’s gaze, he cast a piercing look towards Kalas and his subordinates, who were kneeling like sinners.

Not long ago, Fieren had been one to praise him, but now that was not the case. Having failed in his mission and having pushed himself into jeopardy, he seemed nothing more than a villain.

If this situation is passed over, not only will they expel him from the Council of Elders, but they also plan to pressure his family. With this incident, the influence of the Council of Elders will undoubtedly diminish further.

“… Your Majesty, this time you’ve gone too far with your jest.”

Fieren maintained composure as much as possible while addressing Arwen. However, it was easy to see that he was tense, as sweat trickled down his cheek. Arwen also noticed this immediately and smiled inwardly. There was still one move left, but she was aiming for the right timing.

“You call it a jest? I spoke the truth.”

“The truth, you say, but I don’t know who those people are.”

“You don’t know? Your name was mentioned by those criminals, and yet you’re pretending not to know?”

“Isn’t it natural to deny knowing someone you don’t know?”

Fieren continued to lie in order to find a way out. Their conversation was being broadcasted through magic.

“How amusing. You roared that you had to find Xenon for me… Are you really pretending? If you admit your guilt obediently, I, as a member of the Queen, will offer you the utmost leniency.”

“Seeing you fabricate nonexistent crimes, it seems you disliked me so much. If I’m guilty, wouldn’t there be evidence? Just the testimony of mere criminals is insufficient.”

“Evidence… Right. Evidence. As you say.”


When the keyword ‘evidence’ was mentioned by Fieren, Arwen smiled and lightly flicked her fingers. In an instant, a wave of mana surged, forming something rectangular and flat on the stage.

It was about the size of a movie theater screen. Even the crowd watching from a distance, including Fieren, could see it vividly. All eyes turned towards the screen.

And what the screen was showing was…

[So, did you find Xenon?]

It was the image of Kalas and Fieren having a discreet conversation in the mansion. As soon as Fieren saw the image, her face turned pale in an instant.

[Of course. Humans are truly unremarkable. Especially a publishing company executive, an utterly incompetent human – easy to track.]

[Oh, impressive. I thought Xenon might have concealed his identity by borrowing power from another race. Like demons, for instance.]

As the conversation progressed, Fieren’s complexion became more dismal, and the crowd fell silent in an instant.

With clear evidence before them, who could present any disagreement? Recording magic could be edited, but manipulation was absolutely impossible.

However, Arwen excluded the part where Xenon’s true identity (although fake) was directly revealed. It could potentially cause confusion no matter how fake it might be.

[That’s enough of that. By the way, I wonder if the ‘persuasion’ worked.]

[Well, as expected, the persuasion didn’t work. He seemed more willing to stand up against those who censor his precious culture rather than joining the same side as them. Isn’t that the nature of an artist?]

[That is indeed a characteristic of artists. So?]

[We’ve taken some measures to ensure he never entertains such thoughts again. He was quick to break down in tears and beg, saying he’d rather not write for the rest of his life.]

[Hahahahaha! Very well. I’m curious about this action you mentioned. Can you tell me more?]

[Well… I’ve broken their fingers so he won’t be able to write for a while.]

The onlookers had similar thoughts upon witnessing this scene. They felt like they were going to vomit. They wished they could just look away now and begged them to stop. Some tightly shut their eyes, while others sealed their lips as if not believing what they were seeing.

While it was impossible to fully comprehend the extent of Xenon’s suffering, the more they listened to the story, the more vivid their imaginations became. How agonizing it must have been. How humiliating. How challenging. For an artist, shattered by these greedy individuals filled with avarice, merely surviving without committing suicide was an act of great courage.

[I’ve brought something that I believe you will find pleasing, Lord Fieren.]

[This is…]

[A pact, my lord.]

[A pact?]

The fact that they even formed a ‘pact’ that was beyond imagination left the crowd in awe. Just like elves, who are known for their magic, they also understand what kind of pact it is.

Once it is made, they have no choice but to act according to what’s written in the pact. In other words, this means that Xenon can’t write the stories he wants to tell in his Xenon’s Biography anymore.

In short, because of those greedy elves, it means that the development of the Xenon’s Biography has been completely ruined.

[Thanks to you, the Council of Elders will be able to exert its influence.]

With Fieren’s words, the evidence came to an end there. However, no one, including Fieren, spoke hastily.

