I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 86: Yang Mei Mei?!

Chapter 86: Yang Mei Mei?!

I carefully lifted the manhole cover and cloaked myself with Qi energy. I was careful enough to match the Qi energy of the camouflage so I won't trigger any alarms once I was inside. To explain it better, I was like a bubble, being forced into a bigger bubble. If we were of the same substance, then the chance of the bubble popping because of me is next to impossible.


The underground sewers were as dark as I imagined them to be. Fortunately enough, the sewer water wasn't exactly that dirty so it didn't reek of anything unpleasant. Of course, the musty odor and the smell of moss couldn't be helped but other than that, there wasn't anything else worth noting.

Now that I think about it, I was too preoccupied with everything that happened in this shelter that I forgot to check the status of Liu Zhi's party and Luo Zehn. I quickly called out for the System panels to come out.

"Looks like they made it out okay. That's reassuring." I muttered to myself after seeing that they were now in full health just like how they should normally be.


Suddenly, I detected a presence from behind me and I immediately reached out my hand. Before I knew it, I heard a yelp.

"Eek~," The voice said as I pinned someone down.

"Who are you?" I growled.

I immediately realized that it was the same kid that was scurrying around the marketplace back then. He was wearing the same hood just like before so out of impulse, I grabbed the edge of the hood and removed it from his face.

"Eek~ d-d-don't look at me!" The kid exclaimed.


Chotto matte!!!

I immediately unclasped my hands from the kid. "Ah, I'm sorry. You were sneaking up to me that I lost control of myself," I quickly apologized.

Blond hair, pale blue eyes, and a slender body. To think that I would mistake a teenager as a kid was an embarrassment. Because of her hood and her stature, I immediately thought that she was a kid. But after seeing her face, I could tell that she was thirteen at most. And for a thirteen-year-old, her proportions are well-balanced. She was pretty beautiful, honestly.

And yes, she's a girl. Oops.

"Who are you?" She asked, gritting her teeth, She then pulled out two daggers from her pockets and charged towards me.

"Kid, listen up. Don't misunderstand. I'm here to help." I said, trying to negotiate as I dodge a flurry of attacks from her. She was pretty agile for a teenager. And at most, she's in the Emperor Realm.

A genius! How could a teenager get to Emperor Realm so easily?

"Don't. Call. Me. A. Kid!" The girl exclaimed as she released yet another outburst of dagger slashes. She was getting faster and faster.

Then again, the difference in our power was too much and I am quite fast myself. I didn't have to exert a minuscule amount of effort to effectively dodge all her attacks. "But aren't you a kid?" I asked.

"I'm EIGHTEEN!" She exclaimed.

What? Lucky! I mean what?!

Suddenly, she leaned in too far into her attack that it looked like she was falling face-first to the floor. Without thinking, I hurriedly went forward to catch her.

There was a hint of a smile on her face as she regained her footing in a hundredth of a second. Without hesitation, she lunged her trusty dagger straight at my throat.


Who would've thought that someone in the Emperor Realm would catch me off-guard like that? Man, this girl sure is beautiful. Her face keeps on distracting me during this fight.

"Enough!" I said as I released a tiny amount of killing intent towards her. One moment she was aiming at my throat, the next moment, she was down on the ground. Her daggers fell from her hands as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Uwahhhh~" She cried.

Wait... what? Why is she crying?

"N-no. I don't want to get eaten. Please spare me." She cried. "I'll do anything. Just please, let me live... "

So that's the reason.

Honestly, when I first saw her, I thought that she was a tough kid. Albeit being hunted down by the people aboveground, she still found the courage to go there. And right now, she even took the initiative to attack me. She may be putting up a front but deep inside, she was scared.

This shelter... sucks.

I gently knelt down in front of her and she flinched in response. I extended my hand and gave her a warm hug as she continued crying. Just like how Wu Yan comforted me back when I was in the brink of death, I decided to comfort this kid. "Now now, don't say something like that. Aren't you going to continue fighting? I told you I came here to help. You should listen from time to time, you know." I calmly told her as I stroked her head. 

The moment I hugged her, I immediately realized that she felt uneasy and that she didn't know what to do. But just when I was about to retract my hands, she grabbed me by my clothes as if she was clinging onto her dear life. Tears and snot filled my hood as she continued bawling her eyes out in silence. 

Ahh~ I came here to save everyone and now I have to babysit someone? Seriously.

We stayed like that for a few minutes since... honestly, I didn't know what to do. I missed my timing to retract my hands and now I don't know how to go about it. Should I just slowly push her? Should I wait for her to let me go? What do I do?!

Just when I was pondering about my next move, the girl lifted her head up and she saw me staring right back at her. Luckily, this caused her to back away as she held her face in embarrassment. "Please don't tell anyone about this?"

"About what?"

"About me... um... crying." She said. "And also, thank you um,"

"Yongrui, just call me Yongrui." I said. I inwardly heaved a sigh of relief since I was finally free from that hug out of impulse.

"Thank you, Yongrui." She said. "Thank you for coming to our aid."

"No, it's fine... um, what's your name?"

"Oh, pardon my late introductions. I'm Yang Mei Mei, you can call me Mei Mei." She said. 



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