The evidence Arwen showed was something that could shake not only Alvenheim but the entire world.

Around the time when the long silence had settled in the hall like that.

“Well, what a damn bastard!!”

Starting with someone’s vehement shout, the crowd erupted.

“Choke that damn elf’s neck right now!!”

“It’s disgraceful to call him a fellow elf!”

“The Council of Elders should be abolished quickly! Otherwise, there’s no hope for the country!!”

As one, the crowd began to criticize Fieren. It wasn’t just criticism but blame, insults, and words too vile to be spoken all surged like a storm.

Arwen looked at Fieren while listening to those sounds as if her ears were blocked. Fieren had a bewildered expression as if he couldn’t believe this reality.

“I, the Queen of Alvenheim, command.”

“… …”

“The representative of the Council of Elders and the sinner, Fieren Gerit Stormwalker, to be restrained!”

As soon as her command fell, Fieren’s sanity returned. However, it was already too late.



Suddenly, the approaching elven warriors subdued him swiftly. They first forced his arms, preventing any resistance, and then made him kneel.

Once again, Fieren was not a soldier but a politician. Moreover, he was too old to stand against the warriors, his wrinkles speaking of his age.

“Let go, release me! How dare you…”

“Seems like you still haven’t regained your senses. Councilor Fieren, no, a criminal.”


Now, throwing away all formality, Fieren even released his words. Arwen watched him with scornful eyes.

The Council could no longer persist. In a precarious situation to begin with, the council’s existence was hanging by a thread. And now, with the seal snap, there was only disappearance left in the future.

“Do you really think you can rule Alvenheim well without us? The inexperienced queen who knows nothing about how the Council has governed Alvenheim until now!!”

“I know well. But can I keep a rotten leg?”

Even though Fieren shouted in frustration, Arwen’s response was clear. Naturally, Fieren was engulfed in anger.

“Strike his neck now!!”

“Your Majesty! Please, wipe away that filthy thing! It’s an embarrassment for the elves!”

“How dare you harm Xenon, who even the gods have acknowledged?! If Alvenheim falls, it’s all your fault!!”

Even amid this, the voices of the crowd grew louder. Some occasionally couldn’t contain their anger and attempted to lash out, but they were quickly restrained by the warriors. As the barrage of insults against him continued, Fieren felt himself weakening, while also realizing that he couldn’t end things here. Arwen picked up on that part as well. However, she remained still. She had a rough idea of what he was about to reveal.

Next, Fieren made up his mind and instead of addressing Arwen, he shouted towards the crowd. “Listen up, everyone! His name is Xenon Cloud!”

“… …”

“He’s an old human man living in the Hask region of the Ters Kingdom! He sports a well-groomed beard, and his eyes are blue amidst his white hair!”

As if he couldn’t die alone, Fieren began to expose Xenon’s fake identity. But it fell far short of quelling the exploding crowd. Of course, there were those who would listen, but it didn’t matter. Since everything was fake anyway, it didn’t matter whether it was revealed or not. At that moment when Arwen was about to signal to lead him away, Fieren blurted out a bombshell.

“And he’s also the lover of Arwen Elodia, who is supposed to be a queen and is engaging in absurd acts!”


What is this nonsense again? Arwen, of course, and even the crowd, upon hearing that bombshell declaration, were taken aback and stopped their anger.

“Did you think I didn’t know? I sensed it from the moment I heard the story that you gave a speech he wrote you! Could I not tell that, unless you were lovers, would you continue to stay in contact until now and do something like this?”

“W-what are you…! Take the criminal away immediately!”

Arwen gave the order hastily, unable to conceal her bewilderment. However, even as Fieren was being dragged away by the warriors, he didn’t stop his outburst.

“This age will be recorded in history like this! A usurper who lost the kingdom for the sake of a mere human lover! What will that mean once that human dies!! I will watch over everything! Everything!! With my own eyes!!”

“… …”

Afterward, Fieren was led down from the platform, but…

“The Queen… is she really with Xenon?”

“Is that true?”

“What’s the deal with the story about the speech?”

The crowd began to murmur in a different sense.

“Wait. Come to think of it, could Xenon also have failed to connect with the elven queen and wrote that story in a book?”

“Really? Then…”

“Doesn’t the whole thing fit perfectly?”

Villains, originally, are known to cause problems until the end.

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